
Pestering kouhai

"What do you want?"

"You will not tell anyone about the book."

I sigh.

"Nice to know you told me what I won't do."

"Listen to me! If you do, you'll suffer the consequences."

I sigh again.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going back into the classroom." People start filtering in behind me and I walk into the classroom. The conversation ends there; this girl needs to learn how to threaten someone for real.


Alright, the regular classes are done. I stretch and start heading back out for my other classes. I get up, it looks like even those four girls that looked friendly also decided to keep their distance. I walk out and get to my next class.

They start glaring at me, right, the rumors also reached here too. There's also that underclassman to consider. I take my seat in the back of the room. If I remember correctly she started screaming out of nowhere the last time we met...

Too troublesome to think about, for now. Let's focus on-

"Hey, Luis."( Samantha)

"Need something?"

Everyone is watching this interaction. If I can somehow steer it in the wrong way then I'll be set to-

"Um, I wanted to apologize for-"

"Let me stop you right there, I don't care."

I'd prefer it if it was kept as a misunderstanding, it will make things easier for me.

"But if I don't-"

"I already said I don't care."

"Fine then! Have it your way!"

She goes back to her desk. I sigh, alright, now I don't have to worry about her approaching me anymore.

"Alright everyone, class is starting!"

"Today we'll be going over..."

Since this time it was elemental theory the concepts in the class were very different. We went over what makes an element an element, how an element may react in certain situations and how elements ignore the law of conservation of mass.

Wit that class ended and now I'm headed towards my armament theory class. Last time Ms. Higgins said that I was close to taking out my armament. Maybe I'll be able to take it out today, who knows. Samantha starts following me after I leave the class. I sigh, I keep on walking ignoring her and she follows me not saying anything. After walking for a while she finally speaks.

"Why did you stop my apology?"

Because the misunderstanding brought upon you yelling at me is convenient.

"Whatever may you mean, all I said was that I didn't care what you were talking about. I have no idea that you were trying to apologize nor why you wanted to apologize."

"Hmmm, so you say but you know exactly that I wanted to apologize in front of everyone to stop the misunderstandings they had. There must be a reason you stopped me... Maybe, something along the lines of 'I want to be alone.' Is that right?"

This girl is very perceptive, as I thought. I should maintain my distance from her.

"If you understand as much then leave me alone."

"No thank you, though there's one thing I can't wrap my head around. Even if you want to be alone, why let the rumors go by, if you ignored everyone and just decided to shoo them off politely you would be able to be alone either way. It's one thing if you want to be alone, but it's another thing if you want to be hated."

My heart skipped a beat...Wanting to be hated?... I don't think that that's the case.

"Whatever may you be talking about. What kind of person wants to be hated?"

"Mmmmm... but that's the kind of vibe I get from you."

"That's nice to know, now could you scram, we're about to reach my next class and you'll be late for yours."

"Yeah, yeah. Till next time!"

"I never agreed to... and she's gone"

'Until next time,' why exactly does she want to keep probing into this any further than she already does. Ugh, just thinking about what she wants and what she stands to gain is a pain in the ass. I shake my head, no use in worrying about something like that. Whatever she may plan is nothing compared to what has happened before...

...Wanting to be hated huh... I do wonder how she arrived at that conclusion, was she like that before? It may have something to do with why she raised her voice. I enter the dueling arena, it looks like everyone is here again. I go to a separate part again and lay down.

Shortly after Vanessa comes out of the group again... I sigh. What is it? Does she want a repeat of what happened yesterday, this is annoying...

"Do you want a repeat of yesterday?"

I keep laying on the ground.

"...no... I was just going to tell you that I'll be taking up your time after this."

"No can do, I have class after the armament class."

"That's not true, no one has magic classes two days in a row."

Thanks for pointing out the obvious, now go tell that to the Principal.

"Tha's nice to know."

"Yes, so stop lying to me."

I sigh, what's the easiest way to convince her that I do... The piece of paper with the schedule, I think I still have it on me. I take the piece of paper out of my pocket and pass it to her.

"There's your evidence."

She takes it and starts looking at it."...No way... this doesn't make sense."

I guess this is the first time I'm thankful for the exaggerated amount of classes I have. This will prove useful whenever I try to get out of having to meet someone.

"Yeah, yeah. Give it back now, will you?"

"What will you do if I don't want to?"

I sigh

"Nothing, the rules will do something for me."


"You're not very bright, are you? That piece of paper is technically my property if you don't give it back within the next 12 hours then you will receive a mark on you."

Come to think of it, I've never seen this so-called mark before. I mean, I haven't paid attention to anyone around me but something like looking for a mark should be easy to tell right?

"In that case, I'll be keeping this for the next 12 hours," She says as she waves the paper.

"Suit yourself obsession diary."

I don't know what use she'd have for that. She could just give it to Allen or something, but something like this he would be able to figure out without having to see this given how much influence he has in school... Looks like our teacher is finally within my sensing range.

"It's not an obsession!"

"Yeah, Yeah," I say as I stand up.


"Alright, everyone! Class is starting!"

Half Japanese title this time!! Why? My questions, why not? Looks like for now this is two days in a row that I post a chapter. We'll see if I am somehow able to keep this streak.. probably not... Anyways, hope you enjoyed it!

Grasshopper_senseicreators' thoughts
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