
hp rant

<p>I've always hated how harry has been treated like utter crap literally since his parents died and somehow not only is he forgiving as a saint he is prepared to give up everything for them die for them. uhg if it were me and probably anyone else who wasn't doped up on potions they would have said screw it and hightailed it out of there.no one likes being treated like crap and very few would put up with it for people like Harry's so called friends and family I mean they KNOW he doesn't like his family and is treated badly there as the threats after serius died proved they know but do nothing and even cut off ties while he's there after a traumatic experience the summer after fourth year he's just not cared for by them so why would he risk his life for people who are only nice to him and offer nothing of equal value back and I don't mean money but maybe a place to stay or advice to help him survive or training which for someone expected to fight in a war is necessary never mind that he's a kid he has a target on his back he's unlikely to live to adulthood with nothing to see him survive.<br/>I mean come on they're simultaneously treating him as a child and their war hero as well as the scapegoat he's not given the Information he needs he's not given the support he needs he's not given anything and yet they expect him to win the war. I mean they try to keep him out of everything to do with the war which backfires horribly but at the same time they always seem to expect something from him there's been an attempt on his life nearly every year sure he's partially at fault for snooping where he shouldn't but at the same time he's grown up abused where secrets likely mean trouble and it's not like I'm saying they should have told him about the stone or anything like that but maybe talk to him about being careful what with going to the same school as the death eaters kids they don't have to tell him about lupin being a werewolf but why are they so insistent that he not know Sirius is his God father I mean with everything I saw in the movies he doesn't seem partially vengeful so how is it such a concern that he'd go after black, and while at school. </p>

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