
Sunday Amusement (79)

Bella woke up Sunday morning and did not want to wake Zane up. He got very little rest during the week. So she sat quietly and read.


The little fellow continued his travels, and presently entering a thick forest, he encountered a company of robbers who were plotting to steal the king's treasure. As soon as they saw the little tailor, they said to themselves, "A little fellow like this could creep through a keyhole, and aid us greatly."

So one called out-- "Hullo, little man, will you come with us to the king's treasury? Certainly a Goliath like you could creep in with ease, and throw out the coins to us."

After considering awhile, Tom Thumb consented, and accompanied them to the king's treasury. From top to bottom they inspected the door to discover a crack large enough for him to get through, and soon found one.

He was for going in directly, but one of the sentinels happening to catch sight of him, exclaimed: "Here is indeed an ugly spider; I will crush it with my foot."

"Leave the poor creature alone," the other said; "it has not done you any harm."

So Tom Thumb slipped through the crack, and made his way to the treasury. Then he opened the window, and cast out the coins to the robbers who were waiting below.

While the little tailor was engaged in this exciting employment, he heard the king coming to inspect his treasure, so as quickly as possible he crept out of sight.

The king noticed that his treasure had been disarranged, and soon observed that coins were missing: but he was utterly unable to think how they could have been stolen, for the locks and bolts had not been tampered with, and everything was well fastened.

On going from the treasury, he warned the two sentinels, saying-- "Be on the watch, some one is after the money," and quite soon, on Tom Thumb setting to work again, they heard very clearly the coins ringing, chink, chank, as they struck one against the other.

As quickly as possible they unfastened the building and went in, hoping to take the thief. But Tom Thumb was too quick for them, he sprang into a corner, and hiding himself behind a coin, so that nothing of him was visible, he made fun of the sentinels; crying "I am here!"

Then when the men hurried to the spot where the voice came from, he was no longer there, but from a different place cried out: "Ha, Ha! here I am!"

So the sentinels kept jumping about, but so cleverly did Tom move from one spot to another, that they were obliged to run around the whole time, hoping to find somebody, until at length, quite tired out, they went off.

Then Tomb Thumb went on with his work, and one after another he threw all the coins out of the window, but the very last he sounded and rang with all his might and springing nimbly upon it, so flew through the window.

The robbers were loud in their praises. "Indeed you are a brave fellow," they said, "will you be our captain?"

Tom Thumb, thanking them, declined this honor, for he was anxious to see more of the world. Then the booty was apportioned out, but only a ducat was given to the little tailor, for that was as much as he could carry.

So Tom girded on his sword again, and bidding farewell to the robbers, continued his travels.


Betty was sitting at the table when she received a call.

"Hello" she said.

"Hi, I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day with me." the voice asked.

"Who is this?" Betty asked.

The Man laughed, "Guess I did not make much of an impression. This is Oliver McLaughlin."

Betty put on a big smile, "I'm sorry Oliver I forgot to put your number in my phone. Please forgive me."

"Only if you spend the day with me." He said.

She agreed and gave him her address. She changed into pink petal pushers with a light sweater and matching flats.

When he arrived he was dressed in jeans, a polo and sneakers.

He would not tell her were they were going and when he pulled into the parking lot of the amusement park she was surprised.

They spent the day riding many different rides. He even won her a few prizes at game booths.

When evening came he bought a picnic dinner they ate while waiting for fireworks to start.

This was the most fun she had in a long time.

He even walked her to her door.

"Hope you had fun?" He asked.

"Yes, thank you."

He held both of her hands while facing her. "Can I see you again?"

"I would like that."

He then leaned in and gave her a good night kiss before leaving.


It was late by the time Zane and Bella pulled into the parking garage. This weekend was great. It had been a while since they could just be together like that.



"Not next weekend but the one after that do you want to go away again?" He asked.

"Any time you want to I'm there." She smiled as they rode the elevator up to the penthouse.

"Then it's a date." He said giving her a kiss.


Josh spent the day playing games with his brother.

Ben and Sally went shopping for things Sally needed for the new Apartment.

She took Ben by their new place and it was in the same building as his sister.

Sally verified with the guard about the move in tomorrow and he even let her take another look around to count windows and get sizes.

When dinner time came they brought back three large Pizza and some beer for the men and a bottle of wine for Sally.

That night Josh had gotten ready for bed early because they need to be at work at 6am.

"Thank you for spending time with Sally today." he said getting into bed.

"No problem. However tonight you need to make it up to me." Ben said pulling him close and kissing him.

They made out like teenagers for a while before falling asleep together.


IleneMaecreators' thoughts
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