
Date with Chitoge 2

//AN: Ramen girl and Reiko aren't important //

It has been a couple of minutes and both Tenchi and the other rider were clocking about 178 MPH

Their goal was to make it to the top of the mountain pass

Suddenly we see a bunch of cars and trucks and we had to maneuver around them

Due to Tenchi having Chitoge he couldn't move as fast as he wants to. Plus he is new to driving this Kawasaki Ninja H2 SX. He hasn't made it his own

But the more he drove the better he was getting.

They both made it out of the traffic at the same time

other racers: Its time to end this

He pushed a button and his motorcycle speed up

Tenchi: Was that Nos? or something different?

Chitoge: What are you doing we can't lose to him!

Tenchi: No worries...I was holding back...he made a mistake using NOS

Suddenly Tenchi speeds up and goes to the next level

Tendchi: the Kawasaki Ninja H2 SX can go up to 400KM oh your from America 249 MPH...while that can only get about 225 with its current speed

Chitgote: meaning?

Tenchi: Were going to kick his ass. Hold on tight

She does and quickly Tenchi starts catching up to the other one

Tenchi: idiot...hes going to burn his engine

The other driver was pushing his bike to the limit when it suddenly stopped and they were flung off right at a turn

Tenchi: Chitoge

Tenchi slowed down and called Chitoge and she gets off and kicks him forward

Tenchi goes and catches the two before they fall off hooking his foot at the metal ledge. He then throws them back and he jumps up

Tenchi: geeze you two were reckless, but man Chitoge. you're awesome you understood what I meant and acted quickly

They moved off the highway and talked

The guy took off his helmet. He looked like a man out of an '80s movie...yup definitely a delinquent. The only noticeable thing was his jacket with a large design of a capsule on the back.

Besides him is a beautiful girl also wearing motorcycle uniform. She had a huge chest and gorgeous face but Tenchi ignored her

Guy: That was amazing.

He laughs

Guy: how about you join my gang. Your skills at driving are amazing

Tenchi: gang...

Guy: Yeah* he stands up* I'm Shotaro Kaneda the leader of the gang the Capsules

Tenchi raises his eye and looks at Chitoge


Shotaro: HAHA you heard of us huh, Yeah were pretty big. we even made a deal with the organization. To sell these pills.

Tenchi: Oh really...but I don't know. What about the Shuei Clan and the new Beehive. Those are scary people

Shotaro: Oh no worries. They said they will supply us with some pills to make us have superpowers

Tenchi: superpowers? haha

Shotaro: No really. I was shocked too...

Shotaro: anyway this is my card, give me a call if you're interested in joining!

Tenchi: Sure. Oh, by the way, I'm Ryouta Kise

Chitoge was surprised at him coming up with a new name but realized that he is dealing with one of his enemies

Tenchi waves as he was about to leave but the girl says

Girl: I'm Reiko, just a friend of his.

Shotaro almost stumbled

Tenchi: Oh and this is my wife! we just got married!

Reiko clicked her tongue and they left

Chitoge looks at Tenchi for a moment before she ask

Chitoge:...so are you joining him?

Tenchi: hmm,

Tenchi sees she looks upset. Maybe not like the idea that Tenchi is doing work while on their date. Or maybe she liked that guy and didn't want to be his enemy

Tenchi laughed

Chitoge: Whats so funny

Tenchi: I don't know what is on your mind but remember this. I'm not taking over the Shuei Clan. I'm a guardian...not sure what that means through

Chitoge: Loser...now let's continue our date...after all that I'm hungry


Tenchi takes her to the Ramen restaurant that ramen girl wanted him to go to

Chitoge: This is...

Tenchi: A Ramen shop

Chitoge: really...*she moves faster than him* Let's go

Tenchi could have sworn her ribbon was moving...

They sit down and Tenchi makes an order

Tenchi: Boss..its been a while. Hows your daughter

Boss(Restaurant owner): Huh...your Tenchi...wow aren't you looking good. I'm sure she's going to be happy seeing you...dear why don't you get her

His wife goes and grabs her daughter

Chitoge kicks him

Tenchi: Oh. remember how I helped out that one girl and ended up in a coma

She nodded

Tenchi: This is her friend. She was living on the streets but I found her a home here...oh shes two years younger than us

Chitoge: Two years younger!

Suddenly a cute girl comes by in the store's apron.

Ramen girl: Huh, Tenchi is that you! wow, you look great!

Tenchi: You too! that apron looks good on you! I'm sure you will gain tons of customers just by you serving them

She becomes bashful and sees him with a girl...

Tenchi: Oh this is my girlfriend Chitoge

Chitoge smiles thinking the girl is cute

Ramen girl thought to herself how beautiful

Ramen girl introduces herself but Tenchi but the boss calls him when she introduced

Tenchi cursed at the boss

Tenchi: we would like to try the GIANT Ramen Challenge

Then 2 giant bowls of Ramen came out

Everyone in the room was shocked...even the cops, Shuei members and Beehive who been following them

Ramen girl: Do you know the rules

Tenchi looks at Chitoge: It's simple. We have 25 minutes to eat this and if we win we get a prize and pictures on the wall...

Chitoge: oh, So you think you can beat me

Tenchi: I wasn't challenging you...but if your challenging me bring it on

She suddenly brings out her own Chopsticks

Tenchi uses the shops: (I need a girl who can shinki chopsticks...wait what?)

Tenchi: Ok if you beat me I will do whatever you want and If I should win...I get to kiss you at the end of the date

She started blushing

Ramen girl: Ok 3, 2, 1 go

She set her timer and both ate fast but the victor was Chitoge

Tenchi lost big time

Chitoge: That was great ramen Boss

Tenchi still won the prize but he still lost to her...

Chitoge was bragging how great she was causing Tenchi to laugh

Chitoge: Haha your 10 years to challenge me to a match

Tenchi: Damn it. Its been a long time since I was able to eat that much...my body wasn't used to it

Chitoge: Excuses!

Tenchi: All bow down to the great Chitoge. We're not worthy

They looked at each other and laughed

Finally, they decided to go to the park

Tenchi held her hands and showed her this

Tenchi: You know...we've been being followed

Chitoge: Yeah...

Tenchi: You want to ditch them

Chitoge: huh how..

Tenchi: Simple just close your eyes

She did sweating...

Chitoge: (Is he going to kiss me) *doki**doki*

Tenchi gets close to her face looking like he was going to kiss her

Everyone was getting nervous...


Kosaki was walking around the park and noticed Tenchi. It was strange whenever you like someone you notice them more often than if you didn't

She walked over to greet him but as she was 10 feet away froze seeing him with Chitoge about to kiss


Then Tenchi takes out his flash grenade and secretly threw it in the air. He was about to teleport away when it flashes but then sees Kosaki who is frozen from shock

He quickly places Chitoge in a princess hold causing everyone to squeal how they've grown and the cops ordering a hit on Tenchi.

He then quickly disappears from the spot wraps his arm around Kosaki waist surprising her and teleports away...then there is a flash and they were gone... all that was left is a note from Tenchi and a smell

Tenchi Note: I don't like being followed...for your crime the flash was my new invention. A flash Stink bomb

They then smiled themselves and they smelled like they were sprayed by a skunk


They said with tears in their eyes


{declassified information}

The Capsules" is the name given to the teenage vigilante bōsōzoku (Bike) gang. Both founded and led by Shotaro Kaneda, the Capsules consisted of a loose group of friends including Kaneda himself. The group is involved in various criminal activities, including drug dealing, vandalism and, being a biker gang, reckless driving, and endangerment. Unknown to them they scapegoats of the organization

Anzu A.k.a Ramen girl is an experimental girl from an unknown location. It is currently unknown why she came but she seemed to have issues with Hina. Due to her neglence, she was forced to stay in Japan. Having no money she lived as a homeless person until she met Tenchi when she was about to starve to death. Tenchi took her to a Ramen shop and gave her something she never had. A family. She looks up to Tenchi but not romantically


//AN: Tenchi actually hadn't paid for anything this date. His ramen was free due to winning the ramen match. Hina is a member of DMC however Ramen girl isn't.

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Shotaro Kaneda is from Akira. The year Akira takes place is in 2019 https://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/132218969479-0-1/s-l1000.jpg

Reiko: is from Golden Boy. I'm making her Shotaro girlfriend looking like this http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OfJD6qAZDCQ/UUorYnMYxXI/AAAAAAAADDA/GrZZ57crWyU/s1600/18589.jpg

Ramen girl https://img.fireden.net/a/image/1506/28/1506287073975.png

Hina looks like this https://www.monstersandcritics.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Hinamatsuri-Manga-Hina-Working.jpg

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