
Yet Again?! Ⅲ

The figure of Professor Albus Dumbledore can be seen striding through the castle. Through the windows outlooking the cold grounds, the sky remains dark with a tendril of a lighter violet color on the horizon signaling the approach of dawn. As he strides through the stone, draft morning halls, the hem of his nightshirt rides up to reveal the tip of his boney, pale ankles.

At long last, Albus arrives at the corridor of a winding off shooting tower, where Professor Zephyros resided down the hall from the Divination classroom. To his astonishment, he sees the figure of a young student making their way down the corridor. The boy in question is a third-year Ravenclaw with clipped, stiff hair, and pink flushed cheeks with a bright gaze, J.E. Prewitt.

The third-year Ravenclaw visibly startles, before grinning up at Professor Dumbledore. "Good morning, sir!" J.E. Prewitt chirpily greeted the Headmaster.

Albus Dumbledore blinks owlishly behind his half-moon spectacles that slide down a tach the ridge of his crooked nose. "Why Mr. Prewitt, I find myself amazed that you are up at this early hour and much less than you have come to see, Professor Zephyros? Might I inquire as to the nature of your business, young man?"

J.E. Prewitt ruefully shrugs and says, "I confess, I am not particularly good at Divination, sir. And Professor Zephyros said that if I ever had any questions or needed aid that I ought to come down and ask him. And with, er, how things are going, sir, I won't be getting passing marks in the subject.

And Captain Barrett Boone says that all Quidditch team members need to have Passing Grades in every subject at least if we are to remain on the team. And since, I'm the reserved seeker and with Asha Patil being a 6th year and all, her last year will be next year. The Captain and Patil are hoping that I'll be properly trained and seasoned by the time she graduates."

"Well, I commend your captain for preparing and being that farsighted," Albus truthfully said as he was impressed with the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain's enthusiasm and foresight for the game.

"Mm, Captain Boone is the best, sir!" J.E. Prewitt said with a fervent expression. "The Quidditch Cup will be ours this year for sure!"

"We shall see, Mr. Prewitt," Albus said with a child-like twinkle in his blue eyes. "Now young man returning to the subject on hand, how is Professor Zephyros?"

"Er, right, Professor Dumbledore," J.E. Prewitt responded. "Well, when I knocked on the Professor's quarters and classroom, I didn't hear any response, sir. I thought he might be wandering off observing the stars or for some sort of Divination ritual as he is prone to doing. I thought to try my luck again later for true."

"I see," Albus mused, before sending the boy a reassuring glance. "Very well, now please return to Ravenclaw Tower, Mr. Prewitt."

"Yes, sir!" The third-year Ravenclaw enthusiastically answered, before marching off with a skip in his step as he happily returned to the Ravenclaw Tower not denoting anything amiss with the absence of the Divination Professor. It wasn't the first time that Professor Zephyros had failed to appear nor show up very late!

Walking over first to the classroom of Professor Zephyros, Albus Dumbledore knocks thrice and loudly says, "Professor Zephyros are you in?" Not hearing any sound or sign of movement coming from inside the classroom, he adds, "Professor Zephyros, then I shall proceed to enter the premise."

With a flick of his wand and being the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus can easily enter the locked classroom. Professor Zephyros's classroom had been a somewhat neat area. There were crystal balls, teacups, and various other Divination materials along with an array of desks in semi-circle rows with Professor Zephyros' desk in the middle of the classroom.

Upon further inspection of the desk of Professor Zephyros, Albus only finds quills, pens, an inkpot, essays, a bushel of herbs, and a smoking pipe. Beyond that, there was nothing to note except for textbooks, which were all a bit in disarray on the bookshelf in the corner of the classroom. Most of the books did not look to have been read all that often, but others looked remarkedly well-read with folded page corners and book spines.

Still not feeling concerned, Albus quite cheerful made his way out of the classroom and towards Professor Zephyros' quarters. Knocking thrice and announcing his presence as before, he once more waited, before entering the personal quarters of Professor Zephyros. A bit of a furrow appeared on Albus's brow at seeing the state of the personal quarters of Professor Zephyros.

There were belongings carelessly strewn across the chamber with an unmade bed that had clothes scattered across the linen sheets. The drawers and closet all hang open with the contents hastily pulled out. Most personal items were gone except for those carelessly left behind. A piece of fluttering parchment on the corner of a desk pinned by a crystal ball catches Albus's attention.

Walking over Albus with the tip of his wand lights a nearby candle, before pulling the parchment close. The writing is hastily scribbled and signed, but still, Albus recognized the handwriting as belonging to Professor Zephyros. Still, this was most, unlike the Divination Professor. Then again, Professor Zephyros was a strange young man most often than not lost in daydreams that only he knew of.

Pulling himself out of his reflections, Albus peers down and begins to read.

"To whomever, it may concern,

I, Ariel Zephyros have been called away by the Spirits. I have heeded their call, and I shan't return. Also, I tether my official resignation notice effective immediately to Professor Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts. And though I am sad to part in such a manner, the Spirits wait for no one! And my grand journey has begun!

May the Spirits be with you,

Yours Truly,

Ariel Zephyros."

Albus blinks and rereads the letter slowly, before remarking out loud. "Well, I suppose that is a relief to know that the young man is alright. Still to do so with the term already started is most unsightly on the boy's part."

Sighing to myself, Albus carefully folds the letter and pockets the note. He would have to recall the staff and inform the student body at breakfast that Professor Zephyros had departed on a journey to connect with the Great Beyond and had no known return. Naturally, a new Divination Professor would have to be found, which would be quite difficult at this time of year.

However, if Albus was sincere, he'd rather the subject be completely done away with. He rather disliked the subject despite having taken it in his youth. Relying solely on the belief of destiny or some distant future had never served anyone well including Gellert.

A trace of emotion flashes across Albus's face before his face closes off. He turns away and briskly strides out from the classroom, before firmly shutting the door behind him. The Board would have to be informed, and no doubt the Chairman, young Lucius Malfoy would not be pleased to learn of the news especially with the winter holidays still distantly off for more than a month. Still, in the meanwhile, the Professors would have to take turns teaching the class including Albus himself.

And on that note, Albus went forth to inform his staff, who would not be pleased with being forced at such an early hour especially one, Georgine Prince, who had murder in her eyes. Not that Albus was worried, most certainly not! But he did subtly place several professors in the line of fire between his own physical being and that of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. There was no telling what Georgine Prince might be capable of…...

Albus Dumbledore truly did not like divination and is mentioned in HP Book 5, when he tells Harry the prophecy made by Professor Sybill Trelawney. I think as I mentioned in the chapter it was due to Gellert, who believed in fate or in a different future. By acting upon to fulfill said fate, Gellert Grindelwald sealed his own and countless other's fate.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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