
What's Your Name, Host?

Seriously. Whoever made that teleportation system thing should be fired because I couldn't even clutch my stomach in time to prevent the feeling of my gut lurching to my throat. The entire world seemed to spin as my feet landed on solid ground, still unstable. I held my head in my hands and only when the dizziness stopped I swiveled around to give a pointed look to 239.

"Honestly, I thought the teleportation system would be a lot smoother and less gut-wrenching. I expected more from what I assume is a dimension with advanced technology."

239 gave a sheepish smile.

[ (^ 3 ^;)ゞ Before you pressed the button I was going to say that we both have to prepare ourselves first. All parties must consent before teleporting together. The suddenness of our departure sort of shook our insides.]

I gave him a little "heh."

"Should've told me before you made the choice available."

[╰(・∇・╰) Well now I know we won't have a problem at all working together. You're a natural mischief maker!]

I grinned at the little optimist ball of light before turning around and taking in the sight of the throngs of people moving all around the place. There was an official mission board of sorts, and people with different colored balls of lights were heading in different directions. Some were talking to each other, and some were in lines to the Control Center. Off to the side there was an Entertainment Center, a Shopping Center, Learning Center, etc. Pretty cool. The place kinda has an airport look to it, really techy and sleek which is pretty neat, to be honest.

An elderly woman stopped when she saw me and asked if I was new here. She had a kind face, so I answered her politely.

"Registration is over there by the Control Center, the tightly packed area just ahead. Oh, and if you want a shortcut turn right to go around the back, those are the shorter lines." I thanked her again with a smile, and she laughed. "No need to thank me, dear." A maroon-colored ball appeared by her side.

[Gina, we've got to go.] The ball tilted towards us as if in greeting.

"Ah, silly old me, this is my dear pal and system, 495. She's an Ultimate Retirement System, and I've had many adventures with her. Well, my time is running, better go catch it." She gave me a wink and I waved as she continued on her merry way.

"Why can't you be a Retirement System, huh?" I teased 239.

239 pouted.

[( ˘・з・) Well, all you do with those systems is find the most comfortable and successful way to retire in comfort. I, on the other hand, will assist you in countless worlds where you'll be able to have fun anytime you want. You don't always have to be a goody-two-shoes all the time or a martyr who dies for every single thing that goes wrong. Yeah!]

"Okay. I hope you keep that in mind for as long as we're together." I snickered.

[( ・з・) Stop it, host. You make us sound like a couple. Wait, keep what in mind?]

Keeping down my evil chuckle, I merely answered, "I'll hold it to you that I'll be having fun anytime I want."

Unsuspectingly, 239 brightened up and chirped an OK. We continued heading around to the Control Center.



I was admiring the scenery so much that I almost didn't hear 239 whisper-yell for me to get out of the way when a broad shoulder knocked into mine. I momentarily lost my balance. I twisted my body around to cushion myself when a pair of arms reached out to hold me up. Suddenly I found myself caught between two men who were staring at each other, a lightning storm brewing in the background. Both men were tall and dark haired, but one was taller and his hair was blacker while the other had warm brown hair which matched his current smile.

"A gentleman should not carelessly knock down young women." The guy who caught me cheerily said to the other man. The white ball of light by his side glanced between him and the other man. Thanks man, but are you implying old ladies can be carelessly knocked down? LOL, this guy.

I saw a black orb whizzing behind the other guy. The dude who bumped into me showed the slightest hint of a sneer before coldly replying, "No one should be responsible for the actions of an utterly useless fool."


Um, I may not know all the laws and regulations here, but I can probably get away with kicking this motherf*cker in his family jewels and claim it's for self defense, right?

As the two men had their silent showdown, 239 seemed to be growing nervous as my face kept freezing into a fake smile and eyes that screamed "about to stab a b*tch."

Out of the blue I chirped up, "Okay! Well, thanks for helping me and no thanks for bumping into me, gotta go enjoy life, bye!" Then I reached up and knocked their heads together before speeding off into the crowd, making sure I lost them. I had a feeling I'd be seeing more of them in the future, though. Yeesh, those guys need chill pills.



I got into the line for those registering for the first time. Occasionally, I glanced around to make sure that none of the two males from earlier were somehow looking for me. I didn't want to get mixed up in trouble. Yet. Not until I get a good grasp on how this place works. The line shifted forward and I thought, 'Yeah, I think I pretty much know how this place runs.' Still, I voiced my query to 239.

"Hey, if I had kicked that rude dude from earlier, would I have gotten in trouble?"

239: ....

[(´_ゝ`) Well, host. You wouldn't have been withheld or arrested for sure.. but security or supervision might scold you for trying to harm a man's means to pass on his genes.]

"...I never said I'd kick him in the nuts."

[(´-ι_-`) You clearly implied it when you were slowly blowing your fuse up. I'm not a Mischief Managing System for nothing, you know. I have adequate observational skills.]

I chuckled. "Glad you're not one of those super strict systems that comply with the rules all the time. I'd be stifled and die of suffocation."

[(⌒∇⌒) Hahaha, I'm also glad to have a host like you.]


(A/N: He's gonna regret this lololol)


The clerk didn't look up at me when I got there. She tapped away on her computer. "ID?"

"Uhh.." I looked at 239.

He swooped in to save me.

[Hello! My host is here for registration and I'm going to be her system. Mischief Managing System #239 here.]

The lady looked up an eyebrow. "Name?"

239 looked at me, prompting me to say something.

"I don't know."

239: Host, what's your name?

The lady sighed and stood up. She put on a pair of glasses and glanced over me.

"Looks like your memory's been capped. Usually happens with souls who passed on with intense and unusually strong attachments to the living world." She took a pen and tapped it on my temple. Immediately, a cool wave of energy surged throughout my mind. Memories of my original life cleared up, but at the end one person's face remained blurred. The clerk sat down as if nothing happened while 239 looked a bit worried. Once again, she asked, "Name?"

This time, I answered confidently.



"Ione. Ione Tresor."




Having officially bound with 239 and registering with the Main System, we set off to explore the available missions. Sadly, no one gets a free starter pack so even if I feel like I'm starving to death I must persevere through my first mission. As the pangs hit me again, I silently vowed to myself. 'Do it for the food.' 239 happily chattered away about each mission he thinks would suit me.

[٩(^o^)۶ Ooh! Host, there's this mission where you get to rule over Zorgs aka giant bugs. You can control their minds and do nothing! Well, you'll have to lay a bunch of eggs constantly and you can barely move, but that'll be an experience.]

I suppressed a shudder. "No." Being a bug is not tasty.

239 made a drooping face but did not stay down for long before buzzing around the board again. I scanned over the missions open to me and suddenly remembered. "I should look at my stats, huh."

[(*≧▽≦) Yes, host! You should still look over your stats even if you probably have nothing except your name at the moment. LOL.]

Lol, this guy is asking for a beating. Still, I opened up my stats window and peered over the blue screen.



{Name: Ione Tresor}

{Race: Human}

{Lvl: 0}

{EXP: 0}

{System: Mischief Managing System #239}

{Titles: N/A}

{Skills: N/A}

{Misc: Incomplete memory}



Huh, so my memory's still incomplete. Must be that one Mr. BlurryFace. I shrugged, closing my window. Again, a phantom sensation rumbled from deep within me. While 239 was struck with incredulity, I slapped a hand over my face and went eenie-meenie-minie-mo. When I stopped, I uncovered my eyes to find that my finger had landed on Mission 2580. Reading over the basic mission summary, I felt the corners of my mouth turn up.

"Alright, let's do this one, 239."

[OK, host. Initiating mission.]








Without any hesitation, I pressed |YES|.

Vol 1 = basically setting Ione up for world-hopping, yay! Each volume = 1 arc.I plan on having 10 arcs for this novel. Oh, and those 2 males will be very important later on. Ione = eye-oh-nee. Some food for thought: If you had enough EXP, would you

1) return to your original world

2) remain in a world you've transmigrated to before or

3) live in the Main System Dimension?

Thanks for reading, & please continue to support this novel!

Cinnamon_Pretzelcreators' thoughts