
Ch.15 After-Action-Report

Warmth, not the warmth of living inside a womb or the warmth of spending a happy moment with loved ones. No Right now the only warmth I feel is the warmth of a furry ball, wrapped in my arms.

"I lived, God I'm dumb but I lived" I whisper to no one just to hear my voice.

[Afternoon Theo] Nagisa calls to me as she does almost every time, I wake up except maybe a little hostility apparent.

I sit up and notice the room is different, there's no couch, desk or pile of bodies stacked up in the room.

"You're awake, hope your sleep well, and sorry about hitting your head on the door on the way in." Clementines voice sounds behind me from the open door

"Hey clem, my sleep was pretty crappy but I guess that's what absolute and terrifying fear does to you. I'm gonna guess the water doesn't work. Could probably go for a nice warm shower right now." I jump off of the bed I'm lying on and stretch my body a little only to wince when I get to my tail.

"Don't whine, I've lived thinking that every day for six years. Plus, whats worse, not getting a shower after a few days or waking up after feeling like your entire body is being stabbed to a literal house filled with corpses then having to drag a child across the street with a headache"

I know from the moment she finished her first sentence I'd lost this conversation.

"Yea I'm really really sorry about that I thought since I beat a few dozen really easily before I met up with you that a mere ten times more than that wouldn't be too much harder and I was doing really well but then the window too your room smashed and I panicked and then they surrounded me and I used up all my energy and I was hurting and I'm sorry for being reckless" The words flow out of my mouth in one breath.

Clementine doesn't respond just sits on the bed with a smirk before reaching to her chest then holds out her hand as a flame extends out. Once the flame that extended about a meter it regressed leaving a beautiful Black shotgun with crimson red highlights at the barrel end and stock that's cracks into the middle, the gun has a relatively long barrel I think, there's a sliding handle to pump the gun the stock is resting against her elbow pointed at the ground and I reach out to touch it.

"Can I?"

"Sure, I wouldn't have it if it weren't for you."

I place my lightly touch where the bullets would be loaded if said gun need bullets, it's cold to the touch. I can feel the chill to my very soul.

"Magnificent, have you fired it yet?" I lift my fingertips off the gun, I can simply feel that I shouldn't take it myself, or maybe I can't take it and that's the feeling.

Clem looks away for a second a small blush lighting her cheeks. "I tried to shoot a walker but nothing happened, it didn't even notice I'd shot it."

"Ahh well it's a weapon made from your soul so it makes sense that it can only hurt souls, I guess zombies don't have them, which is definitely not a surprise. But if you really want to try out your new abilities I know where some humans are you can practice on, the vile baby murdering kind not the actual human one."

"I'm guessing you know from this game you played? Would I be able to play after all this is over?" She asked curiosity clear in her voice

"Sure, you can play it, I don't know if you will like it though, I cried and I was just observing the world that is this one, you have real and personal connection with the people."

I watch as she swallows her saliva and the realisation of what I'm eluding too spreads across her face. "Don't worry about me, it would be useful to know the future."

'Iiiiii should probably explain how my presence effects the already recorded future.' I think to myself but decide to explain it on out journey to the junkyard.

"Our destination is the C and C auto stop." I pull up the map on my phone and find where we are, after a little looking, I see it. "It's probably an hour walk from here north-west"

"So who's in this junkyard?"

"New Frontier guys"

"What are they doing here, they can't be here!"

"I think they are scouting, never really knew if their original intentions were the same as the outcome but after a bunch of unfortunate events, they end up killing most people in Prescott. They have been living in Richmond for a while and feel the need to steal Resources from other survivors."

"I Won't let them do that; we'll stop them then go get AJ. I knew They were bastards but to go so far" Her voice is filled with determination

"I wouldn't have it any other way but you should know that only Joan is organising these attacks, David isn't the worst person and the doctor just wants to die. Now you know the truth you can decide what you want to do so let's go Clem." I reach down and pick up Eevee who until now had just been snuggling into the bed.

"Come on little girl, you did well last night, I'll carry you all day as a reward."


-=Meanwhile, in a parallel thought process=-

'Are you alright Nagisa' I ask noting her anger.

[Yes, I'm fine, just watching the person you are literally and figuratively attached to attempt to throw away his life because he can't control his instincts]

'What do you mean control my instincts, I'm human not some animal'

[NO Theo! You, are not, human. You are a beastman, a little more playful and energy filled but a member of a fighting race.]

"I-I-Your right, I've never really thought about it, I'll try harder to do better, I really don't want to feel like I did ever again."

[Thank you, Theo, It was scary watching you fight, your still a child and can have fun but please be careful.]

'I will'

[Now that you know what you did wrong what to know what went well]

[Time for the after-action report]

'Huh, I didn't even realise but thanks for doing that rather that and filling my ears with constant notifications.'

[Points received: 5,175

[Mission Completed: Overcome the hoard

-Requirements: find a way to overcome the hoard

-Rewards: Depends on actions

-Rewarded: Random mortal weapon ticket]

[Mission Completed

-Requirements: Kill 250 zombies

-Rewards: 5x Stimpacks – Item – Mortal]

'I really need to thank Kuro for being amazing, I probably only killed 50 myself maybe 70.'

[you're the one who decided on the soulboud bond allowing for it to contribute. Plus, you're going to be able to make it up to Kuro one day I'm sure]

'You always know how to make me feel better.'

[and I love making you happy]

I focus on my conversation with Clem, when we decide we are leaving I use my mortal weapon ticket and land on something really cool.

[Rem's Morning Star – Item – Mortal

-A large spiked metal ball connected to a 7-meter-long chain ending with a metallic handle.]

'It's nothing special but could do some serious damage in the right hands. Let's go deal with some deadbeats.'

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