
Concern for His Unborn Kids

"Sure, give me fifteen minutes and I'll be back with you. Also can you ask Lu Boyun to make me mushroom soup? I am dying to eat something normal after that strict hostel diet."

"Of course," he smiled and left the room. 

When Feng Xinyng came back, she found that Xie Yuansheng hadn't come back. She found that strange and wondered what took him so long. She thought that perhaps he had gone to his study room. So after changing into white shorts and a pink top, she went to the study room but he wasn't there too. Suddenly she heard a lot of commotion in the kitchen. She ran fearing that Xie Yuansheng had again started cooking. She took two steps at a time to prevent Xie Yuansheng from cooking his concoctions. However when she reached there, it was too late.  

Xie Yuansheng was already cooking something as all the chefs in the kitchen were only looking at their young master with utter disbelief. It was only Lu Boyun who was encouraging Xie Yuansheng. 

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