

The morning after Rowan visited with Hagrid, she had awoken incredibly sore to the point that she had teleported near the infirmary rather than walking all the way there. Thankfully, Madam Pomfrey did not ask Rowan as to the reason why she was so badly sore. Although, the infirmary matron did give Rowan some skeptical glances and may have subtly handed her a book on safe erotic practices.

Rowan's ears turned bright pink and she hastily fled from the infirmary without even thanking Madam Pomfrey. But how could she, when the matron thought that Rowan had gotten hurt while EXPERIMENTING! The sheer mortification that Rowan was uncertain if she'd able to live the moment down much less face Madam Pomfrey ever again with a straight face.

The rest of the weekend passed in a busy blur filled with piles and piles of homework, prefect duties, and much more. Before she knew it, it was the following week and at long last Saturday. Saturday morning found Rowan still sleeping in until eight o'clock. Tired from a long week, she felt that she had at least earned a few hours of sleeping in. And she knew others might argue that eight o'clock was still early, but for her, that was rather late considering the fact that she had Prefect duties to perform.

Letting out a loud yawn, Rowan stumbled out of bed and blurrily headed towards the shower with the articles of clothing including towels she had already set out the night before. Bethanie and Sylvia quietly greeted her from the edge of their beds where they sat drying their hair with their wands having already taken an early bath or shower. After taking a short trip to the loo, Rowan paid no mind to Tiffany, who was bathing in the bathtub with a stream of bubbles, before stepping inside to take a warm shower.

Feeling much more awake, Rowan emerged from the shower and returned to the shared dorm room. Already dressed, she sat down at the edge of her bed to dry her hair with her wand. Since the four girls shared a dorm including a bathroom over the years, they'd grown comfortable enough with each other to show their bodies. None of them ever asked about the scars on Rowan's thighs nor much less the addition of bruises on Bethanie's arms or body after the summer or winter holidays. It was an unspoken subject between them much like the sensitive subject of Tiffany's title as being a Bride of Death or calling attention to Sylvia's rather small (flat) chest as it made the girls feel rather self-conscious.

Not feeling much of anything, Rowan simply does not bother putting her up nor braiding it. Leaving her hair down in a rare fashion, she merely tugs on her warm robes before they venture out into the chill of the dungeons to make their way to the Great Hall. Tiffany and Bethanie chatter about, while Sylvia much like Rowan remains silent as they are not much of a morning person.

The Great Hall is full of chatter despite the stormy clouds seen on the enchanted ceiling promising a fierce storm. Only half of the house tables were full as students kept trickling in having slept in late. Severus and Terry were already eating, when the four girls arrived, and in fact were on their second serving of a full English breakfast.

Sneering Rowan turned her nose up at their breakfast and instead opted for a stack of pancakes with plenty of syrup, berries, and whipped cream, and a large mug of hot chocolate with whipped cream. Severus and Terry both snorted at Rowan's choice and muttered something about, "Sugar," under their breaths. Sylvia paid them no mind as she opted for a full English breakfast, while Tiffany and Bethanie opted for honey buttered toast and porridge accompanied by plenty of berries and honey.

For a time, the only sound heard between the six of them is the sound of chewing and that of utensils. Their brunch is interrupted by the loud flapping of hundreds of owls making their way into the Great Hall. Several owls appear to be in a rather poor state having pushed themselves to the limits to arrive before the storm. The tired owls immediately drop their letters and packages with the rightful owners, before fluttering away to the tower to rest.

Terry eagerly reaches for his usual copy of the Daily Prophet and begins to read. Terry lets out a delighted cry of joy as Rowan with resignation looks up from her food. "Why do you even bother to read that trash?" She grumbled, before taking a bit of her food.

"It keeps me, well, informed," Terry primly replied with a roll of his eyes. Before expectantly waiting for someone to ask him, what the Daily Prophet had said.

Severus strategically looks down at his food, while Tiffany and Bethanie stuff a spoonful of porridge into their mouths. With Rowan slowly chewing her food, Terry turns his gaze hopefully at this courting partner, Sylvia. Letting out a resigned sigh, Sylvia asks, "And what is of matter importance that can be found in the Daily Prophet, Terry?"

"The identity of the new Hogwarts Divination Professor's!" Terry exclaimed with pride.

"Wait, Professors?" Rowan asked as she hastily swallowed. "Why is there more than one professor for the post?" Shouldn't it just be Ronan?!

With great flourish, Terry reads directly from the Daily Prophet. "The Headmaster of Hogwarts, Professor Albus Dumbledore proposed to the Hogwarts Board the hiring of Sybill Trelawney, the great-granddaughter of the famous seer, Cassandra Trelawney. The board led by Chairman Lucius Malfoy readily approved the hiring, but also that of a second Divination Professor. The surprising and unexpected identity of the second approved professor is that of Ronan, a present centaur and member of the centaur herd dwelling within the Forbidden Forest!"

Sylvia lets out a low whistle rather impressed. "I wonder how Professor Dumbledore managed to pull the wool over the Board especially that of Lucius Malfoy?"

"Well, Professor Dumbledore is not the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot for naught," Bethanie pointedly reminded them.

They all fall silent for a moment as not many associated the cheerful Headmaster of Hogwarts with that powerful position. However, not just anyone could become the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. Even the purebloods were in awe of his power and respected him for that same reason even if they did not agree with him.

While everyone begins to chatter about Ronan, a centaur being hired for the position of Divination Professor. Whispered conversations sprout on what Professor Dumbledore was thinking about hiring a magical creature. A debate springs forth between the students, but Rowan remains unnaturally silent as she contemplates the first hire, Sybill Trelawney.

Sybill Trelawney was a half-blood wholly underestimated most of her life. Ironically, Sybill was a true seer much like her great-grandmother only not as powerful. Perchance, because she had always been overshadowed by her great-grandmother's talents all of her life, Sybill Trelawney bore very little confidence in herself or her abilities.

In Potter's time, Sybill Trelawney rarely ate in the Great Hall due to her low self-esteem and constantly feeling inadequate when compared to her fellow professors. She rather made up for it by drinking her sorrows away and attempting to appear overly mystical, which only caused her to look as though a charlatan. Ignoring her unrecognized seer abilities, Sybill Trelawney was quite powerful in fact. She was capable of producing a corporal Patronus and participated in the Battle of Hogwarts. She was a surprisingly powerful dueler and survived the final battle.

However, that was not what concerned Rowan the most. No, what concerned her was the fact that Sybill Trelawney had prophesied the Dark Lord's downfall. But there was still time until that prophecy was made unless the pendulum had already begun to swing back. For the single flap of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world.

The pendulm has begun to swing back.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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