
Time traveling escapades! Part 2


I suddenly broke out of my stupor induced by prolonged withdrawal from the internet to realize that I'm being surrounded. The assailant group being that of young women with blank looks on their faces holding sharp looking farming tools.

'In my youth during my otaku lifetime I would've killed to be in a situation like this surrounded by women. Well, minus the floating and sharp objects. All I got was the blank look in their faces... that I'm extremely familiar with.' I thought while dodging the incoming slashes.

'Oh, it seems I overlooked one of them.' I thought and begin to ready myself for my next move.

"Nura clan secret technique... yokai meat shield!"

"I shall now go into extreme details explaining this secret technique in a step by step manner for those less knowledgeable in martial arts. The yokai meat shield technique™ consists of three basic steps. First, proceed to locate a "willing" participant with the absolute desire of laying down their life for you in your times of need. Second, place the participant in the immediate like of fire between said attack you want to block and you. Third, probably the most important step... run to safety while the participant absorbs all of the damage by themselves."

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU CALMLY SAYING THAT WHILE PUTTING MY BODY IN HARM'S WAY!!!" Said Inuyasha(participant) COMPLETELY willing to help me in such dire times.

I don't say anything else as I throw Inuyasha in the direction of the incoming girl with the sickle in her hand.

As I watch Inuyasha bravely get impaled through the stomach in my stead I can't help but shed a manly tear at his pure display of dignity, loyalty and sacrifice. I place my hands in a prayer position.

"Inuyasha, I'll make sure to tell everyone about this. I'll let everyone know about your sacrifice. Don't worry I'll make sure to light some incense for you and inform your wife and child about what just happened." I say while drying the moisture in my eyes.


Having enough of teasing Inuyasha I turn serious and begin to analyze the situation.

Sakasa-gami no yura... if I remember correctly she was a yokai that used her hair not only to attack and trap her enemies with cage like nets made out of hair but also used said hair to take control and puppeteer unsuspecting people. It's not really that hard to break the women out of her control. If I used nenekirimaru I'll be able to cut the hair strand taking control of them without them coming to harm.

I slowly begin unheathing nenekirimaru with one hand as on the other one I was now holding Inuyasha like he was a sack of potatoes. But as the blade is almost fully out of the sheath I suddenly hear Kaede's panicked voice.

"Don't injure those girls!" Kaede shouts at us seemingly worried about the safety of the women as she layed on the ground covered in her own blood.

"Kaede-babaa" The sack of potatoes says as I hold it up to face her direction.

"What're you up to, with all of this blood?" Inuyasha asks Kaede with a blank look in his face.

"Could you not have worded that in any other way?" Kaede asks back to him.

The conversation is cut short as the three of us hear some shuffling coming from the direction of the downed women. All of the start to slowly get up fro the ground like something straight out of night of the living dead.

Once again I start to ready my blade preparing myself to end this charade sooner rather than later.

"Please, don't hurt any of those girls they're just being controlled." Kaede said almost in a pleading voice.


"Did you already forget what I told you about nenekirimaru two days ago. It's not meant to cut humans. Nenekirimaru is a blade made for the sole purpose of slaying ayakashi as such even situation like this were taken into account while it was being forged. It'll just pass right through them and target the yokai bits taking control of their bodies." I say in a soothing tone almost as if placating a child.

"Now, that that's out of the way do you have anything else you want to ask."

This time she looks in Inuyasha's direction and asks.

"Where's Kagome? Call Kagome here!"

She's probably asking for Kagome just in case that nenekirimaru can't release them from Yura's control without causing harm.

"No way! I can beat all of these women by myself. Without Kagome's or the old man's help." He said while cracking his fingers and showing of his claws.

"You... you can't!" Kaede screamed at Inuyasha.

"These girls are being manipulated and are not in control of their actions. Are you really capable of killing these innocent women who aren't willing participants in these actions that they are being forced to commit."

"You're spouting ideological nonsense Kaede-babaa. You were almost murdered by these women, weren't you? They're dead weight, if you get caught up trying to save them you're going to end up dead." He said but I noticed a slight discomfort while he was saying that last line.

'Good, at least he's not sasuke levels of edginess.'

Out of my peripheral vision I noticed that the group of women around us had one again begun to move hovering through the air coming straight at us and I quickly activated my fear fading into the background away from everyone's sight.

"You must the one controlling all of them from the shadows that is the only way for you to free them Inuyasha!" Kaede screamed as she saw Inuyasha start to move in direction towards the women.

"I don't have time for this!" shouted Inuyasha

"Inuyasha, the hair... sever the hair that is being attached to the girls!"

"What hair, I don't see any."

"Where the hell is the old man! He was here just a second ago. Did that mother fucker run away to save his own skin." Inuyasha let's out while struggling to keep the women in check.

'It kinda hurts that he would think that about me... although I am going to leave him out to dry on this one. I need to have a private talk with little miss hairball hiding out there in a corner on top of a tree and I can't do that with them around so I'm just gonna sit back, relax and watch the show unfold. Ah, it's seems as they are just about finished.'

Just as I finished thinking that Inuyasha ended his "fight" with the mind controlled group that was mainly him dodging, getting tied up and then running away with Kaede on his back after more villagers appeared tha were clearly not in their right faculties in the direction of the bone gobbling well.

After that I nonchalantly walked towards the tree where the girl is sitting. There was a young girl with short, dark green hair, which she had tied up fan-like in a hair bob style. Her hair was dark enough to appear black in some lights. She had creamy skin and sharp fingernails, as well as a lithe and very agile body. She had reddish-violet eyes, wore red eye shadow, and red lipstick. Wearing a really short kimono with a deep v neck showing a lot of cleavage something that would be a very revealing outfit even for modern times standards.

"Hi, didn't think I would be meeting a beauty like you up here little lady." I say as I appear in the branch next to her with a sultry smile.

"UWAAAAAA!" She panicked while flailing due to my sudden appearance and nearly fell off the tree and I quickly grabbed her hand preventing her from falling and pull her close to me.

"Who the fuck are you!" She screamed at me while her face turned red at realizing the current position we find ourselves in.

"That isn't really a nice thing to say to someone that just saved you from hitting the ground like a sack of potatoes." I whispered into her ear as I pulled her even closer into my body.

"I asked you a question." She say meekly while averting her gaze

"Well, I-" I paused for a second and quickly sent a barrage of slashes with nenekirimaru at a collection of hair tied to both her hands severing them while leaving only a few of them connected to Inuyasha.

"-was just gonna free all of the villagers."

"You fucking human simpatizer!" She shouts and tries to pull out the wakizashi on her hip from it's sheath but I grabbed her had and looked into her eyes showing no emotions in my eyes and I release all of my fear.

"I don't really mind that you're after the shikon jewel but the way you're going at it is all wrong. Using innocent humans too weak to protect themselves as disposable tools is frankly repulsive. The only reason that I'm even willing to give you this warning is because no one has died yet so listen to me closely. I don't really care about who you use or kill to accomplish your goal BUT if you're gonna do that make sure to do it upfront and that the person that you're doing it too has the ability to retaliate. If I get wind that you're harming the villagers or the people around me there won't be a second chance. True body or not I'm going to make you realize that there are plenty of worst things than death in this world." I say putting as much malice into my tone as I possibly can.

"OK" I then finish it off with a cheerful smile almost as if the previous lines had been an illusion.

She the frantically nodded back to me while shivering from head to toe.

"Now, let's get on going you got a battle to attend to and I need to heal an old lady dying from bleeding out in the middle of the woods."

"Battle?" She said with a dumbfounded look in her face.

"Yeah, you want the shikon jewel and I want to see a catfight. Our needs coincide so I'm going to serve as "matchmaker" and create a chance for you to claim it as your own fairly."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You know that's not the first time someone's said that to me in the last couple of days."

After saying that I quickly pick her up in a princess carry and zoom to the bone gobbling well at breakneck speeds.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAIT!!!!!!" I hear but I ignore it.

[A/N: Hello my weeb brethren I come here today and offer you the new installment of this humble one's novel. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it and tell me you thoughts. Until the next time see you guys later.]

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