
Chapter 4: iceberg teacher

As they exited the teacher's building, they walked directly towards the biggest of the three buildings. In fact, the building was clearly separated in two, most likely because one part was for the girls and the other for the boys. The two parts were both six-story high. Once in front, masked man Xia began to explain.

" This is the dormitory. This building will be your resting place for the next six years. The right part is for the boys while the left is for the girls. Each floor represents the year, which means the ground floor is for first years, the first floor for second years, etc.

There are very few rules here. First off, you cannot go into the girls' dormitory. Secondly, you cannot go to another one's room without asking for permission from a teacher and the owner. Thirdly, there is a set time for entering or exiting the building: after 10 pm, and before 6 am. Finally, no fight is allowed within the building.

The building we were in was the teachers' building. It's also a restricted area for you. Finally, the class' building is like the dormitory. Each floor for the corresponding year, with the cafeteria and infirmary being the first floor. The only difference is that it's not separated by gender. Before the lectures begin, you will be assigned a class. That's all for now. "

Finished talking, masked man Xia disappeared. Standing there speechless, the twins looked at their room number, which was 10 and got to it. Just like everything so far, it was simple but elegant. There were two beds and two desks and the room was clean and bright. As it was a little past noon, they went to the cafeteria immediately after throwing their bags in their room and discarding their simple clothes to wear the academy uniform, which is a simple long-sleeved shirt and black shorts.

It was the classes building yet the cafeteria was on the first floor, this was quite weird as the smell of food may distract students, not that it would bother them, obviously. The cafeteria was big and really looked like everything else, but there were people inside. Most of the people were kids, but some were adults, most likely teachers as they were placed a little farther than the kids.

Counting roughly, there were more than a hundred children eating and as they arrived a little later, everyone turned to look at them. Not being the shy type, Feng and beibei just waved then got to what looked like the self-service counter. There was an old lady there who, upon seeing that she didn't know them instructed them on what to do.

" You are new right? You can just help yourself with the food as anything is free. But, be wary, no waste of food is allowed. " Quickly thanking her, they did as they were told though, being accustomed to foods that mostly served to warm up cold bodies because of the weather, Feng looked lost seeing that he didn't know anything.

Beibei on the other hand just took what looked edible and threw it on his plate. An action that Feng quickly imitated. With their plates full, they just got to a secluded table to eat as they didn't know anyone. A few minutes later, a group of four boys who looked 10 years old came to their table and sat near them. Once seated, the one who looked like the leader spoke to the twins.

" You two are new here? I'm Lu Piao, the best informant of the whole elementary academy and these guys are my assistants. Can you introduce yourselves? Lots of people here are curious. "

Totally dumbfounded as they were waiting for some bullying with their match-up, Feng and Beibei looked at each other before quickly introducing themselves. As they were instructed by elder Luo, they were to tell important information about themselves only to the dean, personal teacher, and elders of spirit hall.

" Ohhhh, so you two are twins! Couldn't tell as you didn't look like each other… Wait, looking carefully, your facial traits are quite similar... Anyway, what are your spirits? "

Shaking his head, Feng replied " We were told not to tell that to anyone. "

" Owww come on, the moment you guys fight we will all know anyway! So what's the point of hiding it? " Still having no response from the twins, Lu Piao sighed as he instructed his assistants to disseminate the few pieces of information he gained, while he himself got to another table after saying goodbye. " Well, if you feel like speaking one day or if you need info, then ask for me. "

As they were once again by themselves, beibei looked at his brother and inquired " What Lu something said is right! Once we fight, they will know so why hiding them? "

" Dunno, elder Luo just said that we couldn't speak about them. Ah right, he also mentioned something like letting them wrongly guess, though that's more for me. For you, it's just the details about your abilities I guess. "

Talking about less important things, they quickly finished eating as they were eager to visit the academy. They, of course, couldn't go to the teachers' building and didn't have much to do in the dorm, but they could still take a look at the classes and the practice field.

As they were already in the class building, they just asked the old lady about the way up. She quietly pointed to the stairs that were on the side, near the entrance of the cafeteria. Going up the floor, they saw that the corridor was long and that there were six doors and multiple windows. In front of each door was marked class 1- followed by A B C D E or F.

Looking through class F's window, the twins' faces fell. Everything about spirit city, not to mention the academy, was simple, elegant, and brought a kind of holy feeling. But the classroom of class F was none of that. It was dirty, old and the desks were in bad shape.

Looking at the other classes in reverse order, the classrooms got better and better until they stopped in front of class A. Unlike everything before, it was luxurious. There were twice fewer desks and they occupied more place. The chairs also looked more comfortable and everything looked brand new. They felt some incongruity in front of such a contrast between the classrooms for class A and F.

As they were lost marveling on why there was such a difference, footsteps echoed behind them as a handsome white-haired and black-eyed 30 years old man who had a cold look walked towards them. Once near, he observed the two kids before him and said while still walking.

" Do you see how trash is treated? And how genius is treated in contrast? That is the principle of this academy. If you are mediocre, you will be treated as such. That's a little price to pay for an assured future at the end of your scholarship. " As he stopped just in front of them, he added with a piercing gaze. " I'm the teacher of class B and I hope to see you two in my class. "

The two kids were quite shocked. Looking at each they vowed to not be mediocre and to strive. Though, Feng was curious about something. " Teacher, you said that you want us in class B. Couldn't we join class A? "

Now directing his piercing gaze solely on Feng, the teacher answered " I know who you are and your capabilities. In terms of qualifications, you are at the top but you will never be able to join class A. The reason? Find out by yourselves. " Immediately after that, he left.

Now confused by the teacher's enigmatic words, Feng and Beibei left the corridor with different thoughts. Beibei was thinking that he would do his best to integrate class A just to baffle this iceberg teacher and make their mother proud while Feng was thinking about the possible reasons that made the class A inaccessible for them.

' Is it maybe because of background? The class sure looked luxurious... Anyway, I'm in too much hurry to see mom again! I hope she comes soon! ' Of course, his thoughts were quickly redirected to his mother's visit.

Leaving the class building, they went to the practice field as they had nothing to do. Beibei really wanted to defeat Feng for once and with his spirit, he thought that he could do it if Feng didn't use his spirit ring.

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