
The Meeting

You woke up hugging Taehyung, he was already awake but he waited for you. You said "Hyung, Are you awake?", he nodded and said "Can you help me in something?", you nodded as he stood up and held your hand. You went to his room and saw many pictures of you and your posters.He said "I have been your fan for so long and I'm jealous of Yoongi being your twin, Could you at least give me a chance to show you how I'm better than him.", He pushed you on his bed and kissed you passionately while entering your pants and went in your underwear. He gave you a hand job, you were moaning from the pleasure that he was giving you.He removed your shorts and underwear while kissing you.He let his tongue explore your mouth.He removed your shirt and removed his clothes.He kissed your abs and neck while letting his 2 fingers enter you. You moaned louder since it felt so good. He then entered you. He went in fast and made sure he always hit your good spot. You were moaning as loud as a speaker since You were having the time of your life.You came on him as he came in you.He layed next to you and said "I love you so much." as he hugged you. You layed on his chest and said "I love you too hyung.", You slept in his arms as you layed on his chest.You felt safe and sound with him.You had a nightmare, Yoongi never came back and Jin came back home.You woke up in tears and hugged Taehyung, he asked "What's wrong, Puppy?" You told him about your nightmare, he hugged you and said "It's okay, Everything is fine.Shhhh", You always felt safe with your brothers. You knew that Yoongi made them take care of you. You always felt happy with them.You and Taehyung got dressed and went outside. You were sleepy but had a bit of energy.You were gonna produce songs with Taehyung, Jimin, and Kook.You made songs to help you not forget about Yoongi.You also called Y/N since you missed her.You promised to meet up with her since you have been too busy.You made 3 songs to calm you down.You ate breakfast in the studio.You went out of the studio and sat on the stair since you were tired.Taehyung saw you and sat next to you.He had some jajangmyeon with him.You said "Hyung, Me very hungry, food please.", he said "Good thing, this was for you.", You ate a lot since you were locked in the studio for hours. You went down to talk with Jimin.You ran to him and hugged him.You said "Hyung,Can I go out with Y/N later.We are just gonna have some coffee and alone time?" He nodded and said "You can do this.", You got ready and went to meet her at the cafe.You went to the cafe and saw her there.You went to her and said "What do you want?" She said "A frapuccino." You went to buy a cappuccino and frapuccino.You went back to the table with her.When you were about to finish your drink.You saw Twice come in. You stood up and said "Noona!!!", they saw you and said "Dongsaeng!!!", You ran to hug them.They asked "Where are your brothers?", You said at the dorm but Jin and Yoongi are at the military.Just going here reminds me of when I and him drank coffee here when I was stressed from my school.", they saw Y/N and said "Who is that?", You called Y/N and said "Y/N is my friend.Y/N meet my noonas from Twice", they greeted each other and you came back to the table.They got some coffee and got some chairs so they can sit with you.All of you talked about how their day was.They left after an hour since they had to go practice. You waved them goodbye while Y/N and you were still there. You said "Y/N, I have to go now." She nodded and said "Bye" as you left.You headed back to the dorm but bumped into someone.It was your old trainees.You said "How is everything?" They said "Everything is fine.We feel proud having you as a teacher.", You said "I have to go back to the dorm.Bye!!", they waved you goodbye. You headed back to see the others not there. You remembered what Jin said "You are safe here", You were watching TV to check the news about Yoongi and Jin since they were still in the military. You saw the news say "Soldier Jin and Yoongi will come back home tomorrow to greet their little brother since he couldn't sleep without Yoongi by his side.", You were so happy when you saw the news. Your brothers came back just in time. They saw the news and all of you were celebrating.You got a call, It was Jin. You answered it and said "Jin hyung, I can't wait to see you!!", he said "Me too, but please don't get hurt, you are too delicate." You said "Ne", you hung up and said "I am gonna make some food and drinks for tomorrow while all of you pick them up from the airport.I will be safe here and I am gonna make the best surprise ." Everyone was agreeing to the plan.You made sure to sleep early.You went up with just a shirt and jogging pants on.You went to sleep instantly.Jungkook and Namjoon slept next to you.You slept so soundly you forgot about the surprise.Tae kept trying to wake you up until he said "Wake up or I kiss you.", you pretended to act asleep until his lips touched yours.You kissed him passionately.You woke up and said "Thank You." with a smirk and ran downstairs.He said before leaving your room "You are too happy today.", You prepared everything before they left.When they left, You practiced your cloning ability and tried to make at least 2 fake clones.You successfully made 2, you positioned them in their proper place.When they arrived, Jin saw the first fake clone, when he said hi, you made it disappear. Yoongi waved at the one up the stairs, you made it disappear. You made a light whisper and made it flow with the atmosphere, you said "Come to the kitchen.", they followed the whisper and found you laying there asleep.Yoongi said "Wake up, We are here.", You made that hologram disappear until you shouted "I'm here!!" and jumped out behind the table. All of them were smiling. You said "Yoongi, I missed you!!" as you hugged him. He looked at you and said "I missed you too!!", you hugged Jin and said "Hyung, I missed you so much.", he ruffled your hair.He said with a smile "Well, I am very restponsible for all of you anyways.", you laughed and said "Let's eat!!", after you ate, you went up and got ready. You came down in a tux and said "Hyung, get ready since I am getting awarded at MAMA later.", they all ran up to get ready.You got the limo ready.You saw them come down in a minute. You and the others went to the venue and got ready to enter. When you got called for "Most known K Pop Idol In the whole world", your brothers looked at you in shock.You stood up and said "Come on hyungs, time for you to speak for me" as you held Tae's hands and going to the stage.You arrived at the stage and got the award. Yoongi said "I am proud of my brother and twin for reaching a higher level than us.I know he may be young but he is ambitious and hardworking.He had passion and courage to pass by every obstacle.He made all of us happy and proud to have a brother like him.", You and your brothers came back to your seats.You had many compliments but Yoongi was the most proud one from all of them.He said "You can reach the Grammys if you keep on working harder.I want you to feel happy about yourself." You said "I will reach the Grammys since you wanted me to reach number 1 since I was still a kid.", You went next to him to hold his hand.

Thank you for all the ratings this has gotten.Author nim out.

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