
Playing Piano

At the end of this week, Naruto is going to be published in Shounen GonGon and I will be able to obtain the healing blood of Ban. Then I will be able to save Kaori from a slow and painful crawl to death. However, when I do I'll have to do it without her knowing otherwise she may, although unlikely, put together two and two when her cancer disappears after she drinks my blood. I can only assume during this period of time whatever hospital she goes to will frequently perform blood work on her.

Now I have to focus on getting close to her ASAP. Otherwise, I may be too late. While the disease was prolonged in the anime, this isn't an anime or a story written for someone's entertainment. Cancer can be a volatile disease that takes a sudden and sharp turn for the worse.

Luckily one thing I know from the anime is that if I can get her to hear me play piano she'll become inclined to open up to me.


"Hey Dad...Yeah...Uh huh...no yeah whatever that school sounds fine...next week? Sure sure no problem I'll just take some proficiency exams, don't worry I'm confident I'll do well enough to continue with students my age. Actually could I ask a favor?...Can the guys get me a piano a good one and deliver it to my apartment? Awesome thanks.....yes i can play.....ye-..y-....okay okay got it yup uh huh gotta go dad....no i go-.....ok i gotta go talk to ya later"


That's why I hate calling.


The piano came to my apartment and I got to practicing then and there. After 15 minutes of practicing basic chords and scales suddenly a rush of information entered my head. A song for piano. Its purely instrumental...most likely because I haven't practiced singing yet.

I look out the window of my apartment for several hours waiting for Kaori to come home....I'm not stalking....definitely not....I'm not right?...I think I might be a stalker....no no no no, it's not like I act like a certain shinsengumi gorilla.....this is still stalking in the end though isn't it?....don't become a stalker gorilla, myself!

I torture myself with these self-deprecating thoughts until I finally spot Kaori heading towards the front door of the apartment building. Planned perfectly my front door is open just a crack. Enough to let the sound out, but not so much that my intentions are obvious.

I start the song.

(Kijiriki- Sleeping Terror - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNnLijTAAVQ)

------POV Miyazono Kaori------

Arriving at my apartment building I just got back from playing violin in the park. This has been the worst month of my life.

At the start of it I went to the hospital to get checked as I have been feeling ill for several weeks. There my family and I found that I have terminal cancer and that I may not live beyond the next three months.

At the time my father just got promoted and my mother just gave birth to my once baby brother. I mean that too as I have no family anymore. I finally understand how ugly the human heart can be and was only able to find solace in my music. So pure. So beautiful.

My parents learning this did not take long too move out and relocate to where my father's new job is. They told me they didn't want to separate me from my friends. I actually even convinced myself that this was true.....until I received a notice alerting me that the rent has only been paid for the next two months and after I would have to pay.

I received this earlier this morning and was shocked and horrified at the implications of this. My family has abandoned me. They're trying to forget me....the blemish on their happiness.

After crying my eyes out I ran out to find security in music, I saw my next door neighbor for the first time in a long while. I didn't know where he went off to as we never really spoke much and for whatever reason the trash that were formerly my parents would always distance themselves from him.

He tried to greet me, but I ignored him and kept moving. I'm sure as soon as he finds out he would be like my parents. Avoiding me because I became a reminder of sorrow and depression. I don't need anybody! I will die in the arms of music. I don't see any happier end for me.

I continue walking up the stairs to the second floor, but as I approach the stairs I hear something.....something beautiful...

------POV MC------

I have been played through the song almost twice now and am wondering whats taking Kaori so long...?

Then as I restart the song a third time I hear the creaking of the door. I look to my right as I play and see my Kaori standing in the door frame with tears budding from her eyes.

I simply smile when I see her and continue humming the tune.

As I play Kaori wordlessly walk behind me and leans her front against my back and rests the side of her head on my shoulder looking away from me.

As the song starts coming to a close I can almost feel the sadness in her start to grow again. Suddenly a sudden rush of information comes into my mind and I discover that as long as my vocal chords are active whether its humming or singing it will count as practice.

I start smirking going through the song as its perfect for Kaori as she is right now. A song to express sadness. A song to express rage. A song to cry out for help.

(TK- Unravel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEQf5lcnj_o)

(A/N: Only shows piano part, but if you seriously can't imagine the lyrics on top of it that means you haven't listened to this song enough times. So stop reading. Look up the original. Listen to it. And after 24 hours come back and continue reading.)

As I start I feel Kaori's sadness increase, but in a healthy way. Then as the tempo starts to pick up I feel her get a little startled, but then she once again relaxes into me. This goes on throughout the song repeatedly all the while tears coming out of her eyes. About halfway through the song she gets off of me as I myself become passionate singing and playing the song and am moving fairly violently and am pounding the keys. By the end of the song I am practically shouting. Finally I finish the song softly with slightly moist eyes.

The entire duration of my display of passion Kaori was looking at me with an open mouth and wide eyes as if she never heard music that intense before. Her expression, however falls again when she notices my eyes.

I stood up walked towards her, carried her in my arms causing her to yelp in surprise a little.

I go over to the couch sit down and cradle/cuddle with her.

Miyazono Kaori feeling the warmth of another human being for the first time in a month breaks down and cries into my chest for hours as I comfort her.

We ended up going to sleep together just like that.....and in some ways that was better than any other experience I've had so far with a girl.

Sorry if some don't agree with me about Unravel, but that was my go-to weightlifting song for like 3 years.

NovelMonstercreators' thoughts
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