
Ch. 59: See No Evil, Speak No Evil

Kovin, Iren and I rode across the drawbridge into the Weemason fortress as raindrops began falling and low thunder rumbled in the distance. The odd thing was, no one was really out in the streets. Perhaps they didn't like the rain? We followed along behind the messenger's steed as we heard the drawbridge being lifted. I wasn't too concerned - I figured they would raise the bridge once we had made it inside. They were a secretive race after all.

The messenger led us to a stable to hitch our horses, and handed us over to the royal butler.

"Greetings!" The butler was a short serious looking bald fellow with a well trimmed salt and pepper mustache. "If you would follow me, the King and Queen are waiting."

We followed through stone hallways inlaid with intricate jewels. The architecture was mind blowing, and these were only the hallways! We were led all the way to a large wooden door, which was odd since most all the other doors were small. As soon as the door opened, I felt the twinge of uneasiness. Inside were six normal sized men and six more came up behind effectively blocking us in.

"Well ello Lady Ezran. It's good to put a face to the name." A tall muscular guy with scars all over his face walked forward with a smug grin. I immediately reached for a dagger and I felt Kovin and Iren do the same. The scarred man's gray eyes drew into slits, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Yer little party here's completely outnumbered and we've got the royals held hostage. If ya want to cause a bloodbath then have at it then."

We all stilled as I calmly asked, "How do we know if you have the royals hostage?"

The man smirked and nodded for his crew of men to make a path showing farther into the room. A short bald older man with an ornate mustache/mutton chop combo was bleeding from his lip and a rather unsightly woman with long silver hair stood beside him. They were both wearing crowns and their clothes shouted nobility.

I surmised that these two were the King and Queen, and in answer the butler turned to us with fear in his eyes, "I'm sorry. They've taken our Crown Princess hostage and I didn't want to see my King and Queen beaten anymore. All they ordered is to meet with you and they would leave -"

The butler was immediately cut off with a kick to the face, "That's enough outta you old man. Alright Brothos and Aron, get the two royals and this scum outta here. It's time to get this party started."

Scarred face man gave off a sinister chuckle as 'Brothos and Aron' manhandled the proud King, Queen and butler out of the room, but not too far as the other men began leading us into the room. I suppose if we were to make a move, the nobles would be killed in front of us. I wasn't sure if the Weemasons were in on this, but I couldn't very well watch two elders get killed in front of me when we could just play along (at least until we find out exactly what was going on).

The thugs led us to normal sized wall cuffs and locked each of us in. From what I could tell, this appeared to be an interrogation room, something the Weemasons probably used on average sized people. All the wall cufflinks were normal sized and the torture tools along one side of the wall were normal sized. The stone room was circular with only the large wooden door leading out and a square grate in the middle of the floor (probably an easier way to clean up blood).

Now that we were chained up, the royals were led away and the door was locked shut leaving six men outside and four inside. The men began removing the weapons off of Iren and Kovin, but surprisingly left me alone, except for the dagger I had reached for. All my other weapons were concealed, but it wasn't like I could reach them anyway with my hands bound above my head.

I was very uncomfortable; my feet barely touched the floor so most of my weight was focused on my wrists - one of the downsides of being short I guess.

"So you've successfully got our attention . . . What do you want?" I asked calmly. I was used to torturous situations, so this didn't bother me too much if all they wanted was answers. Answers to what, I wasn't certain but I figured I'd get the interrogation started.

The scarred man apparently was the leader since he seemed to be the only one talking, "Ah itching with curiosity aren't you luv? Well you're just gonna have to hold yer horses. The boss isn't here yet, but he'll be here soon. You'll just have to wait."

"Boss? You're not the head honcho? Shocker." Iren spat out angrily. He was NOT pleased with being tied up.

The scarred man looked over and spit in Iren's face, "You'd better shut yer trap boyo. I have no qualms with cuttin out yer tongue as we wait. The boss didn't really want you two tagalongs anyway - just the lass here." The man tilted his head, "Although, I'm sure the boss'd like a princey boy and the Bodach Crown Prince's most trusted lackey. Good bargaining chips prolly, what ya think boys?"

The other thugs laughed in agreeance. I bit my lip, trying to think of a solution out of this. If we could get out of these cuffs, that grate could prove a good escape. But we couldn't very well kill off all these men without alerting the others outside who'd potentially kill off the royals . . . Unless I could get us some time alone in this room. But I had a feeling this leader wouldn't leave. What would a man like him be interested in?

As if on cue the scarred man looked at me biting my lip, "Hellfire, she's a beaut. Such a shame to hafta let a woman like that go to just one man, eh?"

One of his comrades gave a look of fear, "But Kraz, you heard the boss. Nobody's to touch her."

That gave me an idea. I let out a little laugh, "A man like you wouldn't go against your boss would you? He sounds like someone you won't be able to handle.

The scarred man named Kraz looked back at me with a small fire building in his grey eyes, "I can handle anyone wench. Don't make me prove otherwise."

"Proving so in front of the men here would just cause you to get killed the next time your boss shows up."

One of the other men put a hand on Kraz's shoulder, "Don't even think about it man. She's right - if the boss hears about us watching you touch her, he'll kill us all."

"I ain't going down for that." Another guy let out.

Kraz pulled the former man by his collar as he spat in his face, "Then take a step out for a moment so I can teach this tart some manners." Kraz looked back at me, "We'll just have a nice chat right luv?"

I decided to change my previous taunting demeanor to a scared little woman. Men always tend to flock toward the sweet frightened girl act, and it would make this Kraz fellow feel in control.

I widened my eyes in mock fear, and Kraz let out a vicious laugh while the other guys just raised their hands and walked out. None of them wanted to be involved, but they weren't gonna stop their friend. See no evil, speak no evil I guess.

As Kraz ensured the door was locked appropriately, Kovin looked worried while Iren was horrified. I gave a reassuring glance, trying to ease their weariness.

This was about to get interesting.

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