
You never know me

Y/n:you never know me Jin! You'll never know me!!

Jin PoV

I saw a picture of Mi-so with another guy and the caption is my true love. It hurts because I love Mi-so so much but I need to be with Y/N. Ughhh! I hate my decisions! That's why I threw the picture frame of our wedding photo.

Y/N pov

It hurts. Every single word he said pierces my heart.

Y/n:you know what. Fine. If you don't like this marriage, you are free to file an annulment.

Jin:I will!

Y/n: yes, you know what? That's BETTER!

Then I left the room and went to a park.

I saw families. They are super happy. Like not even worrying about anything. I started to remember my first love ... Jimin. He left me because of his father's company. I sighed and walked around. And by luck I saw Jimin B-but he is with a girl. I guess I don't have a chance to be with him again. I left the park and went to my office.

Mr. Jeon:ma'am why are you late?

Y/N:I just went somewhere to get some errands.

Mr. Jeon:here are some things that needs your approval ma'am.

Y/n:please leave them there.

Mr. Jeon:yes ma'am.

-time skip:evening-

I went home and I was walking to my room but I heard someone crying. It sounded like Jin's voice so I went to his room.

Y/n:Jin a-are you OK?

Jin:I-its a bit cold.

Y/n:it's not cold Jin. Its very hot look your AC is turned off and you are covered up with blankets.

Jin:I don't know but I feel Dizzy.

Y/N:are you OK? Wait let me check your temperature. Omo! You have a fever.

Jin:I will just drink paracetamol-

Y/n:you'll rest here OK?

Jin: no need to r-

Y/n:there is. I will take care of you.

Jin:no need

Y/n:just let me. You said to me that I must treat you like my husband. So here I am as your wife.

Jin pov

Well, I think I'm wrong this time. I think she is nice.

Jin:I will stand up

Y/n:ah no no will you get something?

Jin:I will get some water.

Y/n: I will get it for you. BTW, did you eat already?

Jin:me?! Uhmmm.

Y/n:not yet huh?

I just nodded my head

Y/n:I will cook.

Jin:no need

Y/n: one more no need I will not eat too.

Jin:o-ok then. I want you to eat because its bad for you when you don't eat.

Y/n:what do you want? Do you want soup?

Jin:I want kimchi soup.

Y/n: ok then. I'll cook and stay here OK?

Jin:I will.

Y/N pov

I went downstairs and cooked food for us. The moment I finished cooking I saw Jin walking to my direction.

Y/n:what are you doing?

Jin:walking? Why?

Y/n:I know you are walking but you must stay at bed right?

Jin:but I know it's hard to carry soup upstairs. So-

Y/n: fine, sit here and wait. Do you want coffee or something?

Jin:coke.... Or wine

Y/n: really? Coke or wine for a sick person?

Jin:let's say you have a wound, you'll use it to disinfect your wound right?

Y/n:uhmmm... Yeah?

Jin:well ill use alcohol to disinfect my head.

I tried to keep my laugh but I couldn't.


Jin PoV

All of a sudden, I felt so happy seeing her smiling at me. I don't know why but in my past relationship with Mi So I don't feel this way. She (y/n) makes me feel feel so happy and she is like my mother. Loving, caring and sweet. Also beautiful. While she was telling me things I need to do I just stared at her face.

Y/n:hey! Kim seokjin!

Jin:uhhmm. Ah yes uhmmm.

Y/n:what's happening to you?

*mind* I think I'm....

To be continued