
Repercussions of Gringotts Attack Ⅱ

An emergency Hogwarts Board meeting is held by the icy, handsome, Chairman Lucius Malfoy, who possessed pale, long-haired blond. Elegant and stylish ever, he arrives early a rather rare occasion. As usual, his elegant opera cloak fluttered behind him. His walking stick is noticeably missing an oddity to be sure. He is one of the first to arrive in the great chambers passing through the great oak doors.

Lucius very much preferred to make a statement, but now was not the time. He had great plans and he was not about to miss the opportunity to destroy Garrick Arnold. He takes his seat and pauses only to first bow to the formidable Japanese wizard, Izuki Sato. Mr. Sato returns the bow causing his long sleek hair pulled back in an elegant top knot to glint in the light. The solemn wizard wears robes categorically more associated with the East.

Since they are early, Izuki Sato closes his eyes to meditate, when Lucius loudly clears his throat. Showing no signs of annoyance, Izuki Sato raises his gaze to meet the icy blue eyes of the Chairman. "Sato, you and your family will return to the far east to see the cherry blossoms bloom, no?"

"It is a tradition that spans thousands of years," Izuki Sato solemnly explained. "My children are young and have yet to commence Hogwarts. Therefore, their studies will not be affected as such we shall make the most of the Cherry Blossom Festival."

"I heard that even the muggles of your country appreciate the blooming of the Cherry Blossoms is that true?" Lucius asked with a bit of genuine fascination in his voice.

"Mm, it is a tradition that both wizardkind and muggles share in my country," Izuki Sato acknowledged.

Their conversation ceased as multiple footsteps are heard as the council members all arrive shortly one after the other. Each time, they passed into the oak-colored doors the board members would stiffen in shock. A sight they would have never believed in a hundred years lay before their eyes. Chairman Malfoy had arrived early even earlier than them!

The last to arrive is Maxwell Zheng, a wizard with almond-shaped eyes, dark hair, and thin lips. (A proud descendant of a famous Chinese explorer). His friend, a wizard with clear eyes and wiry, trimmed hair, Leif Amundsen (also a descendent of a famous Norwegian explorer) knowingly grins at him. Maxwell Zheng barely refrains from rolling his eyes and murmurs his apologies something about letting the Kneazle out of the house and having to coax it back inside.

Seeing that is everyone is present except for one, Garrick Arnold, Lucius Malfoy says, "Good evening, members of the Hogwarts Board. You have all been urgently summoned to discuss the actions and consequences of Garrick Arnold."

"He is still imprisoned is he not?" Inquired, a beautiful, olive-skinned Spanish witch, Francesca De Leon. The curved beauty purses her full lips and narrows her gorgeous almond-like eyes. "Rumor has it that Garrick Arnold claims he acted under the influence of the Imperius Curse cast by his cousin, Quilliam Arnold."

A loud snort is heard from Leif Amundsen, who rubs his cleft chin with one hand. "We all know that he and his cousin have been relatively close as of late. Especially since Garrick Arnold impregnated Dementia Pewtritt and was forced to wed her in a hurry. I would wager that he was fleeing his marriage more than anything else."

"Be that the case or not," Frederick Livingstone rumbled the older wizard furrowing his bushy brows. His square face is solemn and his hair is wild as ever as he continues. "We cannot in good conscience deny the stacks of letters that we have received from sponsors and concerned parents requesting the removal of Garrick Arnold from the board."

A dark-eyed wizard in his middle age with prematurely white hair, Secundus Wilkes interjects, "Furthermore, I have already briefly spoken to the Head of the Arnold family and regardless of the outcome, Garrick Arnold's rights as heir will be revoked and passed down to his unborn son. His wife, Dementia (nee Pewtritt) will act as regent in her unborn child's stead until he becomes of age."

Maxwell Zheng clicks his tongue and shakes his head. "Considering Garrick Arnold's pride, I do believe he would prefer death than to be reliant on his wife's purse strings."

There are murmurs of agreement throughout the council chamber, before Lucius Malfoy in a collected fashion returns to the subject at hand. "Shall we commence the vote? All those in favor of removing Garrick Arnold from his position on the board say, Aye?"

"Aye," the majority of the board answered with only two board members abstaining from the vote.

"The majority has spoken; Garrick Arnold is hereby stripped of his position and duties on the Hogwarts Board." Lucius Malfoy declared with a smug gleam in his eye. "In that regard, there is now a void on the board. Are there any recommendations to fill the vacancy?"

There is a moment of silence as every carefully ponders the request. "If I may, might I suggest Walburga Black fill the vacancy," Francesca De Leon proposed to the shock of the board including Lucius Malfoy himself.

"Walburga Black is rather conservative," Frederick Livingstone pensively pointed out. "I would have thought you would suggest a more progressive candidate, De Leon."

Francesca De Leon bristled for a moment narrowing her dark eyes dangerously at the older wizard. "Walburga Black not only holds sufficient expertise and clout in society, but she is also a formidable witch in her own right. Furthermore, the Black family has increased significantly in power even ignoring the return of excluded branches."

"Have you already forgotten the sacrifice of Alphard Black, who was awarded postmortem a medal of the Second Order of Merlin?" Francesca De Leon grimly chided. "T'was Walburga Black who received the medal in her younger brother's stead. And that is exactly the type of noble and loyal examples that we need showcasing the best that Hogwarts has to offer especially among those from Slytherin."

"Indeed," Secundus Wilkes vehemently agreed. "The image of Slytherin has vastly improved with the emergence of the Princes being descendants of Salazar Slytherin. However, as the war continues to escalate, we cannot deny that a fair amount of Death Eaters are former Slytherins' especially the one who calls himself the Dark Lord, Tom Marvolo Riddle, a descendant of the House of Gaunt, and a parselmouth. It will not even matter that there are Death Eaters from each of the Four Houses. Sooner or later, the common masses will pin the blame on Slytherin stating that our House only produces dark wizards."

"An utter travesty," Frederick Livingstone echoed shaking his head causing his wild hair to flail even more. "However, one that we cannot ignore considering the most recent attack. It is as Wilkes said only a matter of time until the Daily Prophet says otherwise."

"Then we are in agreement," Francesca De Leon said as she looked at the board members. "Or are their other proposals?"

"I had thought to perchance propose Cornelius Fudge," said, a balding wizard with portly cheeks resembling those of a bulldog, Earl Porter, a long-time member of the board. "He is rather eager to serve and more than willing to be of aid to the board."

"He married a whore," Frederick Livingstone sneered in disgust.

"Considering how often you visit the flowers by the wayside, I would think ye are green with envy Frederick Livingstone," Earl Porter snarled. "Then again, what flower would marry a decrepit old man who can't even get it up without the aid of a potion!"

Frederick Livingstone's face turned red-violet in fury. "Why you flabby, crotchety-."

"Gentlemen," Izuki Sato's grave voice pierced through the argument as both wizards shamefully return to their seats shooting daggers at each other with their eyes. The board patiently waits for the Japanese wizard to speak as he only ever did so deliberately.

"As Miss De Leon mentioned, Walburga Black has both power and wealth, a master at wielding her strengths within her own sphere," Izuki Sato plainly stated. "It would be remiss of us to ignore such skills and talents," before falling silent again.

The board members appear thoughtful after the comment of Izuki Sato. Seeing the wind change in his favor, Lucius Malfoy says, "We have two candidates to fill the vacancy left by Garrick Arnold. The board shall cast their vote by saying the name of their preferred candidate."

One by one each board member gives the name of their candidate until everyone has voted. "There were three votes cast in favor of Cornelius Fudge and eight votes in favor of Walburga Black. The majority has spoken, Walburga Black will fill the vacancy on the Hogwarts Board."

"Is there any other matter to discuss?" Lucius asked and at seeing none, he says, "Then this meeting is adjourned."

The Hogwarts Board members chat as they depart ready to inform friends and families of the changes to the Hogwarts Board. Naturally, that included the Daily Prophet. One never knows when a favor might go a long way!

However, there are two who are the last to leave the board, Lucius Malfoy and Earl Porter. "I once again express my gratitude, Porter," Lucius thanked the balding, portly wizard.

"Nonsense, it was a pleasure, Chairman Malfoy," Earl Porter waved the thanks away before a cheeky grin appears on his face. "I would have riled Frederick Livingstone for less."

Seeing the questioning look on Lucius Malfoy's face, Earl Porter shrugs and says, "Some people hate each other on sight, Chairman Malfoy. That is very much the case between Frederick and me."

"Regardless, I would not have been able to as easily sway the board in favor of my cousin-in-law by marriage," Lucius acknowledged.

"No, I have to thank you for aiding my second-cousin Cornelius Fudge," Earl Porter sincerely said. "He would not have been able to find a position within the Magical Congress of the United States of America as easily without the Malfoy's influence. Cornelius and his wife, Katelyn are quite happy to raise their growing family in America."

"Yes, yes, of course," Lucius Malfoy politely said although internally he was shuddering at the thought of moving to the new world. The people there were rather uncouth and almost barbaric in their rudeness. And frankly, he could not imagine marrying beneath him, especially a former courtesan!

The two of them politely go their separate ways not long after each with news to share with their families. However, in Lucius Malfoy's case, he knew his wife would be greatly thrilled as well as in in-laws. More importantly, as his wife, Narcissa was a Black by birth, the addition of Walburga Black would serve only to improve the power that Malfoy held, (and that of the Black family)!

Ah, yes, personally I believe Walburga Black probably was a mix of Sirius and Bellatrix rather pureblooded yet reckless. Uncertain how to form proper relationships to an extent due to her upbringing. Walburga probably would have been a lot happier having something to do outside her home. I mean, that is what Bellatrix desired and why she is one of the few if not only female Death Eater. Expectations of their position and pureblood status probably limited their choices in life.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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