

An artist lover, a musician, an actor who's desperately searching for his Juliet. Marcus could be compared with "The Crying Boy" painting painted by Giovanni Bragolin. Marcus is the club leader of the Art Club and he usually says a few words. When he does, it was only critique. He loves being the center of attention, yet he hates it at the same time. He's a perfectionist who likes flaws to be corrected, yet he wanted to be in a relationship with me. I remember him quite well. I started school and I needed a club to join. I was too stupid for chess club, not weeb enough for the anime club, too tone deaf for music and who doesn't hate math unless you're a person with a flannel vest and glasses.

As I walked into the art club, I was greeted by Amanda Aubrey, schools second most popular girl. She's known to be the first transgender to get accepted to this school. She told me to speak with Marcus to join the club, which I did. He was doing of nude art where females had their upper body and mid legs covered by mother nature. He knew I was around and just said "Don't judge me for painting historical art. No man nor woman complained in the Greek myths when a statue was showing their genitalier". First I was weirded out but then I just shrugged and applied.

I got to know if I got approved the day after which I did. Later that day Marcus had a speech and he looked at me the whole time. As I was about to go to my next lesson, I suddenly felt a hand grabbing my arm. It was Marcus. He wanted to meet me outside of school just for fun. We shared social medias and then it was time for me to go. The lessons was boring and I'm pretty sure Marcus felt the same about his lessons since I saw him online many times. It's a wonder how he can keep up with school and still be a club leader. Maybe if you want something really badly enough then everything works.

Finally outside of school, Marcus was waiting for me outside of his car. He gesticulated for me to get in the car and then we had a small trip to his home. He lived 1 hour away from school and he always took his car since the train schedules never fit. When we arrived he hurried with his key to the door. When I came in he stood there with a package. "I remember that I saw an angel leave my room yesterday while doing art. It was the most beautiful vision I ever gotten and I just had to capture it." and gave it to me. As I was about to open the package he stopped and said "No need to open it now. Open it when I'm not around, take a picture of it and send it to me and give me your thoughts."

We had a fun chat that day, when I came home I opened it right away. It had a long message of his thoughts. He couldn't live without me, and he meant that litteraly. I sent a picture of his "masterpiece" with a post-it note saying "no" and which he replied "Okay". He picked me up the next day and I decided to still join him.

The "child" himself had a short life. When we arrived he asked me to leave the car. It was stupid of me to leave the car. He reversed the car a bit to far to the train rails and he said the car got stuck. When he was about to leave the car, the train arrived and there was a huge explosion. Marcus, he sure had a short but an interesting life. His heart broke, so he decided to break the rest that was left.

Huh? Start of year? To be honest, I write these stories at a time that would be more fitting. I believe that choosing a club in school is early. But, Marcus will not be the first death that Manna will witness in her school years.

Unknown_Nekocreators' thoughts
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