

"Am I dying? I-I...where am I?" seeing the blood spill from her body Oshar couldn't believe she was still alive. She wasn't awake but she wasn't asleep either. She touched her wound shaking as she reached to do so and barely lifted her hand to look at her hand "This is bad... I'm going to die. I can't die. Mika told me not to. I have orders...I can't die. We're supposed to live...I can't die".

Kender pulled Oshar with all his might but she was so heavy he could barely stand himself. He was scared, the bullets were still flying, Oshar was moaning in pain; the situation was helpless. "Oshar, please hang in there..." Kender pleaded, struggling to breath, pulling her by the straps on her uniform. "God, I can't do this...I need strength...I...I...I...I, need to get us back to Mika. I need to survive. We can't die.... Oshar can't die... she can't die...She's gonna...die...I promised...I have to survive..." Kender was barely conscious, he could feel the blood gushing from his side with every step, with every pull of Oshar. She wasn't conscious, she wasn't responding. He knew he could leave her. She wasn't going to survive there was so much blood. Oshar was coughing up blood. "She'd want me to live...I can still live... ONE OF US NEEDS TO LIVE!" Kender stopped, he stopped walking, he stopped dragging Oshar. "Litenunent.Mika, Sir." Oshar weakly whispered through a bloody cough, Kender watched as it stained her pale skin and ink like hair. He decided.

"I'm a coward" he thought as he took the jacket off Oshar and dropped her ammo pack and supplies. "I'm a coward!" he screamed as he picked her up through the intense pain "But I can't leave you to die! I can't betray my friends. I can't disappoint Mika! We're going to get you out of here." Kender began running, he was running through the pain barely conscious the base seeming so much further than it is only a sprint away felt like a death sentence.

The bullets were still flying Kender could hear the cries of his fellow soldiers and ignored the requests of the now awake Oshar. "leave...leave...it's...okay" she was speaking through blood muffled. Kender kept running now coughing up blood himself, stumbling, the base wasn't much further away.

"Freeze Torgian Scum" just in front of Kender stood a bloodied man ready to shoot him pointing his future at him. "Please...she's going to die... PLEASE!" Kender almost begging, pleaded with the soldier to let him go. "Do you let our children go?Did you spare my brothers?" the man said rejecting Kenders pleas with a snide voice. Kender fell to his knees the base wasn't too far away but those words resonated with him. He remembered the men he just killed. The soldiers he could've possibly saved like he's trying to save Oshar now. Most of all Kender remembers the child. "It was to survive!" he screamed through tears at the man. "And if I let you live will I survive! No, so die, die so I may live. Bleed the blood of the men you've killed and the country you've raped. Die...may God have mercy on your pathetic soul".




Oshar vomits onto Kenders back "Litenunent...We promised." barely conscious she shot the man through the Kenders arm. "Kender...move..." she threw up more Oshar was incredible pain from the sudden shock to her body that the shots caused her wrist was broken from the careless way she handled the gun. "Move Kender!" Oshar screamed before passing out again. Kender couldn't believe he was still alive. It was over the words were still registering but he picked himself and Oshar back up and began to run all the while thinking "I'm sorry...".

Kender reached the base and just as he ran in before anyone could react to him and the blood soaked Oshar he fell to the ground. "Somebody get the doctor!" one soldier screamed "Oh my god Oshar!" screamed another "Get the Litenunent!" barked one more. Kender closed his eyes the blood pouring from his side. He had completed his mission. He had survived.

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