

skye checked his phone and its already 11:40 so he head home instead.

' sigh...i can just copy the notes and ask the professor about it.'

He enters the villa carrying milo on his arms...while milo was enjoying his warmth and snuggling closer to him

Skye enters his room...showered and change his clothes

Now he was sitting on his bed and checking something on his phone when...

Master' said a cute soft voice that was talking

in skye's mind

"who?, what was that"

"sigh...this alien of a school is really driving me crazy"

'Master' it said again

skye put down his phone and started looking around thinking that it's a spirit

"Is this house hunted" he was a little curious and alerted at the same time

' Master turn you head to the left'

skye did what the voice asked and he saw milo ...looking at him

"Master" said milo as he tilted his head a little looking cute then he giggled.Since milo cannot transform into a human he can express human emotions instead

Skye widen his eyes like they are going to pop out of their sockets and his mouth was also wide open that could fill an egg

he was sitting at the edge of his bed so he fell from the bed And landed flat on his butt

"Oww that hurts" skye looked around the bed to find the 'thing' that possessed his cute little milo but it was gone!

" Its official I've gone crazy"

"Master" milo called him with a happy face and he looks so cute. It was sitting by his left side

"HOLY MOLY! WHAT THE HECK!" skye screamed as he Stands up.He hop's on the bed to escape and said

"EVERY LEG FOR IT SELF" he said as he was jumping on the king sized bed. When he noticed the 'thing' following him, he carried his blanket and throw it at milo and left the room.

5 minutes later milo was still under the blanket and was having difficult breathing...

'Master..Mas' he said

He thought he was going to suffocate to death. i mean he is still a baby only 2 years two months old now.

will he die!

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