
His Wife was Horny

Andrea was ready to fire at the man before her, not caring about Megan's presence. 

"You a crazy woman!" Declared Mr. Deming. 

His cronies had already run away, and all that was left were the injured men he hired. Some raised their hands in surrender, unable to flee while the others were knocked down, completely unconscious. 

"Mrs. Lu, please be careful. You - You might miss," Megan pleaded as she was slowly dragged to the other side of the warehouse, close to the exit. 

"That's right! You will end up killing someone else! Let me go now and I will not disturb you any longer!" said Mr. Deming. 

Andrea laughed at the offer and said, "It's not really a bargain we are willing to take."

Her eyes squinted before adding, "You see. I don't particularly care about Megan Wong. If it makes it any easier for you. I can shoot her myself - "

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