
You Came Back-III

After the lunch, Han XiGuang who had let his mother to talk longer with Wu Suyi, decided to stay with his father instead. He looked over them from afar while his father continue to talk. Realizing how his son wasn't paying attention to him, Senior Mr Han sighed, "I have never seen you cared for anyone this much. You are even worried for her compared to the time Rui had to take vaccine."

Han XiGuang gently turned his head aside, "I was just wondering what mother will say about me this time." 

"I'm sure it won't be anything that will ruin your reputation or make SuYi lose her feelings for you. You know how your mother had been worried that you would end up being alone in life, and I know you knew this too," Senior Mr Han reminded, "Knowing that, there's no way your mother would cause you to break up with your fiancee." 

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