
Topsy-Turvey Manor Ⅱ

With the dramatic entrance scene over and done with, Rowan rolls her eyes and murmurs, "Only you, Terry."

"Indeed," Terry smugly answered. "Not even Malfoy can burst onto a scene with such confidence and flair."

"Undoubtedly," Rowan flatly said under her breath.

Tiffany lips twitch into a smile, which cause both Rowan and Terry to silently exchange a glance. Tiffany is undeniably putting on a good face, but she was far from being well like she was pretending. However, neither Rowan nor Terry would be so cruel and callous to so obviously point that out. They were Slytherin's for Heaven's sake, they are cunning and tact! Mostly.

Deciding to subtly change the sudden quite ambiance, Rowan carefully eyes Terry and says, "Well, I'm impressed. You have grown over the summer, Terry. You look less like some sort of waifish creature and more like a boy."

Which was true, Terry's voice had deepened, and he lost some of his almost feminine countenance. He would never be very masculine male, but he no longer had that androgynous feel about him. He was slowly turning into a man. Though that delicate air of him would never fade away due to his delicate facial features, floppy hair, and hazel eyes.

"I know," Terry proudly puffed his nonexistence muscled chest.

"Maybe, you should take up some exercise," Rowan observed, "even Severus has lean muscles now-a-days. You don't want to look like a toothpick all your life, Terry, now do you?"

"Why I never?!" Terry gasped and raised his nose rather haughty at her. "I am a gentleman, and a gentleman does not seek to be such a roguish lout!"

"Suit yourself," Rowan drily muttered under her breath.

Not that it really mattered. Silvia liked twig Terry just the way he was. And that is all that really mattered in the end.

Tiffany hid her smile at Rowan and Terry's antics until the sound of crashing can be heard. They all glance around and see the wide, frightened gaze of Christopher. "Sowee!" Christopher said as his eyes begin to fill with tears.

To the girl's surprise, without any hesitation, Terry says, "Not to worry my good chap, there's plenty of cups. Why here's one." Terry effortlessly soothes the panicking toddler and serves the little boy another teacup and makes sure to place it close enough to reach, but not enough to cause the cup to be bumped over by a little arm.

"Well color me impressed, Terry," Rowan admitted. "Where in Merlin's name did you learn to do that?"

Terry sighs and says, "I'm the youngest out of five. I have four older sisters all married with children, who do you think gets to babysit them on a regular basis? And especially this summer-," and paused to cough to cover his murmur under his breath, "-as punishment."

With a bit of her usual mischievous grin, Tiffany says, "Well, in that case, you can raise the children, Terry, while Silvia works at the Ministry."

Terry turns bright pink as he sputters in embarrassment, before muttering, "I wouldn't mind."

Both girls stare at Terry in obvious surprise. It was most uncommon for the husband to stay behind and raise the children, while the wife went out and had a position in society. When it did occur, it was usually due to the husband having some sort of illness or disability that impeded him. Otherwise, it was assumed that perhaps said husband had other sexual inclinations or that there was something inherently wrong with him.

Thoughtfully taking a sip of her tea, Rowan carefully pries, "And your family would be fine with that, Terry?"

"I'm the youngest child and the only male heir," Terry confidently answered. "As long as I reproduce, mother and father won't care."

Rowan makes a chocking sound in her throat as Tiffany nods her head at Terry. "Well, I think that's rather generous of you, Terry. But don't you want to be a healer?" Tiffany pointedly inquired.

"Yes," Terry without hesitation replied. "But I except that-."

Terry coughed rather loudly, skipping the name of Silvia before continuing, "-Want's to get started at the Ministry, which will give us both plenty of time before having a child. And I can always have a private practice, and still have enough time to raise the children at home."

"Well, that is very progressive of you," Rowan concluded. "Though the biggest question is rather, when will you ask Silvia to marry you or arrange a betrothal contract?"

Terry flushes even more pink as Tiffany claps her hands in delight and says, "Oh, have you already begun negotiations, Terry?"

Terry shyly says, "Mm, we've begun courting and have been asked to do so for a period of at least a year. If Silvia and I decide that we still suit each other after our courtship period, our parents have agreed to arrange a marriage contract during the following summer, but the official betrothal ceremony won't happen until the summer before our seventh year."

It was a rather wise move on both Terry and Silvia's part. The two of them wanted to ensure that they were more than friends, and if not, they would return to their friendship of before. And, if the courtship did prove successful, they would both not only gain a successful marriage partner, but a good friend, and lover to boot. It would be of great benefit to both of them, and not to mention that their parents would be pleased to see both pureblood houses being tied together via the two children.

"Congratulations," Tiffany genuinely said as Rowan muttered the same thing with sincerity as well, but not with much of an interest in her tone of voice.

Lacking any interest in the ensuing conversation between Tiffany and Terry as they discussed their plans. Rowan ignores them, and instead takes a bite out of a scone to only find the toddler staring curiously at her. Unsure of whether to ignore the glance or stare back, she decides to tactfully glance past the little boy. It was the wrong decision.

Christopher furrows his brow at being ignored and tosses a crumb at the rude girl. His aunty was nothing like this. He did not like tin-tin's friend.

Rowan blinks in surprise at having a crumb tossed at her and brushes off from her clothes. Arching her brow now at the little boy in annoyance she stares at the little boy who is now glowering back. A bit startled by the fact as she really had not done anything to the little boy, but she still reaches for her wand to cast a spell if necessary. She was not going to attack the little boy merely make sure the kid did not throw anything else at her like a teacup saucer.

The two of them stare at each other for some time until Rowan glances away first but hears the toddler let out a cry of triumph. Not sure, how she had caused the little boy to dislike her so much, she loudly interrupts them and says, "Why don't we go for a walk, before lunch?"

"Most certainly," Tiffany said. "It will be my pleasure to show you the grounds."

With practiced moves, Tiffany removes the bib, but not before cleaning the little boy up. Carrying the little boy in her arms now, she says, "Please follow me this way."

From over Tiffany's shoulder the little boy sticks his tongue at Rowan causing her to frown. Terry laughing as he pats Rowan on her shoulder and says, "It would seem that he doesn't like you very much."

"So, it would seem," Rowan grumbled under her breath at the obvious fact. Not soon enough did they finally emerge onto the grounds, where there reside vast well-tended gardens.

"It is lovely as usual, Tiffany," Terry said in admiration. He knew for a fact that Tiffany was the one responsible for the gardens at her home ever since she was eight years old. She had told them quite proudly back then.

"Yes, it is," Rowan added truthfully, for the gardens were exceptionally beautiful indeed.

"Down!" Christopher said as Tiffany set the little boy down and watched the little boy chase after fluttering butterflies.

Tiffany watches the little boy chasing the butterflies with a sad smile causing Rowan to frown. There was no reason for Tiffany to be sad, but from what she had learned from her Aunt Georgine because of Mr. Vespucci, it would now be remarkably difficult for Tiffany to marry. It seemed so foolish and frankly medieval that other families would think believe that Tiffany would bring their sons misfortune if they tried to marry her. If that were the case, Vasco would have died during his second year at Hogwarts!

But then again, the wizarding world is still to an extent very much a patriarchal society. And as such, it is always the woman's fault never the mans. Not even when Vasco Vespucci was caught with his pants down f*cking a young woman, before being murdered. There was not a single bad peep about him, but rather roguish remarks that followed with pride and envy, "What a way to go." "He certainly buggered her to death." "Now that's a man."

It seemed that everyone ignored the fact that Vasco Vespucci caused his own death by sleeping with someone who was not his fiancé. But especially someone who was the sweetheart of another. What did he think would happen?!

Granted he did not deserve to be murdered, but still Vasco Vespucci had it coming to him. Rowan for one did not feel the least sympathy for the brat, but rather was angry that even in death, he still was a pain in rear for Tiffany. Still, there was not much she could personally do at the moment beyond remain her friend and show that she wasn't ashamed of being friends with Tiffany. There was not much else to do really, which made her feel a great deal of powerlessness.

Still the least she could do is try to be nice, and with that thought in mind, Rowan minded her manners for the rest of her visit even when the brat tossed a roll at her during lunch. Thankfully, Terry intervened and kept the little boy occupied. And for which she was rather gratefully and decided to forgive him for the mess of last year if he kept her from accidentally smacking the toddler across the back of his head or on his bum. Needless to say, the visit was rather tiring to Rowan, and she was only too happy to return home, when it came time to say goodbye.

Ah, yes, well, Rowan may be good with animals and other magical creatures, but not so much with small children.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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