
Should I tell you?

Her fingertips slowly brushed the tiny cherub pendant. Her mind was recalling the moment when Li Xiqing gifted her the necklace during their 100th day celebration. She blushed as she remembered what happened in their bathtub that night.

She cleared her throat before saying, "H-He did say that he had it with him for a while, and that she finally found the right owner now," Shao Yan started to say softly.

Mandy nodded along her words solemnly, and did not say anything for a while. Her index fingertips were circling around the edge of her glass water; her head was tilted as she was thinking what to say.

And then, a moment later, Mandy extended her arms; she rolled her sleeves up to her wrist to show Shao Yan the bracelet that she was wearing.

"It was a pair of cherub," Mandy started to say, "I have one, Xiqing has the other one."

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