

"I have to be at the church by five, so just be there before I leave? There's a shuttle from the hotel to the church, and you can take that over so you don't have to sit around during the pictures."

They walked down the street, no longer hand in hand. "That sounds good."

"Great." They were at the entrance to the BART station now. "Okay. See you tomorrow? Text me if you have any questions?"

He leaned in for a hug. Without stopping to think about it, she kissed him on the cheek. He pulled back and looked at her for a long moment.

An ambulance roared by and they jumped apart.

He stroked her cheek with his thumb.

"Good night, Hyde. See you tomorrow."

Stella thanked God, the next morning that the real work of building the playground was for people who actually knew what they were doing. She could still keep her boss on message and banter with the press while her mind was constantly wandering to her date that night, but if she'd been operating power tools, it would have been a disaster.

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