
Chapter 27

as Akira was walking towards the location of the shelter rain began pouring, then he walked inside the shelter and saw many terrified people and children crying while some adults were calming them down.

*at the destroyed building*

the 'corpse' of the sea king began to change as it became larger and some muscles covered the wounds and his crocodile like eyes flashed and he got up from the debris, he still got burns on his side and his arm is dangling,"Ahh, I WILL KILL YOU, YOU BETTER HIDE" the sea king was outraged and mad, he wasn't scared and he said "you will pay for this humiliation" he sensed a lot of life forms in a dome like shaped facility, his smile got creepy and wide, he rushed there.

in the way he met puri-puri prisoner and he didn't do his speech, he straight up attacked puri-puri prisoner, caught by surprise he couldn't defend and the sea king's teeth were logged deep into the S-Class hero neck which made blood gush out.

but fortunately for him the sea king was in a crazy state and left for the shelter after one attack.

*at the shelter*

Akira got some attention as his costume made civilians think he was a hero.

"What are you doing here, you should be fighting monsters outside " civilian 1 said.

that statement made the other ones find a person to pour their frustrations on, "yes you coward, why are you hiding in here?"

Akira turned to look at them with cold eyes and said

"excuse me, but do you civilians think I'm your dog?"

an arrogant teenager said "we pay the hero association and they pay you so you work for us, now go and fight" he said with a smug smile.

Akira had the thought of killing him but he shook his head, 'that would be too extra, plus i don't wanna ruin my peaceful lifestyle for a nobody, hehe, that doesn't mean he will not be traumatized'

Akira's eyes shined with a cold light.

he heard some rumbling and a loud explosion as a huge monster with a limp arm broke the shelter's side and was laughing at the crying people after that a shadow came at a fast speed and punched the monster, which caused the sea king to back up, the shadow was genos, 'he might have a chance with the sea guy weakened' at that time a rock came down from the shelter's ceiling and Akira thought of an idea that will remove his annoyance from the guy earlier, *Time Stop* he moved the people from under it and made the arrogant guy positioned near it so when it falls it will miss his face by a small distance, and he backed up, *Time Resume* and the guy was confused then he heard a loud boom near him and he saw a large rock fall in front of him, he wet his pants and fell backward running away while crying, (ye he is petty, you don't have to tell me), then Akira refocused on the fight between a crippled monster and Genos, 'now that i think about it he is weak compared to the big monsters well time to act', *Time Speed*.

Genos was focusing on the fight as he was in danger nearly everytime the sea king punches or bite, Akira moved at an incredible speed and used his wooden sword to hit the sea king's face with all his power, the monster flew away with a disfigured head and was not moving after he created a crater in the ground.

Genos looked at Akira in surprise, and thought 'he is so powerful i don't think that i will win against him if we fight' he clenched his fists at the feeling of weakness.

(sorry if there is something wrong in this chapter, something happened while writing this, Thank you for reading ❤)

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