
Chapter 29 - Mission


Tang Yao and the King teleported right into the King's brother castle. Shocking all the royal guards who were positioned there, just as they were about to attack those intruders, their King ran up and embraced one of them.

"Brother! What are you doing here?" asked the King of Herald City.

"I'm here to give you this letter Paul." said The King of Black Raven City

Paul (King of Hearld City) read the letter carefully, his face becoming more and more solemn as he read through this.

"This is a very serious issue John (King of Black Raven City)" said Paul

"I know... This is why I'm giving you a heads up," said John

"But, why didn't you inform the Emperor's councilmen or the Adventerur Association, you could have even informed the Church of Light!" exclaimed Paul.

"I already did, however, they disregarded all my letters, saying I'm becoming too worried, and that this isn't a serious matter at all, just some coincidence," said John.

Tang Yao, just saw both of the King's talking very seriously, he had no idea what the topic was about. He could have used his Haki, All-seeing eyes, or his observation skill, but he didn't.

'It'll make it more interesting if I don't know everything.' thought Tang Yao in his mind, as he was listening to King.

After a few minutes of hearing them talk about stuff, that he had no idea about, the King of Hearld City (Paul), asked, "Who is this gentleman by the way?"

"Oh, yes I completely forgot all about him, you'll never guess how I met him," said John

After a few seconds of whispering between the two kings, the King of Hearld City Paul started rolling on the floor laughing.

'It wasn't that funny was it?' thought Tang Yao, who was just remembering the scene of him running into a wall. 'It couldn't be that funny right?'

"Ah, Dip Stick, I am very sorry for my rude behavior, you were probably wondering what we were talking about here, let me explain to you," said Paul

"Alright then, I don't know if you knew this, there are several continents on this world. We live on the continent called Kolyma Continent. Though we do not have a lot of information regarding the other continents, there is one specific one, that we have been at war with for a long time, the Laurentian Continent. I don't know if you know, the last war we had with them was over 500 years ago it was called the 68th Kolyma-Laurentian Continental War. Yes, we have had 68 wars with them since the beginning of our founding. However each war we have with them, hundreds of millions of our soldier's lives are lost. In the previous war, we lost 198 of our 7th Tier Adventerurs. However, for some miraculous reason, even though the Laurentian's were winning, they backed off and forfeited the war. Right now your king John, and I are suspecting that the Laurentian's are preparing for war. Recently John went to the seaside, to attend to some matters, but he saw several Laurentian warships off the coast of our continent, there was only a few of them. However, when he looked farther off the coast, roughly 250 miles or so out, he saw what looked like to be a military base of the Laurentian's, carrying lots of supplies on to their ships, and loading millions of soldiers on the ships as well." said Paul in a solemn voice.

"Unfortunately, I have tried to notify the higher up's however, they said that I was being too worried and that I didn't have any proof of them preparing," said John, "I also suspect that our government is secretly working with the Laurentian's."

'This smells like a quest.' though Tang Yao before asking, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Well... There is, you know how to teleport right?" asked John

"I can also fly," said Tang Yao


"Alright, you are perfect for this mission, you have to take this magical device, it is called a Camera, you hit this button to take pictures. You are going to teleport above the base, and take pictures of their warships and soldiers. If you can get close enough to their higher-ups, and get evidence of them speaking about their possible attack on Kolyma, then that's even better. Of course, you will be rewarded for your efforts and will receive all the credit for the evidence you obtain." said Paul

"Keep in mind, this is extremely dangerous. In terms of level, their level is around 500 and this is for the common soldier, 600 for the elite ones, 750 for those that hold ranks, and 850+ for all of their leaders," said John

"What, if I kill them all?" asked Tang Yao


"Please, stop joking around this is serious," said John

"I am serious, what if I do kill them all," asked Tang Yao


"If you can kill them I'll give you a very lucrative reward. Though, make sure you obtain evidence first!" said Paul.

"Alright, I'll accept this mission," said Tang Yao

"Are you sure you know what you're getting into? I know you an immortal, and that when you die, you only face a few penalties, but this is different. If you die during this mission, you will not be able to come back." said John

"I still accept this mission," said Tang Yao

"Alright, then, this mission will proceed tomorrow (in-game), please get enough rest, and if you anything to do, please do so," said Paul.

"Wait don't, we need to get back to your castle?" asked Tang Yao

"It's fine, I will explain to the guards after this mission," said John

"You may stay in the castle, I'll have my servants prepare a room for you," said Paul before leaving the throne room.

'What do I do now? A mission window still hasn't popped up, maybe it will tomorrow at the start of the mission, but for now, what should I do? I need more defense, my Mana shield isn't strong enough, as I almost died by a few slaps from an NPC.' thought Tang Yao, before brainstorming ideas of good defensive skills he can make.

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