
Ch. 84: Richie, I Warned You -


"Sup Ez?" Richie wouldn't meet my eye as he fidgeted in place. I'm certain pure frustration was evident on my face however he DARED to request not speaking to me?



Inhaling deeply I very calmly asked, "What happened?"

Richie began stammering quietly, "Look, the chic was all over me last night, okay? I mean I told you she kept giving me the eye all through the banquet, then when I started talking to her sh-she started flirting. I was more than a little tipsy from that drink, she was very handsy, one thing led to another and I found her dragging me into her room. I DID find out she was single and ready to mingle though, so you know that's a point for me! But . . . I didn't know she was some 'Lady' from some esteemed land - I mean it's kinda irrelevant when you're in the heat of the moment . . ."

Giving him a no-nonsense look, he quickly continued, "Well next thing I know we're fooling around on the bed. I just got into the groove of things when a manservant and her father came walking in without warning. The servant was spouting some crap about an apology, but when they spotted us there 'together' all hell broke loose. Her father is throwing fists, she's screaming out rape - I didn't know what to do so I hightailed it out of there as fast as I could . . . Apparently not fast enough though. The guards got me before the dad did and I've been in the dungeons till coming here."

Soaking in the details of his story, I gently massaged my temples while inhaling one more, "Richie, I warned you -"

Richie raised his hands defeatedly, "I know! I know. You warned me. You were right! I screwed up big time - I know it. I should've made sure she wasn't someone important but I didn't. You know the crazy thing is, she wasn't even that good of a lay-"


Richie held a hand to his bloodshot cheek, looking at me in fear. I hissed, "Don't you EVER say that about any woman who has given herself to you!"

Richie bobbed his head up-and-down vigorously, "You're right! Absolutely right! I won't ever insult a woman so horribly again. I'm sorry luv. I'm so sorry . . ."

Tears started welling in his eyes, "Please Ezzie. Please help me out! I wasn't the only one at fault - Her father's got it all wrong! That girl isn't as chaste as he made her out to be -" He raised another hand to fend off a blow in case I struck him again, "I'm not saying that she's easy! Not in the slightest! All I'm saying is she knew EXACTLY what she was doing and she most definitely was NOT a virgin."

Hellfire. This fellow always, ALWAYS, got himself into trouble.

Why was I the only one who could bail him out? How completely, utterly unfair was this? I was so VERY close to making it out of here today without another look back, content to live the next year of my life on the battlefield. Why were the odds stacked against me? Who or what did I offend to have fate be so cruel?

Biting my lip, I shook my head saying quietly, "Rich . . . Do you know what I'll have to do to get you out of this mess?"

Hope began to sparkle in those baby-blues, "I have no idea, but I swear to the heavens Ez I'll never, EVER do this again! I'll serve you for a hundred lifetimes! I'll scrub your feet every day. Please Ez. PLEASE help me out just one more time, huh? I'll owe you - Whatever you want just name it! If you wanna slap me till I turn blue, then okay I'll stand still and let you have at it . . . Please Ez. Please help me sis. I don't wanna die."

Groaning, I looked away shaking my head in defeat. He pulled the sis card - Richie sure fights dirty.

Turning back, I looked him dead in the eye, "Never again Rich. Also . . . " He bobbed his head in agreement as I carefully tapped my chin, "I'll take you up on that offer. You need to remember this moment cause I won't be so kind if there's a next time."

Richie nodded, "Absolutely! No more next times! Hit me anywhere you want . . . But please maybe not the face? I mean, it's the money-maker you know."

Resisting the urge to smirk, I instantly threw the strongest punch I could muster straight at his manhood. With a high-pitched yelp, Richie doubled over barely suppressing the urge to vomit. Slowly lifting two-thumbs up he squeaked, "Thanks Ez. Had to go for the nut shot, huh? Apparently you don't want me to procreate."

Raising an eyebrow, I looked down at his suffering with satisfaction, "You? Having babies? Hah, I just did you a favor - Another Richie in this world would be a catastrophe."

Richie fell on his knees still breathing deeply to fight the pain, "Mmhmm. So, were you gonna get me out of this mess or just enjoy my agony?"

Sighing, I walked back to the party who were all busy watching our little heart-to-heart. I figured they didn't overhear most of what we said but it was evident they saw everything.

Looking toward the demon I politely requested, "Could the guards perhaps take the accused to the medical examiner? He's not feeling too well."

With the smallest of smirks Baymun ordered the guards to take Richie away. As Richie was assisted out of the garden, Lord Illander's mouth gaped open, "Your Highness! What about compensation? Will the accused receive nothing more than a few minor scrapes and medical attention? My daughter's reputation is at stake!"

Baymun strummed his fingers elegantly along the table, "I don't make a habit of repeating myself Lord Illander. You've already been assured that justice will be served along with the appropriate punishment . . . Do you wish to question my word?"

The Lord shut up directly but you could tell he was seething. I decided that this was good a time as any to begin the arduous task of saving Richie.

Internally preparing myself to speak with the demon once more, I turned to face him with a sigh, "Your highness, would it be possible to make one more request and speak with you alone?"

Baymun's icy cold eyes turned my way, the wheels of calculative thought clearly whirring within their violet depths. He knew exactly what I was about to propose . . . And I hated him even more for it.

"Kovin, please escort the Lord and Lady to the dining hall. I'm sure they've been waiting quite a while already and have missed out on breakfast. In the meantime, I'll diligently ponder this offense and prepare a satisfactory resolution. Will that do m'lord?"

Lord Illander was obviously displeased with having to wait longer, however he and his daughter bowed lowly, expressing their gratitude for the demon prince's attention. Shortly after, Kovin escorted them away from the pavilion leaving the demon and I alone once more.

Baymun gave me that cold glare again, tapping a finger on the table while remaining eerily silent. Apparently my insults, accusations and refusal earlier weren't weighing in my favor.

Suppressing the urge to hop over the table and stab him, I sat down coolly, "I suppose I could entertain the possibility of reconsidering your offer . . ."

Baymun cocked an arrogant eyebrow, "Oh?"

Biting my lip to keep from scoffing, I nodded politely, "At the very least I'm willing to hear why you chose to propose in the first place."

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