
Wilkes Family

The Head of the Auror Department is a rather short, plumb wizard by the name of Bob Ogden. Bob Ogden sighed tiredly as he removed his enormous thick glasses and rubbed the exhaustion from his eyes. It was already evening, and the Aurors were still interrogating witnesses, while the single captured attacker is being interrogated back at headquarters with the use of Vertiaserum.

Unfortunately, the preliminary reports indicated that said assailant knew next to nothing about the future plans of the organized dark wizard organization known as 'Death Eaters. The captive in his foolishness had proudly called himself a Death Eater and had inadvertently revealed the name of their organization (and what they called themselves). A useful tool to use when seeking informants who would be in the know.

The prisoner had also revealed the fact that they were simply doing the Dark Lord's work. The prisoner had referred to the Dark Lord as Lord Voldemort as well. A rather strange name for a dark wizard to go by as an alias if you asked him.

Ogden had been young when Grindelwald rose to power, and he still remembered the fear that had spread through all of Europe and much of the known world. Ogden had fought and captured countless dark wizards, but he had earnestly never faced a dark wizard who was capable of gathering forces like Grindelwald had.

Ogden could feel it in his bones. They were standing on the precipice. Either they stop the next Grindelwald or war would surely come. And history always repeats itself.

Opening his eyes, Ogden slides his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. Standing up, and gathering energy, his eyes sparkle once again with pent-up emotions. However, before he could begin to bellow again, a fledging Auror rushed toward him. (A fledging is a recent graduate from the Auror Academy. An Auror being partnered/trained by a more veteran Auror, before being assigned their permanent Auror partner.)

What is it, Auror Meadows?" Ogden frowned furrowing his brow.

The petite Auror, Dorcas Meadows was a pretty witch with tan skin and warm eyes. Her curly hair is pulled back in a high ponytail to keep her face clear of curly wisps. "Sir, I've been sent to inform you that your presence is required at the home of the Wilkes family in question."

"Thank you, Auror Meadows," Ogden gratefully said as the bright young witch sent him a warm smile, before rushing off to fulfill her next duty with the energy and vitality that only the young seem to possess.

"I feel old," Ogden flatly mumbled under his breath feeling his age to his very bones.

Frankly, Ogden couldn't remember the last time he had such a spring in his step. Maybe, it was time to start training a replacement and see about retiring to Surrey. His wife had been bringing up the same subject for the last three years. But first, he'd have to settle the present ongoing investigation into this dark wizard organization, before ever doing so. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to put his mind at ease.

Ogden nodded to several Aurors still on task, before apparating away. Ogden arrived at the iron gates of a walled manor and marches straight inside. The Wilkes manor has a bit of an Italian flair left over from a long-ago ancestor. The architecture is superb with great marvel pillars and exquisite balconies.

Waiting at the front entrance of Wilkes Manor is the medium-built figure of Auror Percius Clements. Over the last year, Auror Clements had lost most of his roundness including that in his face. The Auror would never be slender, but certainly is no longer round nor plumb instead is rather sturdy now.

Percius Clements nods to the Head of the Auror Department, and says, "Sir, I have interrogated the Wilkes couple and I am convinced of their innocence. They knew not of their son's terrible deceit nor did they grant their son such leeway to create a polyjuice potion using their hair."

Ogden snorts unconvinced. "Auror Clements, I understand that you wish to give the Wilkes the benefit of the doubt since you share an amicable friendship with Secundus Wilkes. However, personal emotions and friendships should never influence an ongoing investigation."

"I am aware, sir," Percius steadily answered. "That is exactly why I have requested your intervention. I do not wish for the Wilkes family to have to suffer another interrogation again, moreover, the public's outcry would be far worse. Should you act and confirm their testimony by subjecting them to Vertiaserum, no one can argue that the investigation was biased nor state the Wilkes couple were complicit of the foul deed enacted by their son."

Ogden carefully eyes Auror Clements, before finally replying, "Very well, Auror Clements, I will take their official transcript, however, you have overstepped yourself. In exchange, you will take a new partner from the fledgings who are deemed ready to receive their permanent partner. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir," Percius stiffly muttered as he moved aside to allow his superior officer inside.

Ogden sighs and puts out his hand on Percius's shoulder. "I know that you have the best intentions at heart, Auror Clements," Ogden explained, "but as do I. Auror Vinovich will be gone nearly a year now, and you are the Senior Auror on a crucial open investigation. You need a partner to aide you and keep your back safe."

"Yes, sir," Percius much more softly responded as Ogden squeezed Percius's shoulder in sympathy, before striding into the manor.

Ogden strides through the renaissance-styled manor that had a bit more hint of color than most pureblood's homes in the Isles. However, it was all in impeccable taste. Why even the marble statues were magnificently made by famous sculptors, both magical and non-magical.

With Auror Clements trailing behind him, they arrive in the front guest parlor, where loud sniffs can be heard from Mrs. Wilkes. The light, curly-haired, Mrs. Wilkes hair is disarrayed in a most unusual way as she always had her curled hair in a neat updo. Her coffee-colored eyes are rimmed red as she dabs at them in a futile attempt to keep them dry.

Sitting at her side is the pale figure of her husband, Secundus Wilkes. Mr. Wilkes, dark salt-peppered hair seems to have become silver overnight. His dark eyes are tear-free, but they seem empty, but so very stoic as if pride was the only thing keeping him from shattering into a dozen pieces.

Mr. Wilkes raises his wretched gaze from the floor and croaks, "Greetings, Ogden. It is a pity that our first real interaction would be under such awful circumstances like these."

"As am I," Ogden truthfully said as he removed a vial filled with a clear, odorless liquid that looked just like water. "I am sorry about this, but Auror Clements wishes to ensure that nothing else can be cast upon your already given testimonies."

"It is perfectly understandable," Mr. Wilkes quietly answered. "Percius and I have been friends ever since Hogwarts. And I know it will call into question the entire ongoing investigation which would not just cost me and my family our reputation, but that of Percius as well."

"Will that hurt, mother and father?" A timid boy's voice suddenly interjected.

Ogden blinks and glances at the source to find a young boy roughly eight years old. The boy is dark-eyed like his mother with fine dark hair like his father. However, he has an almost waif-like nature due to his large doe-like eyes.

"No," Ogden gently said to the second son of the Wilkes. "Vertiaserum doesn't have any taste at all and will not hurt them."

"Thank you," the boy softly said. "May I stay for the conversation?"

Ogden is about to answer, no, when Mr. Wilkes interrupted by saying, "Allow him to remain, Ogden. There will be worse rumors going around and I do not wish for my secondborn to learn the truth of his older brother's detestable actions thru another. I can only pray that he listens well and learns the lesson lest he follows in his brother's footsteps."

Ogden slowly says, "Very well-," Ogden paused not knowing the boy's name.

"I am Silviu Wilkes, sir," Silviu helpfully offered.

"Thank you," Ogden said, before adding, "However, you must remain absolutely silent during the entire duration of the questioning. Can you do that, Silviu?"

"Yes, sir," Silviu solemnly declared. Unlike his older brother, Silviu was of a quieter disposition. That is not to say he was not cunning or loud at times, but simply much more tranquil than his older brother had ever been.

Certain that the second born of the Wilkes would remain silent, Ogden uncorked the vial and gestured for Mrs. Wilkes to open her mouth. Mrs. Wilkes does as she is told as Ogden carefully only lets three drops fall onto her tongue, before doing the same to Mrs. Wilkes.

Carefully, corking the vial up, Ogden asks, "Will you both please state your names and describe the events that transpired this morning?" Sitting nearby is Auror Clements carefully transcribing the interrogation with quill and parchment. The only sound heard for a moment is the soft scratching of the quill against the parchment.

"I am Mercury Wilkes," Mrs. Wilkes replied. "I am the wife of Secundus Wilkes, and the mother of Spurius Roland Wilkes also known as S.R. Wilkes."

Following promptly after, Mr. Wilkes says, "I am Secundus Wilkes, the husband of Mercury Wilkes, and the once father of Spurius Roland Wilkes for that evil youth is no son of mine. He is now promptly stripped of his name, his inheritance, and his right to ever become the head of the Wilkes family. He from this very moment and forevermore banished from the Wilkes manor and all other properties, so mote be."

A whirl of powerful magic can suddenly be felt before it erupts outward and disperses. Magic itself would register the change and the blood magic of the Wilkes family would remove said figure from their records, and the ability to access anything that pertained to the Wilkes family. The most terrible fate that could befall any pureblood for it is considered the worst of punishments to be stripped of their rightful inheritance and name.

The real reason why, S.R. Wilkes is called, S.R., because it takes too long to say, Spurius Roland Wilkes. And well, who want to be called Spurius......?

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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