
Upgrades and crazy cultists

[6 Years later]

I've been living on an orphanage the last 6 years and i have to say that it was fun. The madam that is taking care of us is really kind, but the other kids are a little afraid of me. I haven't done that much but maybe is because i'm stronger than all of them. And the scar, this scar on my face, looks cool but the others have begun to make rumors. The funny thing is that one of them is that i killed a wolf. Normally i would try to say something, but lately i've been more focused on my command screen. By using a lot of magic alone, and depleting my mana once and again i saw that it went up in 1, of course after that i begun to use cure like crazy because is the only magic i know that won't destroy my room and a year ago reached 29 of mana.

Which leads me to talk about mana. All the basic spells cost 7 mana, including cure!. But it seems that i keep casting cure! until the wound is closed, so that explains that i used all my mana 6 years ago. Now cura! Seems to cost 18 mana, so i'm guessing that all second tier spells will use 18 mana.

I also researched a little about the command screen and it seems that i can't be using it all the time. If i use an action, the C.S.(Command Screen) will have some seconds of cooldown. More if the action is stronger, and it seems that attack, items, and i'm guessing Limit Break, don't put any cooldown.

Talking about magic after casting cure for 5 years, the last year i've learned another magic called cura. It seems like the same as cure but it depletes the mana faster, so i can only think of it as a stronger version of cure, and it put me thinking, can i get stronger versions of thunder? It's not that i don't like fire or blizzard, but seriously, thunders, that's like the coolest thing i can think of to use as magic. So i begun to use thunder (fire and blizzard too but less) on the forest behind the orphanage.

And now is a good time to talk about the orphanage, is situated on the outskirts of London, in a place surrounded by trees. Technically in 15 minutes walking we can arrive to the main city but it feels like more to me. In any case is a good place to train. The madam has figured that something weird happens with me, but i've been able to dodge her questioning long enough for her to stop.

Also i've been thinking about that magazine paper i have, but i'll leave that for later.

And i would have continued like this if it wasn't for those weird cultist or whatever they were...


Rainy-(it starts to get cold here)

I went out of my room and to the forest through the window and after gathering some wood i practiced some fire on them.

Rainy-(hmmm this fire really feels better than the natural one)

I spent some time there waiting and making some physical exercise (i want my limit break to be powerful too) and when i was about to begin to deplete my mana, i saw smoke on the direction of the orphanage.

Rainy-(what? Are they making a barbecue...? No, i've got a bad feeling about this)

Then i came back to the orphanage to find it on fire, and surrounded by some cultist that were talking to the madam.

Cultist 1- where is she!!

Madam- i'm telling you this are all the kids we have here!

Cultist 2- lies!

Cultist 3- just use some fucking legilimens, she's a muggle

Cultist 1- true... Legilimens!

Then after like 5 or 10 seconds he told the others that i should be in the forest with some kind of experiment. I'm guessing that they can read mind. Anyway i started running to the forest because it seems they are after me

Rainy-(why? Is because of the command screen? I can't think of anything else i'm special for!)

Some time later i'm out of breath and i rest a little against a tree.

Rainy-(what was that? Cultists? I need to get out of here, and fast...!)

But i couldn't think more because i saw 1 of those cultist far away to my right and he saw me.

Rainy-(oohh crap)

And with that i begun to run again but this time 30 seconds later that cultist appeared in front of me pointing with a stick.

Cultist 4-stop right there kid, this is as far as you go.

Rainy-who the hell are you, crazy cultists!

Cultist 4-you don't need to know that, the dark lord will give me a huge reward for your capture, hehe

I then took my faithful knife and prepared for combat when that cultist said something i didn't understood and a red beam appeared from his (i guess it is a) wand and i thought command! Magic! Thunder!

Both beams clashed on the middle and exploded. Knowing i can't use more commands in some seconds i jumped with my knife in hand through the smoke screen that the explosion created and stabbed the cultist in the stomach.

Cultist 4-fuck! Crucio!

And the next thing i knew is that i was on the floor suffering pain that wasn't of this world and feeling that it was all in my head, so cura wasn't going to help.

It felt like minutes but i guess it was only some seconds as the pain stopped with the appearance of my beloved command screen and the powerful limit break. I knew the moment i select limit break the pain was going to come back with the time restored but i hoped that as my body moves on it's own during the limit break i would be able to move even in this absurd pain.

Rainy-(tsk, Limit Break!!)

On one moment for the cultist i was in pain on the floor and on the next one i was jumping to attack him. He tried to dodge but i grabbed his left sleeve with my right hand and i cut his right hand's wrist with the knife in my left hand, making him to drop his wand, then i crouched and i stabbed his left leg. Then he punched me in the face and i recoiled, stopping the limit break but on the moment it stopped the command screen appeared again, without the limit break option. So i choosed magic! And then i saw that i had unlocked thundara.

Rainy-(this is it, this is what i needed!) Thundara!!

I felt how my mana was drained at the same time a pretty strong lightning went down the sky and hit the cultist making a huge explosion.


Mana 4/35

Rainy-(huf, huf, huf, i, need to, run)

And with that i begun to run again in the same direction i was going the last time.

i'm bored so i'm uploading this chapter and the next one

Luxordcreators' thoughts
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