
Chapter 11: Monday Afternoon Part One

When school let out, Charlotte and I went to my house.

As I was coming in the house, I heard my mom talking to someone. Mom, I am home! I yelled. Gaby your home, I need you to do something for me. Ghita asked. What could you possibly want from me, mom? I asked. Your good with colors right, Gaby? Ghita asked. Mom is conflicted on what shade of pink or purple too but on your nails? I asked. No, it is blues and greens this time around. Ghita replied. Well, the one on the right is aquamarine. The middle one is royal blue and the left color is my Aquarius Wave that you stole from my room. I replied. Mom don't go through my nail polish box without my permission. Those three are all my nail polish! I replied. Serious you have different shades like this? Charlotte asked. Yeah, I love painting my nails so I collected many over the years. I replied. Well, let me drop my book bag off at home and be on our way. I replied. Hey, where are you going? Ghita asked. Let me guess, you are going to see Destin again? Ghita asked. Yes, we are. Charlotte replied. Yes, we are mom. I replied. As I said that I was getting so nervous. You are really crazy going to see him, today. Ghita replied. What do you mean by crazy? Charlotte asked. I feel a certain man will be coming around there today. Ghita replied. Mom, can you please stop talking as if calamity will come upon me. I replied. When I dropped my book bag. I walked out to the car and got in with Charlotte. As I got in the car I saw my mom on the phone again. Hey, who could my mom be talking about? I asked. Well, only men who would arrive is Alexandre and Hadrien Moreno. Charlotte replied. They are really nice men. Charlotte replied. I would love to meet them. I replied. When they reached the house, a man with hair the color of dusty blonde and olive green eyes came out the house and greeted everyone. Hey Charlotte, who is your friend? Alexandre asked. My name is Gabriela Pereira, it is nice to meet you. I replied. Hey Destin, how are you? I asked. I am doing great, how are you? I asked. I've been better. I replied. Hey Hadrien, I need you to come out here. Alexandre replied. What is going on here? Hadrien asked. You mean to tell me you forgot about that highly attractive Italian woman from sixteen years ago? Alexandre asked. Yeah, I remember, Ghita De Luca or Ghita Pereira was her name. Hadrien replied. That girl looks sounds and looks like her. Alexandre replied. She even shares the same family name. Alexandre replied. Let me guess, he forgot about the Italian girl he dated and had a kid with sixteen years ago? Victoire asked. You know you should talk to her. Victoire replied. So what do you guys want to do for today? Destin asked. Well, how about you buy us Strawberry Charlotte's and iced sugar cookies. Charlotte replied. Alright, but whose plan was this to ask for these? Destin asked. I know Charlotte just has a craving for sweets as usual. Destin asked. Well, Charlotte told me about a bakery near your home. I replied. Sure how about we go now. Destin replied. Well, he changed his tune. Charlotte replied. How about you two go by yourself. Charlotte replied. Oh ok, if that's ok with you? I asked. Yes, I am ok with that. Destin replied. As soon as I started walking with Destin a man walked down the stairs and looked at me as he knew me. Are you coming? Destin asked. Yes. I replied. She looks just like Ghita from sixteen years ago. Hadrien thought. Is something on my face, sir? I asked. Hadrien shakes his head. No she couldn't be. Hadrien replied. As I walked off, I felt he knows something? I thought. As I walked down the driveway we walked out to the sidewalk and Destin asked me a question. Hey Gaby, do you know Hadrien Moreno? Destin asked. I never met him ever in my life. Why do you ask? I asked. So he is. Destin replied. We will be there are five minutes. Destin replied. What do we talk about? I am afraid I might say the wrong thing. Destin thought. As soon as Destin looked as if he was freaking out again. My phone went off in my purse. I took my phone out of my purse. It's your sister, Charlotte. I replied. Hey, Gaby, can you hand your phone over to the nervous wreck. Charlotte asked. Sure. I replied. I handed over my phone to him. Here you go Destin. I replied. Why are you so nervous? Charlotte asked. Well I have no clue. Destin replied. Well let Hadrien give you advice. Charlotte replied. Like hell, I would take advice from the guy who has children by two different woman. Destin replied. I mean if he could land two different woman for some guys that's an accomplishment. Charlotte replied. Destin rolls his eyes. That is not an accomplishment, that shows how much he loved woman of his taste. Destin replied. Well you are talking to *Don Juan anyways. Who are you calling Don Juan? Hadrien asked. Well take her out like you are doing and buy her what you said and Charlotte asked for too. Hadrien replied. You know you should tell her before she finds out on her own. Destin replied. You don't have to tell me twice. Hadrien replied. Do what she asked of you and you will be fine. Hadrien replied. Wait what are you talking about? Destin asked. It seems like they hung up. I replied. As they saw the stop sign, they saw the bakery.

Don Juan is a fictional character who was a womanizer. Charlotte is comparing Hadrien to him because for some reason he has done some playboyery over the years it seems.

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