
Chapter 2

"Erin. Can you go over the recap of our last meeting please?"

"Sure," she shuffled the top five papers from her binder and walked around the white table to the front of the room. The lights had been dimmed so they could use the power point on the main white board. Everything in the lab was white, sterilized white, it was quite boring to say the least even though Erin had been working there as a chemist for about three years now. Mr. Leslie told her in the beginning of her internship that she would get used to it but she hadn't. He was so kind to her, so friendly and patient with her, especially when she was nothing but a bumbling college student fresh out the gate.

Oh the mistakes she made.

Failed experiments, knocked over vials, the messes, sloppy and rushed notes, and that one mini explosion that set off all the sprinklers. The one that dubbed her the name "fire starter" from the other scientists in the lab for the first eight months. It was a very stressful time, but Mr. Leslie, Mr. Peter Leslie would always be there to calm her down and help her make it through each day.

She ended up falling for Mr. Leslie, hard.

But it was an affectionate crush, a proximity crush, there were other men who worked in the lab, obviously but if they weren't really old and mean, quick to point out what she did wrong and why she couldn't get her work done any faster, than they were young, obnoxious assholes who thought they knew everything and would try to "man-splain" the very work she had just completed. They were all annoying to say the least, but not Mr. Leslie, he had become lead scientist after getting his doctorate in chemistry and working in the pharmaceutical industry for the last fifteen years, he got hired as lead for the whole department straight away. Their company was a smaller sister company of a large vitamin corporation, they were always looking for the next and up and coming new thing. The problem was, every other day there was something new and exciting being brought to the table, vitamins, supplements, etc that the board of directors were getting agitated because nothing was making enough money. They sent a memo down the line to all labs in the main cities to go back and start from scratch, which meant they had to go back and retest experiments, go over old notes, and re-test all their best supplements.

Erin was excited, this is where she excelled: thorough work. She loved going over old notes that previous partners and scientist had completed to see what could be improved. It was a chance of a lifetime, a chance to make something great and have your name be attached to something that could really change someone's life. And so they went to work with her main suggestion: hormones. She wanted to make a supplement that could help increase hormones for pre-teens girls and boys, for those who were late bloomers or even those who were going though pre-sex change treatments. This supplement could change everything, it would be more potent but with only having to have the patient take half of the recommended dosage. Their work could change everything, her, Abby and Mr. Leslie were the only three on this project, which was better, as they could get more work done much faster since they only had to report to each other. They had quite a breakthroughs with re-testing and finding steps in the old experiments that worked well but had room for improvement. Several tests proved positive that they were on the right track.

"Ok ladies, we had some great results with T1-87 but some of the rats were shaking and had white mucus coming out of their noses. I want to lessen the dosage of the plant extract by ten milligrams and see what happens then. We can run that test today but I want to have these results logged into our notes and ready for presentation for the board in the next few days. If you need an extension Erin please let me know because I'm going to have you run the last tests. Abby, I want you to start typing up the first half of the notes so we can be ready to go when everything is said and done. I have to go monitor groups two and three for the rest of this week, they are almost done with their projects as well. We have to get these results out as soon as we can, we're not running late nor are we behind, but the board is in my ass about these results, if we don't get them what they want they've threatened to cut our funding."

Abby scoffed. "Again?"

"Yup. Its bullshit I know and you all have been working so hard for so long, especially with other people's work. I'm proud of everyone here, this isn't an easy job and you're excelling. So thank you for that."

Erin squeezed her legs together involuntarily when Mr. Leslie turned and smirked at her suddenly. It was criminal how easily he messed with her body, for God sakes all he did was smile at her.

She'd fuck him right there on the table if Abby weren't in the room. But, knowing her best friend and her perverted mind, not only would she not care but she'd probably cheer her on. "Thanks," she smiled with a sigh, hoping to God her cheeks weren't flaring up, again, "it's time consuming going through the notes and doing every step exactly the same, but it's worth it when we make our changes straight away. I think we can come up with a much stronger supplement that can help the hormones excelerate without causing an increase of the previous side effects."

"Awesome work, Abby?"

"Yeah?" She had just finished putting her hair in a top bun, signaling that she was getting ready to get down to business.

"What I want you to do is make sure we make our deadline, whatever notes we have finish we will hand them over to you, make sure they are in order so they can be typed up. I hate repeating myself and I know you all can handle it, just please let's get this done."

Erin winced, she felt a small kick under the table: it was Abby's foot. She was teasing her, trying to get her attention, it was then she noticed the absolute bulge in the center of Mr. Leslie's pants. She had always fantasized about how big he was and she caught a few glimpses of his package from time to time, but she had never been this close to notice how big he really was. He had to of been an eight, eight and a half, which meant that when he got hard…


She quickly kicked Abby back.

"Ow! Jesus!"

He smiled. "You guys playing footsies over there?" Mr. Leslie was writing typing some notes on his laptop when Abby gave her loud but well deserved yelp in pain.

"Sorry Mr. Leslie." They said in unison.

"Gonna let me play next time?"

Before she could take a breath to respond, Abby had beat her to it.

"I'm sure she'd love to play with you Mr. Leslie."

'Oh. My. God.'

She as going to strangle Abby.

Mr. Leslie sighed but couldn't help but laugh as well, "if the two of you weren't some of my best, I'd separate you in a heartbeat."

"Bet Erin would like to separate something for you Mr-…"

"Abby!" This time it was both Erin and Mr. Leslie's turn to protest in unison.

"For the love of God Abby, just because you go around here with the mouth of sailor and the brain of a pervert doesn't mean Erin does. Stop trying to corrupt her innocent mind."

Erin's crotch ignited.

"Psssh! Trust me she's not as innocent as she looks," she laughed while gathering her belongings.

She was going to kill Abby, hide her body in a retention pond, and erase all of traces of her existence.

"Oh yeah? Do tell, Erin, you mean to tell me there's more to you than you let on? That's not nice, you're going to have to let me in on your secrets."

Her panties were done for. On her break she was going to have to go to the bathroom to clean up.

"I'm game if you are."

What the hell was she saying?!

Abby curved her pink covered lips into an awful shocked face then smirk.

"Alright girls, alright, let's get back to work, I'm counting on you two, don't let me down, ok? I'll be back to check in on you in a few hours."

Mr. Leslie gathered his things, smiled at them both, then gave a friendly nudge to Erin as he stood to leave.

"I'm going to kill you."

She laughed. "Ok, before or after you sit on Mr. Leslie's face?"

She leaned back in her stood, head arched to the ceiling in frustration.

"Goodbye Abby."

"Bye future Mrs. Leslie."

Erin took one of the many pens sprawled out on the table and threw it at Abby's head. She smiled when the familiar squeal of pain escaped her.

She was not ready for this day, she had to go over the last two steps of the previous experiment, and make sure that the rats didn't have the same reaction as last time, while at the same time getting all of her notes ready for publication for Abby to type up this week. How could she even concentrate though when Mr. Leslie was leaning over a table, talking to another colleague, his lab coat pushed to the side as he reached for something in his back pocket, exposing the absolute firmness that was his ass?

She sighed.

Maybe Abby was right, she needed to get laid, and quickly too.


Erin had a small group of rats, three males and one female, they had numbers of course, but she liked to give them names. She hated testing on animals and knew that it was wrong, but they never experimented on them with anything too dangerous or gave them anything that caused them intensive pain. Mr. Leslie had an entire course on animal safety, animal rights and the extent of 'discomfort', as he called it, that their work would cause. It still didn't feel right and she had a tough time dealing with all of it for a few weeks, so much so that she couldn't concentrate nor perform her assigned tasks because she just couldn't cope with it. Mr. Leslie was patient with her, sat down and talked with her on days where she couldn't do what was asked of her. He never got angry, never made her feel as if she were some bleeding heart woman who couldn't hack it. He made her feel comfortable.

Which is one of the main reasons why she fell for him as hard as she did.

A small squeak from Hera shook her out of her musings and back to the task at hand. She picked up Francis and clutched him quickly because he was a runner. He was known to get loose and lost in the lab, and she did not have the time to look for him right now. She checked his vitals one last time, making sure that he wasn't showing any signs of the side effects from before. He and George had the worst reactions to the drug, with Alex and Hera only having minor reactions. It was agreed that they would lessen the plant extract and hopefully they could achieve the past results, but better.

Erin placed Francis back down in the cage, made sure everyone had enough water and that they had eaten enough of their food then went on to administer the test.

"This is test number six of the hormone drug retest on lab mice: Hera, Francis, George and Alex. We will be testing both the female and male hormone drugs and hope to get the same results as the previous testers with minor side effects that we saw from our own failed results."

She loved talking into the recorder, it made her feel like a true scientist. Even with all the experiments, note taking, the lab itself, the materials, and even her white lab coat, it was the voice recording she loved the most.

"Hera has shown signs of exhaustion but nothing concerning, and George has stopped his mucus flow. I will be injecting the drug T1-87 into all of the rats, the female version for Hera and the male version for the males. The test should prove that with less plant extract and with our improvements, the drug should increase the intensity of the hormones in the rats. Initiating the test now."

She put her phone down and paused the recorder, she loved this part as well. The part where the literal testing came into play. The vial that held the drug with its pink shine, felt warm to the touch, they had noted that after the mixing, the drug would be warm but it eventually cooled. She opened up a drawer beneath the table and grabbed a brand new packaged syringe, ripping it open with her teeth. She had to make sure she let Mr. Leslie know that they were running low. It was Hera's turn first, she picked up the plump white rat and turned her over to see the small patches of exposed pink skin. After filling the syringe with the pink substance, she whipped the rat's skin with a little alcohol to sterilize, then injected the drug. Hera squeaked but only a little bit, Erin put the syringe down then held the squirming animal to her chest in order to help calm her down.

"I'm sorry honey."

Hera's body twitched a little bit more but then eventually calmed down as Erin's cooing seemed to do the trick.

"Ok, here you go."

She put Hera down in the cage with the rest of the rats and proceeded to grab another syringe for the male testing. It was then she heard more squeaking, lots of squeaking, like there was a fight in the cage. Erin quickly looked up to see all of the male rats, trying to bite at each other, not hard, but they were definitely trying to nip at each other. When one got the upper hand the other ran over to Hera, nuzzling, licking and pressing themselves to her.


It kept happening, over and over again, when one rat would get the other males away from her they would go and coo at Hera, getting as close to her as they could. Hera didn't seem scared either, she sat still, sniffing the air or nibbling on a small piece of left-over food. But that was another weird part too: the male rats kept sniffing the air rapidly, over and over and not like how rodents usually sniff the air. They were all sniffing the air and sniffing Hera, they had their noses all over her body, when they could get close enough to her that is. They couldn't get enough of her. It was as if they were suddenly obsessed with her.

Erin picked up her recorder again and hit the button. "Rats seem to be acting strangely, the males are at least. They seem to be courting Hera, sniffing her, nuzzling, licking her, they want to be….with her. But they aren't trying to initiate sex. It's as if they are asking to be with her as they aren't showing any signs of violence."

Erin put her recorder down again and continued to watch the rats.

She watched them for two hours and nothing had changed. The males had been going at it with each other for Hera's attention for two, solid hours. Eventually, George won out and mounted her, and once again not with violence at all, but with what one could only recognize as care. Erin was beside herself, she had made notes of the entire observation with fever. This wasn't what they had intended, this was a new reaction, this was something different entirely. This was-…

"Hey girl!"

She sighed. "Yes, Abby?"

The hyper fellow scientist had taken out her bun and now had her hair in a ponytail. She walked back into their side of the lab and dropped her binders on the table with a thud. "You done yet? Mr. Leslie wants me to collect your notes."

'Shit.' She had been so concerned with her new findings she had forgotten to continue on with the regular experiment.

"No," she sighed, pushing up her glasses to rub her eyes shut.

"No? You never turn in work late, the hell is wrong with you?"

"Oh I'm sorry, because you are always so damn punctual with your results aren't you?"

"Ew, don't be a Bunsen bitch." She spat with a small wave, "I'm just asking as a concerned friend what's the hold up, you know Mr. Leslie got his sexy tight, Hanes with the crotch indentation in all the right places, in a bunch over these test, this shit could be worth a lot of money!"

"I know, I know, I got side tracked, my results aren't matching up with the notes and I need to figure out why."

That was a nice lie she told, hopefully Abby would believe it.

"Ok well, what do you want me to tell him? It's almost the end of the day and we need to have these notes."

There was no way she was going home after a discovery like this, and she had to finish the other experiment too, at this point there wasn't anything else she could do, she was going to have to stay late.

"Listen, are you going to see Mr. Leslie now?"

She looked at her watch, "yeah I have to give him the last section of notes before I finish typing them up."

"Can you tell him I'll be staying late tonight to finish and that I'm sorry?"

"Sure hon, but don't you want to do it? It would be a great chance to have him in his office all alone, all to yourself. Maybe, if you accidently bend over to pick up a pencil he'll bend you over and take you like the nerdy wanton slut that you are."

She turned to face her friend, "how do you make it throughout the day without just, flash flooding your panties from all the sex and dick talk you spout out?"

"Easy." She picked up her binders and twirled around her friend, "as soon as I get home my boyfriend pounds the shit out of this sweet pussy and I get satisfied immediately. You need the same. So all of your juices won't be going to waste inside those poor pink Victoria secrets I got you for Christmas." Abby laughed.

"I hate you."

"I love you! Don't work too late, and if you want some company or dinner or something text me and I'll fix you right up."

Erin smiled while resting her chin on her hand. "Thanks hon."

She didn't tell her about her findings, she didn't tell her best friend about the breakthrough, groundbreaking even, tests result that she accidently discovered. How could she? Everything was still in its infancy stages and she didn't even know if what she had found was even real. She still had to perform more test, there was so much more she had to find out. She couldn't tell anyone, not even Mr. Leslie.

"Good night."

"Good night, Erin, don't stay here too late, we need you as sharp as ever in here. I need you."

"Thanks Mr. Leslie, I won't."

He huffed his messenger bag on his shoulder, his lab coat draped over his arm, his button up shirt clinging to his ever so perfectly shaped body, his pants, the pants that she and almost every other woman in there wanted to rip off, showed off the famous Mr. Leslie ass, bounced out of the lab and away from her, but was still in full view until he rounded the corner to the elevators.

How could she tell him? How could she tell anyone?

How could she tell them that she possibly found one of the greatest discoveries of mankind?

She had found a love potion.

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