
Black Family Reunion

A small manor with open grounds is filled with trees and blossoms. The previous owners of the manor had happily sold off the manor for a large sum of money that was nothing in the eyes of the Black family. Including the retention of the house elf that belonged to the previous owners.

Walburga Black was a bit displeased at meeting a house elf named Finney. The creature looked nothing like a proper house elf wearing some sort of French maid uniform with a cute little maid cap on her head. The house elf was even rather pretty for a house elf with a small nose, large brown eyes, and even dimples. The carefully styled Chanel hair style certainly did little to make the house elf seem like a proper sort of house elf. But worst of all, the house elf was accustomed to taking two days off per mouth and had an allowance. Utterly ridiculous!

Of course, that was until Walburga saw what the house elf could cook. Apparently, Finny had been one of the first house elves to be trained at Hogwarts. Young and enthusiastic, she took to the lessons like a duck to water. Not only was everything perfect and neat, but Finny even tended to anticipate her masters needs before she was even called for.

Orion was rather pleased to find fresh tea each time he went into the study along with freshly baked new sweets each time for him to taste. And amazingly the sweets were all too his personal likening too! Even Walburga could not utter a single word of complaint against the house elf as Finny kept the manor spotless and worked well with Kreacher. In fact, ever since Finny had appeared Kreacher looked rather sharp in a black jacket and vest. He looked infinitely much better than before.

Walburga gray eyes flashed as she glanced at the time. Her dark hair is coiled elegantly up in a simple updo as she is wearing a light summer dress. The handsome figure of Orion emerges from the hallway and coolly says, "Have a seat dear, they shan't be long now."

"I now," Walburga impatiently said as she glanced at the fireplace. "But still, I'd rather be on my feet when they arrive."

Orion merely nods his head and glances down the hallway. "Do you think I need to get the boys? They were flying on their brooms all day long."

"No, Finny, collected them a while ago to wash and set their clothes out for them to dress into," Walburga muttered.

Orion slowly nodded his head and said, "For a house elf she is an interesting sort. Shall we bring her along once we return home after the summer holidays?"

"I don't know why ever not," Walburga sniffed. "She is most neat and professionally trained. And Kreacher enjoys her aid. Not to mention it is all the rage in society to own a Hogwarts trained house elf now."

Orion hides a knowing gleam in his eyes. Much like he had fallen for Finny's cooking, Walburga adored the massages and beauty treatments Finny could provide. His wife was no more willing to part with the house elf than he was.

With an almost musical like pop, Finny appears before them and rather demurely says, "The young masters are properly dressed and are on the way down as we speak. Shall the Master and the Lady of the House require anything of Finny at present?"

"We are fine," Walburga crisply said. "Please ensure everything is perfectly ready for dinner tonight, Finny."

"Yes, Milady," Finny curtsied, before popping back out of the room.

Their two sons run down the hall before slowing to a stop as they enter the room. Sirius took after his father with his full handsome looks. Sleeked hair and gray eyes, Sirius was a dashing young man. He flashed his parents a bright grin as his parents only sighed and thought to themselves, "Gryffindor's."

Regulus though a bit less handsome than Sirius, but always cool and collected like his father properly nods his head at them. "Mother, Father, have our guests yet to arrive?"

"Not yet, Regulus," Walburga fondly said, before eyeing Sirius up and down. "You look rather sharp as always, Sirius. But I have yet to notice a young lady attached to your arm. Your brother already has Bethanie Fawley, but what of you? I wish to have you wed earlier than your brother since you are our firstborn."

"Mother!" Sirius flushed in embarrassment. "We can discuss this in my seventh year. I'm barely starting my fifth year!"

"It's never too early to start considering a potential marriage partner," Walburga sniffed. "If not, you'll only be left with the discarded leftovers."

Sirius makes a wary face as Orion says, "Well, I don't suppose it is too much to ask that you'd tie our house with that of the Prince household, is it?"

"Ew," Sirius made a gagging like sound. "Rowan's like a sister to me!"

"And besides, Rowan said if she ever had to pick a Black it'd be me," Regulus smugly said earning himself a glare from Sirius.

Walburga sighs and says, "Well, I suppose that one can't have everything in life. But there is always hope for the next generation."

Kreacher, an old house elf with a bulbous, snout-like nose, with many folds of skin appeared. He looked twenty years younger as his ears were hair free and his face was wiped clean. He was dressed in a sharp black jacket with vest and wore his clean white tea towel underneath. He had on a new pair of silver painted spectacles to see with and says, "Mistress, everything is ready in the kitchens. We shall begin to serve the minute the Mistress requests it."

"Well done," Walburga said in approval. "You may go now, Kreacher."

"Yes, Mistress," Kreacher said, before popping away.

A loud meow causes them to turn around to see a gorgeous white cat with bright blue round eyes confidently come striding in. With his tail high in the air, the Turkish Angora, Bram proudly meows and leaps into a chair. He regally curls up and waits to greet his guests as was his proper due.

Sirius sniffs at the haughty look Bram gives him as Regulus hides a grin and says, "Thank you for coming to help us greet the guests, Bram. I'm gratefully for your generosity."

Bram meows if saying, "Naturally, it is my sworn duty to do so."

Walburga flashes the cat a fond look for not only was the creature incredibly gorgeous, but a tidy creature. Whenever the other pureblood ladies came over, they all gathered around the majestic creature. And best of all, it was a fierce, loyal familiar to her youngest. A worthy familiar of one of the Black Household.

Family reunion's, eh. So, what are all your's like? On my Dad's side, I am the oldest, so, I am always by default the instant babysitter. And on my mom's side, I am the middle youngest. Either everyone is five to twenty years older than me or everyone else is younger than me. Yup, I am by nature out of sorts. And yes, I was that one kid, who always carried a book around with them to read.

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