
Private Bath

When Sarah went down the hole, she didn't go through the same tunnel as Cross. She got washed up in a water pipe. She was about to run out of air. As she kicked through the waterpipe she swam upstream and ended up in hot deep bathwater. As she swam upwards she jumped onto the fancy marble ground and vomited up water. She turned on her back and started breathing heavily. She thought she was going to die. She stood on her feet and ringed out her hair into the hot bathwater. As she was about to stand on her feet she overheard a women's voice. The front door of the huge hot bathroom slowly opened up. The woman revealed herself to be Queen Ariel. Queen Airel took a total of 5 hot showers a day. The reason she did this was that she had an image to maintain. She was the air to the Royal Elven Empire throne. The 5 hot showers made her skin soft like silk. This was the only time she could relax privately. Queen Ariel wore nothing but red towels on her head and one around her body. She took off the towels and stepped into the hot bath. As Queen Ariel was about to close her eyes, she suddenly heard heavy breathing and heavy footsteps. She opened her eyes and sighed, turning around to see who was interpreting her private bath. She saw Sarah. She raised her eyebrow and asked one question: Who are you?"

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