

Soft patter sounds entered the bathroom.

"What happened?"

Li Xiqing was splashing cold water onto his face when Shao Yan stood by his side. She tilted her head in confusion while waiting for him to answer; she was holding a towel in her hands for him.

"We don't know yet," he received the towel from her, and started to wipe his face and neck.

"They rushed him to the hospital this afternoon," he turned around and hung the towel back to the rack.

"When Martin called me just now, he said that the surgery had just started."

He looked at himself in the mirror and then started to style his hair. Shao Yan was still standing by the door patiently, trying to help him however she could.

Once he was convinced that his look was more presentable, Li Xiqing walked out of the bathroom.

Shao Yan, wrapped in her fluffy bathrobe, followed closely behind him.

"I am going to pick Martin up now, and then we are going to the hospital."

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