
Chapter 3: Rumors

"There must be some info about this online... "

I opened the browser and search for some information about Amelia in the wiki.

Amelia Favreau

"Iris of Iron and Blood"

A picture of a beautiful blonde lady with blue eyes is shown. Wearing a blue dress filled with decorations. An ample bosom made more noticable by the gold patterns. A white miniskirt and thigh high socks. A woman who can only be described as beautiful.

General Information

First Appearance: Iron and Blood event

Birthday: July 4

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Nationality: Iris Nationale

Affiliation: None

Love Interest: None

Weapon: Rapier

"That's strange, her affiliation should be with the Iron Rose Guild right? "

I wonder why the wiki is still not updated?


Amelia is regarded as one of the best NPC's of the game. With a smart A.I. and a great skill set, she is a great boon to the players during the Iron and Blood event.


Mana Enchantment III

Attack Boost III

Speed Boost III

Quick Raid

Armor Pierce

Triplet Strike

Crescent Moon

Million Strike

Iris of Light and Dark

Iris of Light and Dark

Amelia's Ultimate Skill. (Only used at the cutscene at the end of the Iron and Blood event)

In the battle against the Devil Chimera, Amelia asked for power to bring judgement to the nobles who wreak havoc on the people of Fontaine.

Twin orbs of light and dark appeared, releasing magic energy which flooded the battlefield. The energy converged into a vortex which slowly shrunk into a singularity before exoloding.

"It says here that she only used it at the cutscene. So there must be a new event... "

I opened a new tab and I checked the forums.

(Datamine) UR Rarity Equipment, Pets, Partner card, etc... 4TH ANNIVERSARY event?!

I chekced the post.

Dataminers found some hidden files from the last update.

In the Resources folder, hidden files with names like WPNDestrucSwd were found.

Here is a summary of their findings.

"Legendary weapons?"


- Blade of Destruction

- Midnight Claws

- Artemis Bow

- Divine Spear of Retribution

- Staff of the Monkey King

- Archmage Staff

- Wand of the Elders

"Some new armors... "



"I'm fine with my gear right now. Pets? "



"I kinda like my pet... "

Partner Cards

"Partner Cards? "

UR Rarity Legendary NPC (Available in gala gacha)

- Silk hiding Steel: Miyuki

- Dragon's Roar: Argus

- Child of Magic: Emily

- King of the Seas: Kristoff

- Queen of Frigid Wind: Anastasia

- Master of the Arts: Lee

- Knight of Order: Galahad

- Mistress of the Dark: Veronica

- People's Champion: Albert

- Iris of Light and Dark: Amelia

- <Archmage of the Beginning and the End> The Grand Mage from Another Dimension: Merlin

"What the fuck? What the hell is this? "

I scrolled down to the comments section.

Comments (975)


Is this another episode of Amelia where?

Edit: what the fuck Merlin?


I was about to believe this post until I saw the Partner Cards.


Fucking Merlin wtf gacha hell flashbacks


Time for the queen of THICC


I want Veronica to step on me <3


Nam flashbacks from Merlin lolololol


Press F for wallet-kun


Don't give me hope plz

"This is probably another shitpost."

(Datamine) PART 2

"Again? Well... It wouldn't hurt to look..."

Card arts

imglinkpg2001047 (Amelia)


A link? Maybe I should...

A picture of Amelia wielding a rapier is shown at the screen.

There seems to be something in the background.

"This is?! This is different?! A new artwork? "

Comments (511)


There goes my life savings...


Yo wtf! This is too good to be fanart!


Oh god Veronica really i going to step on us! MEGA NUT


Damn these are some high qual artworks


Are those scales behind Amelia?

"Damn, is this post for real? SSR's are already hard to get, so UR units must be even harder.

I'm pretty sure the gacha will find a way to fuck us 20 times over while pulling for UR's.

But still. Amelia might be on the banner.

"Should I? Well shit. I really need to find a job soon. "

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