
The Outer layer of Arorus

The Outer layer was never a good place to be, as the city guards rarely patrolled it, and those that did were not the morally studious type. Those that live in the outer layer don't do so by choice, but necessity. As many of them have jobs or work in the middle layer, but aren't wealthy enough to live there. A major fear for those who have to live in this fashion is that as they are out, one of the numerous theives in the outer layer robs them of their already scarce belongings. A group of those thieves had gathered together to select the targets they plan on hitting the next day. They had no use for the items they steal, as they had long moved out of the outer layer, They stole because they thought it was fun, because they weren't particularly skilled theives, they couldn't get their fix in the middle layer as it was more secure, so instead they prowled the outer layer were no one could fight back. They had found a rather large house that was owned by shop assistant that had been invited to a business party and he took his family to the middle layer, leaving the house unattended. Theives by definition are opportunistic, so none of them could overlook the golden opportunity that just placed itself in front of them. The six of them had found a target to hit, and in doing so waltzed right into the sights of someone else. As the six of them stacked up on the door, one crouched down to look at the lock before saying,  "Its as cheap as we thought, I will have it open in a few seconds". The night was very young as the door of the house cracked open and six figures moved in followed by a lone seventh figure.

Another short chapter but I needed some time to rewrite the next chapter to have more detail, that will probably be out sometime later today. hope you enjoy- SE

gunsablazing2creators' thoughts
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