
Afterglow 2

We sit down and talked for some time to know each other. I also explained my purpose for coming here. about the live event, live house circle and how I need to find a minimum of five bands to perform.

"So in conclusion, would you girls from afterglow perform as one of the five bands in live house circle?"

They pondered about my request for a bit and started to speak one by one.

"Live event huh... its been some time since our last show" Ran said looking interested.

"Hmm... It does sound interesting. What do you all think?"

Tomoe asked her other friends for confirmation. from the look of it, she also showed positive look for this event.

"I like it! It sounds like fun! I say we join. What about you, Tsugu?"

With a spirited voice, Himari also showed her agreement

"I want to take part, too! Let's do it!"

"Well if Tsugu says we do it, then we do it~. I'm kinda interested in it, too~."

"That's good then, You won't regret it. I will make sure this event a success"

I confirmed their will to participate. two done, three more to go I guess. Tomorrow I planned to visit one of the member of Roselia. She was in the archery club and in the student council committee.

I might need Hiratsuka Sensei as a go between us. I had a feeling that I will get into something troublesome if I met her. I just need to face it I guess.

"Then as a sign of my goodwill, why don't I treat you all today. Don't worry this will come from the livehouse budget. Even though its weird saying this in front of the cafe owner child"

I also got some money from Marina for helping with the scout. Its not much but treating these five won't cost much

"hahaha... don't worry about it"

Tsugumi said that, she looked happy to get treated in her free time.

"Yay... lets order a lot guys~"

"Special for you Moca, please don't order more than 5 pieces"

I almost forgot about this glutton.

"booo... stingy~"

"hahaha... he really know how to handle you Moca"

We talked a bit after that. I need to know more about them. In a group event for a band in new live house like us, it was also important to know the personality of the bands member.

It was just as an insurance when trouble happened, All of the member of the bands in the list played different genre of music, It was possible that a clash of opinion will happen in the future.

When it happened, It will be me and Marina job as an organizer to solve the problem.

"But it was quite a surprise that Moca know a man like you Elliot"

"ehhh... I also know other man too Hii-chan"

"Your father is not included Moca"

Ran said while looking at Moca.

"What do you mean by that? there are no boys at your school Himari?"

I asked curious about their school.

"hahaha... I forgot you just moved here... Haneoka unlike Hanasakigawa is still an all-girl school"

"Yeah... so it was quite a surprise for us when Moca wants us to meet a man because we know that he never interact with any man"

"Why don't you transfer to our school Elliot~"

"Moca, Didn't Himari just said your school is an all girl school?"

"Don't worry if you just put a skirt and make up you will look like a girl~"

she said sheepishly while grinning

"Please stop, someone else already make that joke on me"

I sighed helplessly at her joke.

"You can't say that to a boy Moca, Its rude."

"That's right"

Tsugumi and Ran said from the side.

" But I can't blame Moca on this?"

"What do you mean Himari?"

"Didn't you notice? just look at him"

All of them looked at me. I sit quietly while taking a sip of my drink waiting for them to say something. Himari then started talking.

"A silky long orange hair in ponytail"

"A fair complexion with a weak looking body"

"and a calming aura with those kind gaze with those androgynous look"

"As a woman I am really jealous looking at it."

"hahaha... you are just exaggerating"

Well I can't blame her for that. There was a reason for that. Still remember the Mapo Tofu that I got. I consumed it when I was a child to improve my physical condition.

Even though the description didn't look impressive, as expected from an SSR item, the effect was really amazing. First I got a troll like regeneration which made me really hard to kill. Of course it was just from normal weapon curse or poison still affect me but their effect will lessen.

The most surprising one was the second effect. The second effect of increasing my physical ability appeared in maintaining my body in their top condition. Not only, It will hard for me to contract any sickness but every time I train my body, it will worked itself automatically to grow in the best way possible.

So even If I didn't plan my work out, My muscle developed itself into the hybrid of Red and White Muscle or usually called Pink Muscle.

It didn't mean that I look feminine, My muscle just not noticeable because of the clothes. And my fair complexion didn't help.

Of course I unconsciously emitted something like weak aura which is something I practiced when I was under Zeltrech. It was easier to surprise enemy when they underestimate you.

"fufufu~... There is one things that you need to know Hii-chan... Elliot is not as weak as he looked~"

All of them looked at her wondering what she gonna said.

"What do you mean Moca?"

"Elliot is just a front... his real self is the hero Dark Fla-"

I quickly get a hold of her and put my hand in her mouth and drag her into a corner.

"*umhp* *umhp*"

I faced her and told her to keep that matter a secret.

She raised her hand to me and showing her fingers.

It took a few more cakes to make her shut her mouth.

"*nom* you *nom* really kind to me Elliot*nom*"

Yeah right. I sighed again.

I noticed that there were a lot of crumb in her face. How can she be this sloppy. I put out my handkerchief and wipe her mouth. she enjoyed it and then continued eating.

Two of them didn't know that the others has been silently observing both of them. In whisper, they talked about this scene.

(hey...hey ... are they really not dating? what do you think Ran?)

(I-I don't know... but I never see Moca like this before)

(But Moca seemed to be comfortable with him... should we give her some support?)

(Yeah... He look like a good person too)

(Beside that... are you all okay with this? I mean Moca getting a boyfriend?)

All of them thought about it silently. Of course if it made Moca happy they will help her.

After some discussion they decided to help Moca. They decided to make Ran do the talking.

"What are you doing there you four"

"I-its nothing, right guys"

3 of them nodded at Ran inquiry.

"Hey Elliot"


"You never seen we play right"

"For the live yes, but I download some of your video. It was very good"

"That's no good... we will show you our live performance... even though we already accepted your offer... if you think we are inadequate, you can find a replacement"

"hooo... I like your resolve... but I can't right now... How about this, After I got all of the band. I will make time for all of you to perform with that you can talk with your music there.... of course I will also there"

She thought about it for a bit. Even thought it was also true that she wanted him to listen, she also had purpose to see more of his relationship with Moca.

She was happy that Moca was very close with the boy in front of him. But in the corner of her heart, there was some strange fear.

Can we stay "the same" if Moca get together with him?

That one question was becoming seed of uneasiness inside her.

Four of them planned to know more about this boy in front of her. But when he refused their offer to watch them play today, there was strange sense of relief in her heart.

She didn't know that, the others also felt the same way.

It became like this because the one who showed sight of change was Moca.

She was someone who can't focus on something. But when something interest her, she can be really worked up about it. Since now only her childhood friends, instrument, and bread become her obsession. the man beside her could become the next one.

Of course they knew that, the problem can't be solved like this. They wonder if their catchphrase "its the same as always" and their friendship can be maintained when some of them get into a relationship.

When they knew it, The sun was starting to set and they decided to check live house circle while Elliot planned to return.


We walked out of the cafe.

I walked with 5 of them. They said they will check Circle.

Because its in the same direction, we went together. I looked toward the surrounding.

I already sensed it since earlier, but after their secret talk before the atmosphere became kind of awkward. They seemed to think hard about sometohing. Even outsider like me felt that.

Moca seemed confused how it became like this. She also became low spirited

Sighed these girls. I decided to do something about it.

There were not many people here. Seeing that this was a good place. I put the takeout for Abby in nearby place and stopped walking.

"Why are you stopping Elliot?"

Moca asked me... the other also noticed and stopped looking at us tilting their head wondering what happened. This position was also very good.

"Hey Moca do you remember your prank just now"

"Which one~?"

She tried to remember which one I was talking about.

"About how I was your boyfriend"

I stated to her.

I walked closer and put my hand on the wall behind her.

It was the legendary Kabedon.

"What if I said, I want to make it true right now"


She became wide eyed. The other also surprised seeing us.

I said while my face was really close to her. Her face was red and the others also freeze didn't know what to do.

I made my face closer to hers. Now that I saw it. in her eyes, I can saw many emotion, expectation and fear was one of them. She only waited silently for what I am gonna do.

Slowly I made my face closer to her like going for a kiss. The other girls face also becoming redder, wondering how it became like this so fast.

I can smell her body and hear her heartbeat. I bring my closer to her but my target was not her lip.

When I reached my target I whispered to her ears.

"You really have a good childhood friend... Don't worry just leave it all to me"

She was surprised hearing my word. and when she least expected it, I blow into her ear.


She moaned a cute sound. I gave that 9 out of 10.

I was also surprised she would make that kind of sound. I guessed her ears was really sensitive. The others was standing there with mouth wide opened while having a red face. Well three of them anyway.

"Bastard what are you doing to Moca"

Tomoe was approaching me. I can only smiled at her.

She tried to punch me while having a red face. I evaded slightly and from the gap I approached her with delicate footwork.

Seeing my face also getting closer to her. she panicked a little and almost fell down when tried to back out.

I held her waist to make sure she didn't fall.

Before she got the chance to respond I also blowed into her ear.


She yelped from my action. Okay that will be 8 out of 10. its cute but because I didn't really know her, it didn't have a big impact.

Her leg became weak so I put her down. She couldn't process what happened yet.

Then I looked at the others. They were standing frozen there watching all of that.

Himari maybe because of her responsibilities as a leader walked to the front.

She stands in front of the other two and shielded the others with her body.

But when I looked her face, it was not the face of someone sacrificing herself but of someone who wanted to said "please let me be next".

I walked closer to her and when I stand in front of her, She closed her eyes waiting for what I will do.

I can only chuckle at this sight. then I flicked her forehead.


Feeling the pain in her forehead she opened her eyes.

She was surprised about my action.

"That's for calling me weak before, what do you expect I will do?.... you naughty girl♪"

I said teasingly while grinning. She looked down embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

"Why are you doing all of this?"

It seemed two of them realized that I won't do anything to them. Ran asked me that in a calm tone.

"Sorry, sorry... I actually just want to tease Moca but I was surprised that I was attacked by Tomoe so I instinctively counter attacking her"

"You shouldnt do something like this Elliot... It is not good... A-at least do it in private with the person you love"

Tsugumi was reprimanding me like how a good students would. Now that I think about it, didn't she said that she was in Student council in Haneoka. Maybe this was how she acted in school.

"I apologize Tsugumi... But part of it was also the fault of you four"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I have a good ear you know... How can I not tease all of you when I heard your secret conversation before and want to help me together with Moca"


Three of the one who heard my words was red knowing that I heard their conversation.


I evaded Tomoe attack again with minimal movement... I guessed she already healed from her shock. I took the take out that I order and ran away from the next attack.

The sun was setting on my back and I faced them to tell them something.

"Oh yeah one more things"

All of them looked at me again.

I said this in a voice so all of them could hear it. I put my finger in front of my mouth and winked at all of them.

"Even if I am really developed relationship with some of you... I swear that I will make sure that It won't destroy your friendship okay.... so you don't need to think much about it"

All of them were surprised hearing my words.

"hahaha... good bye Afterglow... I will contact you for the performance time"

I said that and disappear from their sight.


"That was really surprising~"

Moca was already normal again. She saw all of the things that happened

"ughh... I swear I will hit him the next time we meet and what did he mean by some, does he mean that he will have relationship with more than one of us.... aghhh"

Tomoe was really frustated because she was done in by him. Remembering what he did, her face started to get red again.

"I am sure he was just joking Tomoe-chan"

Tsugumi said that to soothe Tomoe.

"And Tomo-chin... you make such a cute sound just now~"

"guh shut up Moca"

"Moca what did he said to you?" Ran was asking because she was too far at that time

"He said that If I become his girlfriend he will buy me a mountain of bread every day"

"pfft.. yeah right"

Ran can only laughed seeing her friend respond.

Suddenly Moca leap and hugged Ran

"W-what are you doing?"

"Because you are really cute when you are jealous Ran"

She looked away embarrassed not knowing a retort to this.

"And all of you don't need to be worried... didn't he say that he will make sure that our friendship will stay the same as always"

"You shouldn't believe that man's word Moca"

"Hahaha I guessed Tomoe is still mad at Elliot"

"You can say that because he didn't do anything to you Tsugu"

"Its true... Now that I think it why are you so silent Himari-chan"

All of them looked at their so called leader. Her eyed was unfocused and her face was really red. she was muttering something quietly.


Four of them have sweat drop down on their face.

"Lets find a way to wake her up from her stupor first"


Three of them tried to wake Himari from her delusion.

Moca was looking at them.

She tried to remember what happened just now. Her heartbeat becoming quicker again.

She was actually uneasy too because of the new feeling inside her and how it will affect her friendship, So when Elliot said that he will take care of it. She was feeling really happy.

"I wonder what should I do to him the next time we meet~♪"

With a small smile on her face, she walked toward her friend.


1/3 (2956 words)

I will count this as two chapter okay. so it will be last chapter of last week and first chapter of this week. It is a pain to divide it.

grendcreators' thoughts
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