
Mr.Fat and Miss pretty 9

At school(27 days after meeting her dad) ...

Everyone.Your friend Xou Shi Shi is going to become the new CEO of the Xou company.And by that she is also leaving his school to attend a college in France.To give her a good we'll goodbye we as a school are going to have a party for.We have 12 jobs that need to be done.Every 1,000 of you guys are goin to be doing a particular job.Shi is leaving tomorrow and we need to get this done fast.(principal)

Shou's group...

Hi everyone I'm Shou Tang Shang.You guys can call me Shou for short.im very Glade to work with all of you and get this done.(Shou)

Work... work... work...8hours later...

Alright you guys let's pack up.We will need to get things ready tomorrow morning.And were you best dress and suit you have.(Shou)

That next day...

Mr.Xou!! Welcome to SK college. We're very Glade we had your daughter in our college.(Principle)

(Hand motion) Stop. Where is my daughter.(Dad)

Well sir she is in her dorm retrieveing all of her idoms.(Principal)

Bring her to me now.Her plane leaves in 2 hours and I don't have time to talk.(Dad)

But Mr.Xou.Our schools is planing a party for Shi.And we would like her to attend this.Please let her consider it.(Principal)

Daddy your hear.All of my things are ready to go too.What time does the plane leaves.(Shi Shi)

My baby girl.The plane leaves tomorrow morning.Yiu should say goodbye to your friends and maybe my future son-in-law.(Dad)

Dad stop joking.You Know that I don't like anyone yet.(Shi)

Come on.You got to at least have someone in mine?!(Dad)

Maybe someone but he is only a friend.You introduce me to him 17 years ago.(Shi)

Ok my sweet heart just go.Ill get you at 10 tonight.(Dad)

In Long's Villa after the party...

Long are you there...Long where are you. I need to talk to you.(Shi)

I'm sorry madam Shi.But Young master Long isn't hear.But he said that you should just leave hear and never return. I just want to tell you that he loved you very much and tryed to do his best. And by That he keeps over eating.(Butler Kim)

Butler Kim.Im going to miss you and Long very much.They said that I'm not going to come back in 3 years.So please say goodbye to him for me.And tell him I love him very much.Even though I didn't get to see him for the last time.At least tell him I said I like him.(Shi)

Yes madam Shi I will tell him that once I he gets back.But you should leave and have a good rest.(Butler Kim)

Thank you Butler Kim.I hope to keep contact with you.Tgank you for helping me ever sence child hood.Im very greatful that you are hear.(Shi)

Back at school...

Shi. Have a.good time in France.See you in 3 years.(Mou Ying)

Thank you Mou.But before I leave Can I get one last hug.(Shi)

Sure Shi.One last one before you leave.(Mou)

(Wisper in ear) I'll kill you soon Mou.Its not like I don't know your plans.And I'll kill Shou Shan too.Just watch your back before you go anywhere!(Smerk)(Out loud) Ok Mou bye bye.See you very soon.Ok driver let's go.(Shi)

Wait Shi.

driver stop the car.I hear something.(Shi)

Shi Shi don't go.Shi Butler Kim told me about what you said. Please open the door Shi I want to talk to you.(Long)

Bang... bang...bang...

Driver drive.I don't want to see nor hear this man.Please drive faster.(Shi)

Shi...Shi what are you doing.Driver please stop right now.Shi.(Long)

car at a stop...

Shi.Shi can I please see you I want...

Long please stop it hear.I know that your Glade that I finally admitted to you that I liked you but,I can't bear to see you right now.So I think that im just going to have to let you go.(Shi)

Shi what are you saying. Are'nt you happy that I'm finally hear to see you.(Long)

Long please don't make it harder for me as it is hard for you. I just want to leave hear with no regrets.And return hear with no misunderstandings.So Mr.Chan let me go and get your life back to normal.Driver please leave hear at once.Goodbye Mr.Chan.Hope you can understand what I'm saying.(Shi)

Shi... Shi no you can't go.Why are you leaving hear.(On knees)Xou ShiShi you will never be let go of.I Long Chan,the son of the Chan company will make your life a living hell. Butler Kim,get my father on the phone.Tell him I agree to it. Shi Shi you will regret this day for the res of your life.(Long)

4 Years later...

Beep...beep.. beep...

Dad it time I come home and start running the Xou company.Please get a plane ready to leave in 1 hour. (Shi)

Sweet heart I will get it to you in 45 minutes.Once you get hear,I'll set up an appointment to announce the new CEO.Love you Shi Shi.(Dad)

Love you to Dad.Beep...A city hear I come.(Shi)


Now as the daughter of the Xou family returns.Today is also president Xou retirement day.Now anounceing the new president of the Xou company.We now meet Xou ShiShi.The Eldest daughter of the Xou family.Now miss Shi...

Beep..Now Shi you finally return after 4 years in France.Let's have a reunion of our last meeting.(Long)

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