
Welcome to The Drama!

So, here Draco was at the current moment, second guessing himself as he stood face to face with Harry Potter - the boy who lived.

' Why did I even start all the drama with him in him in the first place? ' He complains mentally as he and the golden boy have an incredibly tense stare off

' Right, it was to get father and mother to notice me. ' The sudden wave of sadness engulfed him as he thought about his childhood and how it all went south.

Harry Potter though, was still glaring harshly at the young Malfoy. As if expecting an insult of sort to come his way.

What he did not expect though, was Draco just shaking his head softly and walking past him, Ignoring him. ' Now that was new ' He thought as he watches Draco's back as the blonde goes down the hallway.

He wanted to ponder on it longer, but shook the thought away for he had things of more importance. The mirror of erised and what Snape was doing when the troll entered hogwarts on Halloween were of the utmost importance as of now.

Draco met up with Louis at lunch, conversing with one another at the Slytherin table.

However, what irked the young Princeton was the scornful and judgemental eyes coming from most of the Slytherins at the table, who all but glared right into his soul while he was talking with Draco, where he ignored them to the best of his abilities.

Richard and Annie weren't Louis though. Instead of letting the issue slide past like Louis, they sent curses at any of the Slytherin's who sent out hateful glares during breakfast.

What was family if they didn't have you're back after all? Well that, and they just didn't like most of the students of Hogwarts in general.

It was a gut feeling both Princeton's trusted who trusted it the most, that helped make sure that nothing bad actually happened after all.

Hence, why for the rest of the days one would see Slytherins fall, trip, topple, spill, and accidentally set fire to something.....or someone. It was an interesting day for sure.

" Are you going to see the Gryffindor vs Huddlepuff match? " Draco asks during lunch.

" Depends if Richard will be dragging me there or not. I'd rather spend my time in the library, or in the forbidden forest with the animals all day. "

Shrugging his shoulders, Louis grabs three Jello cups and proceeds to stuff the heavenly desserts into his mouth.

" I thought you had a meeting scheduled with the centaurs and unicorns on that day Louie? " Annie reminds her cousin with her potions homework in hand, checking for any mistakes.

As if a lightbulb lit above his head, Louis jumped from his seat and ran out the dining hall and straight to the Gryffindor dorm rooms.

Looking at his retreating back, Draco turns his attention back to Annie and Richard multi-tasking between shovelling food into their mouth and double checking their homework.

" What happened to him? " The Malfoy heir asks. Shrugging his shoulders Richard replies, " Probably forgot whatever he had to do to make sure the meeting went well. Centaurs are perfectionists in their own way, in case you forgot. "

Annie adds " The unicorns are just there for the free snacks though. "

" So are both of you going to the match? " Draco questions as he takes a bite of his grilled chicken. " Nah, I've got a formula I need to check and make sure it doesn't explode. " Richard says.

" I'm going to the lake to train. " Eyebrow raised giving a questioning look, Draco asks, " Why the lake? "

" Louis managed to convince the squid at the bottom of the lake to help me train better. I've already got my training on land down...mostly. All I need to do now is get a feel of fighting underwater. " Annie says.

" Huh. " Not knowing what he was doing with his life at the moment, Draco was stumped with what he should do.

" If you have nothing to do, I'd suggest going with Louie to the forbidden forest and help around if you can. That boy tends to over do things when it comes to mystical creatures. " Nodding his head to show his understanding, Draco continues to devour his lunch.

Louis had ran back to the Gryffindor dorm rooms unnoticed, he did turn invisible when he left the dining hall after all. Closing the door of his shared bedroom with Richard and the two others he practically forgot about, Louis heaves a breath of air.

All the running had tired him out ' I should probably start exercising with Ann more, my techniques and strength are there, but my stamina is close to a new born baby's at best. '

Turning visible, Louis strolls towards his suitcase and enters it. " Great, now all I've got to do is gather the things needed for the meeting with the centaurs. " And as said, Louis begins his hours of work in silence.

It was in the evening when Louis had at last completed his task and hurried out of his suitcase and towards the forbidden forest. " Hi draco. What brings you here? " He greets in the dining hall.

" To eat my dinner. " Draco says, " And to accompany to to the forbidden forest, I have nothing much to do and the match between the two houses is still on going. " Nodding his head, Louis continues his dinner which consists of rice, chicken, a soft drink and Jello. Mostly Jello.

" Shall we go? The meeting time is almost here. " Louis asks as he gathers his materials in hand, and heads for the door.

" What is the point in asking, if your going to leave me behind anyways? " Draco grumpily replies as he follows after the young Princeton.

" You won't mind if I turn you invisible until we reach the meeting area right? " Louis asks taking out his wand and pointing it to Draco.

" Why'd you take put your wand? I thought you didn't use it. " The blonde questions. " I'm not really used to turning people invisible. So if you wont mind..." with a flick of his wrist and a mumble of the spell, Draco turns invisible.

" Wicked....What about you? Don't you need to turn yourself invisible too? " Draco says. " Have you forgotten how we met? I turn invisible Naturally. " The last word emphasised to the point of could be in the air and sparkling.

Greatly resisting the urge to smack the young Princeton on the back of the head for his reply, Draco takes a LONG deep breath before continuing. " Right. Let's just go now before I give into the urge to smack you on the head. "

Confused on why his friend would want to smack him in the head, Louis can only shrug his shoulders and lead the way to the meeting point with Draco close behind.

The quidditch match on the other hand, was finished quite quickly.

Snape was the judge after all, and Harry didn't really want to play with the potion professor overseeing it. Gryffindor won the match, and Hufflepuff lost the match.

When night came, Harry had the brilliant idea to follow Snape into the forbidden forest. And Annie caught sight of it while in the lake. " His an idiot, that's for sure. " She mumbles lowly.

While Harry was busy stalking Snape. The meeting with the Centaurs and Unicorns was going exceedingly well. Ignoring the fact that the Unicorns only showed up for the free snacks, Everything else was great.

When it was time to leave, one of the Centaurs warned grimly, " Unicorns, be careful on the night when the boy approaches, the evil one will harm your kind. " in all honesty, it would have helped a lot, but the he forgot that Louis was there.

Draco, noticing how suffocating the atmosphere around him turns his attention to Louis by his side.

His gut feeling has evolved through his interactions and conversations with Annie and Richard looking out for Louis. Thus, when his gut feeling told him to step away very slowly and quietly. It was exactly what he did.

" Meister, could you bring the rest here for a little bit? I need to do something real quick. " The low and grim words coming from Louis, was all Meister needed to know that Louis would most definitely do something to make sure nothing happens to the unicorns.

Amocus, the centaur who warned the unicorns on a whim - was surely enough, smacked on the head by Teleron. " Your an idiot you know that? " Teleron hisses out.

" I didn't mean for it to happen! It just blurted out of me all of a sudden! The stars should know! Look! " Amocus attempts to defend himself through the stars.

Draco was trying his best not to laugh at the situation at hand. The sight of a young centaur getting reprimanded was hilarious.

" Okay. Here's what's going to happen. I'll place a spell around the forbidden forest to warn you guys and me of any potential danger. It'll only detect those with malicious intent towards magical creatures from wizards.

I'll also place a port key under the picnic table in the hidden area for in a case of emergency.

Please, Please, Please....Stay safe for me. I can't have it on my conscious that one of you got gravely hurt because of my carelessness. " The pleading in his eyes hurt the hearts of the creatures around him.

They didn't want him to cry in agony because of their actions, he was their friend and someone they all placed great importance on, they didn't want him hurt.

Meister nodded his head and trots towards Louis. Nuzzling his head on the sad Princeton, brought back the happiness and the giggles they all loved to see on his face.

" You have nothing to worry about Louie. The Centaurs will make sure those residing in the forbidden forest stay safe. " Draco says as he messes Louis' hair in a comforting way.

Once everything was set in place and Louis was sure that everything was working properly. The two boys headed back to Hogwarts unseen and unheard in the dead if the night.

Annie and Richard were waiting in the common room for Louis, anxious that something went wrong for he was still not back yet.

When the portrait opened and Louis stepped in, the two rushed towards him from where they sat. Questions after questions were asked as to why he was late.

" I swear Louie you need to tell us these things if you want to do something. You cant just disappear without a word! It'll be like the U.S all over again! " Annie grumbles out as she wraps her hands around Louis' neck and shakes him back and forth.

" Ann, Don't strangle him to death, he can't breath. Relax. We'll just follow him the next time he goes off to the forbidden forest. At least be glad he doesn't wonder Out of Hogwarts. " Richard calmly informs, though the raging fire in the chimney next to him is telling a whole different story.

" Ha ha ha...Let's go to bed then! we have an exciting time ahead of us! " Louis tells sweating profusely on his back, he did not want to be up and about any longer when his two cousins were on the verge of exploding.

Taking a deep and calming breath, the fire in the chimney calms and Richard rises from his seat and yanks Louis from his chair, back to their bedroom.

Annie went back to her room quietly. Though she was angry, it did not mean she would explode the girls dormitory without rhyme or reason.

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