
Return to Prince Manor Ⅱ

The grounds are covered in thick snow from the fierce winter storm that had arrived not long after their departure. Rowan's teeth instantly begin to clatter from the frosty cold since she is only wearing a ballgown. Without any hesitation, James instantly removes his outer robes and covers Rowan. With a grateful expression, she thankfully accepts the warm outer robes from James.

Reginald frowns at the boy's actions, while Georgine gives James Potter a nod of approval. The boy came from a pureblood family and Fleamont Potter was no slouch either. Should their two houses be tied in such a manner, she would not protest. Though Georgine knew very well that her brother, Reginald and Fleamont would undoubtedly oppose such a union between the two families.

Indeed, Fleamont much like Reginald Prince frowned at his son's actions. He had no wish for his son to be tied to Reginald Prince's granddaughter! He shuddered at the mere thought of being in-laws!

Striding firmly forward, Reginald waves his wand casting the Hot Air Charm. Blasts of hot air emerge come from his wand causing a fog to sprout around them as he instantly melts a path for them to traverse across the ground. They all hurry forward across the vast snow-covered grounds towards the large castle-like manor that loomed in the nearby distance.

James nearly stumbles in shock at seeing the looming castle-like edifice. "Is that-," he sputtered in disbelief, "-Prince Manor?"

"Mm," Severus sniffed rather loudly with a hint of smugness. "No need to be so shocked, James, I know that the Potter home is not that small either according to Sirius."

James loudly chokes at Severus's response. "Yes, but our home is more a farm-style cottage. This is practically a castle!" It really was.

"Of course," Severus proudly answered with a knowing smirk causing Rowan to roll her eyes. It was as if one day all of this would be Severus's…...well, technically it would be.

"Such modesty, Severus," Rowan drily interjected causing Severus to glower at his twin sister for taking the wind out of his sails.

"What? I am simply stating a fact!" Severus huffed causing Rowan to eye her brother as though he was an idiot.

Still even Rowan couldn't deny the fact that Prince Manor is simply enchanting. Even from the distance, Prince Manor appears to be breathtaking as always. The front door of the manor is covered in mistletoe and holly wreaths enchanted to form wondrous shapes every couple of minutes.

The doors swing open to reveal the entire small house elf family. Dawn wears her holiday livery with mistletoe decorations in her air. At her side, is little Laldey in a crisp white button shirt and adorable holiday overalls with the Prince crest embroidered on them. On the other hand, Tadbey refuses to participate in such human festivities. He wears his usual crisp blue overalls, a perfectly ironed crisp white shirt, and spectacles that hang on his long nose.

"Welcome home, Master!" Dawn happily squeaked as the mistletoe decorations in her hair shake from excitement. Laldey quickly chimes after his mother to copy her, "Welcome home, master's!" While Tadbey only grunts in reply at their return.

"Thank you, Dawn," Rowan and Severus said in greeting before a faint smile crosses both of their faces. "And to you as well, Laldey,"

Laldey beams with pride as Dawn says, "Dawn will take the young master and mistresses' things to the bedrooms, and shortly return with refreshments." Dawn easily levitates the luggage with Laldey cheerfully toddling after his mother eager to help.

Reginald's lips curls at the very thought of having to present Prince Manor to Fleamont Potter and his son. Thankfully, Georgine smoothly steps in and formally says, "Welcome to Prince Manor. The Prince family is honored to host the Potter's within these halls."

Fleamont stiffly nods and murmurs, "The Potters are honored-." Reginald snorts causing Fleamont to narrow his eyes, "-to be invited to Prince Manor."

James dumbly nods his head in agreement as he studies the festive halls of Prince Manor. The elegant, lavish halls are decorated with fresh pine trees decorated with tasteful Christmas decorations. The air is filled with the scent of spices and various scents of holiday incense. Even the portraits are up for the holidays as one of the portraits that hung in the hall changes with the seasons. It is that of a cottage that at present is warm and glowing with light amid a fierce snowstorm that roars outside of the cozy cottage.

James is brought out of his awestruck state by a loud piercing shriek. He turns his head towards the source only to spot an enormous, but gorgeous peacock halts further down the hallway. The peacock unfurls its feathers impressively and territorially strides forward and eyes the intruders within Prince Manor. The peacock at noticing James's gazes even more aggressively stomps forward glaring pointedly at them.

"What the-," James arched his brow in bewilderment, "is that a peacock?" He exclaimed in disbelief pointing at the gorgeous colored plumaged bird.

"Mm, yes, that is Fidel, Aunt Georgine's familiar," Rowan drily replied.

"Figures," James murmured as he watched Professor Prince affectionately smooth the ruffled feathers of her familiar. Of course, Professor Prince would have such a proud beast for a familiar. It certainly fit her to the letter tee.

Fidel did not seem convinced by his mistress's actions, and let out a warning cry, before proudly strutting forward. In the end, he settled down in a corner of the hall and maintained watch over the intruders at all times. He trusted not the humans that the evil bird killer and evil feather thief brought to their domain.

Clearing his throat, Fleamont awkwardly says, "Reginald Prince, might I request the use of the floo?" Fleamont paused with a frown as if making his mind up. "And might I leave my son, James behind just for the night in your family's safekeeping?"

Reginald and Georgine share a startled gaze for a moment before Reginald slowly nods his head. "Yes, you may, Fleamont," he said, before gesturing at the house elf. "Tadbey, please show Fleamont the way."

"Yes, Master," Tadbey said with a pointed sniff, before beckoning the short, elder wizard with knobby knees to follow him.

"Wait, but Dad!" James protested following after his father.

"James, it is your duty to accompany Rowan Prince for the night," Fleamont firmly answered placing his aged hands on his son's shoulders. "I will return in the morning with your mother. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes, Dad," James reluctantly grumbled and turned back with a sigh.

Fleamont happens to catch Reginald's arched brow that is full of blatant skepticism. They both knew that something was off or else Fleamont would have never left his only son in the care of Reginald. Fleamont is the first to look away and hastily departs after the expectantly waiting house elf. Tadbey wasn't any rude by any means, but he did like to be prompt.

"I shall depart for the Ministry of Magic shortly," Reginald loudly announced, before moving to his quarters to change clothing. He was not properly garbled for battle. Without a doubt, the giants are successfully being repelled as they spoke, but the Ministry of Magic would be left in shambles. There was little doubt in his mind that an emergency Wizengamot be held would be held within the hour. The consequences of the Giant attack could very well swing the tide of favor of the Wizengamot against Minister of Magic Jenkins and he must prevent that all costs for he still needed Minister Jenkins. No, he would ensure that the tide instead swung in In the Minister of Magic's favor.

Seeing her brother depart in such a decisive manner, Georgine promptly claps her hands to grab their attention. "I am certain that you are all tired and hungry. Why don't we all go and change, before coming back down to enjoy a late, but a lighter meal?"

Severus nods his head in agreement as Rowan loudly sighs in blatant relief. She hadn't been able to eat even a morsel of food because of her tight corset. And frankly, she was STARVING!

Rowan and Severus head up the stairs, before Georgine says, "Mr. Potter, if you will follow me, I shall show you to the guest rooms," leading James and causing his luggage to follow them.

"Right," James murmured under his breath, before following his DADA Professor. Frankly, he wanted to go back home and find out more about the giant attacks. The giants had not begun attacking the populace until after his 7th year. It was far too earlier for the attacks to occur nor had the giants ever attacked London thankfully. So, why had the attacks begun so early? It simply didn't make sense. Then again, nothing seemed to make sense anymore.

Well, well, so many changes as the pendulum continues to move.

I hope you all had a great day and if not, well, here's to a hopeful new year, 2022!

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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