
Getting more customers

When Huang Yao walked into the store the next day, Bai Yun was once again lazing around in his chair.

"Hey, brat did you finish the work on our weapons." Huang Yao asked as she sat down.

"Of course I did." Bai Yun said as he handed the bag back to Huang Yao.

Huang Yao took the sack and took out each weapon one by one. Each weapon looked much better than before. As she struck the weapon to check its strength, she was impressed by the sturdiness of the weapon.

"Hey what happened here?" Huang Yao suddenly asked. "All of these weapons seemed to have shrunk a bit."

"That is because I am good at my job, unlike the idiots who made these weapons." Bai Yun said derisively. "They had left behind a lot of waste and impurities in them, and not properly utilized the materials. So I went a little further and completely restructured the weapons. If you would look, then you would see that the weapons are much stronger, tougher, and sharper. I think losing a couple of inches is worth it."

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