
Chapter 9

'Open the door' Charlotte screamed standing outside Hazel's apartment talking to her over the phone.

'Char, are you outside? But it's already late' Hazel asked as she walked over to the door to let Charlotte in.

As Charlotte entered she didn't bother to look at Hazel but rather went straight in, she seemed both angry and saddened.

'Char, what's wrong? It's 10 p.m.' Hazel asked following her into the kitchen.

Charlotte remained silent.

'Is this about Ryan?' Hazel asked rolling her eyes in annoyance.

'Why didn't you go, Haze?' Charlotte asked taking a water bottle from the fridge.

'Charlotte, I told you I would go but when I came downstairs I couldn't find Ryan anywhere. I searched everywhere and even enquired the watchman asking for him but not a clue. If you don't believe me then just go ahead and ask Ava' she replied trying to make Charlotte understand.

'Oh I can tell you why he left' Charlotte answered looking right at her.

'HE LEFT?' Hazel enquired bubbling with anger.

'Yes and don't act angry or surprised you asked the security to send him away. I am totally disappointed in you Haze. This is not the way to treat a person' Charlotte shouted looking at her in disappointment.

'I did no such thing' Hazel revolted back as she was terribly horrified from the accusation by her friend. It was true that she wasn't interested in going on a date but she did want to give it a try. In fact she was disappointed that Ryan left without meeting her. After finding out Ryan wasn't downstairs she went upstairs to inform Ava that her date left without notice and then she waited for Ava to complete her work and they both returned home together. She thought she will tell Charlotte everything tomorrow but things turned out differently and it was totally unexpected.

Charlotte didn't pay any attention to Hazel's defense she never thought that Hazel would do something like this. She is not someone who rejects people bluntly.

'What in the world is going on here?' Ava shouted coming out of her room.

'I can't take it anymore, why are you both fighting?' Ava asked looking at the two.

'Char thinks I sabotaged my date on purpose' Hazel responded unhappy.

'But it was Ryan's fault right? He wasn't there when you went downstairs' Ava supported hazel.

Charlotte looked at the two and after a minute of thought took her phone and dialed Ryan;

'Hey Ryan' she greeted as Ryan answered.

'Hi Charlotte, what is it?'

'Ryan, I have Hazel with me here and she wants to know why you left without any notice'

'Are you kidding me? You made the watchman tell me to leave, you could have just texted me that you didn't want to go on this date. That was really insulting' he replied hurt.

'No Ryan, just listen to me' Hazel interrupted trying to clarify the misunderstanding.

'Goodbye, Ms. White' he disconnected.

Hazel looked helpless. She did no such thing. She looked at Ava in distress.

'Char just listen to me' she pleaded looking at Charlotte.

'You know what Haze, I get it. I know what's going on here. It's Chris. You still like him' Charlotte said getting up from the couch.

'WHAT?' Hazel yelled in frustration and as she was about to defend herself, Charlotte stopped her.

'Haze I didn't know you were into married men. Well since you are my bestie I will help you out. Let's make a plan we will destroy his family and make him fall in love with you and let's just forget about the kids. It sounds great, right?' Charlotte said smiling sarcastically.

'ENOUGH!' Hazel shouted losing patience. Her eyes were brimming with tears due to frustration.

Charlotte's eyes filled with tears looking at Hazel's.

Hazel was trying to speak out her thoughts but in vain. She wanted to explain to Charlotte, but only tears seemed to find their way out. She just wished that Charlotte would understand her mind like other times.

'I trust you and I am sorry, I think I overreacted. It's just that I wanted you to move on. It's been so long since you were obsessed with Chris and I was just truly worried' she apologized. She knew Hazel was innocent because Hazel cries out in frustration only when she's being falsely accused of something. And Charlotte felt really worse for putting her in such position.

Hazel smiled through her tears happy that Charlotte finally understood her innocence.

'You know what Haze? The thing is, Ryan is so much better. He's smart, handsome, has a decent job and more over LIKES you' she continued explaning.

'I just want you to be happy, maybe that's why I was being so unreasonable now' she finished and hugged Hazel trying to express her regret for not trusting Hazel in the first place.

"What was I thinking? Hazel couldn't do something like this but who was it?" Charlotte wondered with suspicion.

'I know and don't worry I will ask Ryan out on a date tomorrow' Hazel replied patting Charlotte.

'Really?' Charlotte asked beaming with joy.

'Yes' Hazel replied smiling back at her.

'Ok, now go take rest. I am sorry' Charlotte apologized again.

'Are you leaving?' Hazel asked.

'Yeah, have to go to office to tomorrow. See you then' she replied walking towards the door.

As Hazel followed her to close the door, Ava volunteered to do it and asked Hazel to go to bed.

As Hazel went back to her room, Ava waved Charlotte bye and was about to close the door when Charlotte stopped her;

'What is it Charlotte?' Ava asked puzzled.

'You were awfully quiet the whole time, usually when me and Hazel fight you try to console us but today you didn't do anything and you didn't even react when Ryan told us that the security asked him to leave. Do you know anything about this?' she interrogated raising an eyebrow.

'Whattt?' Ava asked squealing.

'Spill' Charlotte demanded.

'What?' Ava asked acting casually.

'Oh for heaven's sake just spill!'

'I don't know anything' Ava replied averting her gaze.

'OH MY GOD!!! It's Ed' Charlotte shouted positive.

'How did you know?' Ava disclosed shocked by Charlotte's guess.

'I didn't but you just gave in' she replied glaring at her.

Ava realized how Charlotte played in smartly to make her confess. Though Ava thought it was just a wild guess but Charlotte already had a doubt on him and she only wanted to confirm it.

'He's so dead but yesterday he was ok with the idea. What the hell was he thinking? I am going over to his house first thing in the morning and you? You played along?' she asked Ava as it was very hard for Charlotte to take in.

When Ava continued to remain silent, she spoke up again;

'Wait till I meet Ed tomorrow then I will take care of you and since Haze just calmed down, I will speak to her tomorrow' she said and walked away in anger.

Ava locked the door and went back to her room preoccupied by her thoughts.

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