
The Boy Who Lived

Bandit was having a great time in the house of Princeton, exploring small undetectable places in the house to find the best place to store his ' treasures ' as Louis liked to call them.

Though they were only coins and non-magical jewellery that only caught the nifflers eye, wanting to know more and have more, thus only taking non-magic jewellery and coins.

On the other hand, Louis has been adding more books and miscellaneous items of value into his recently acquired enchanted suitcase he and his father stumbled upon.

Bandit has also been helping out around the house, when he is not taking magically enchanted materials of importance for his parents when needed, his cousins also help out every now and then after they have had their share of hanging out with Louis for the day.

" Don't you find it ridiculous that we have to pack our items into a trunk, and physically drag it to Hogwarts after a train ride to Merlin knows where? " Annie asks Richard and Louis who are also packing up their trunk filled to the brim with clothes and books.

" Though it is ridiculous, we can't just send them to the school through a spell, it's warded with various protection spells to ward off enemies and unknown attacks. The only ones able to hop on and out are house-elfs that can chant spells without a wand. And no we are not asking them to do so. "

Richard explains to Annie and flattening her hope of escaping the physical labour. ' it's funny how is Princeton's are hardworking yet lazy to do physical labour, it is a mystery I'll never understand.

Or, maybe it's a side effect due to the ability to become invisible by controlling our aura. The men in the family can turn invisible, the woman can remain calm as a storm in all situations if they require, almost as if they are invisible. ' Louis thought about it from another perspective.

September 1 has arrived at long last, though Louis is dreading, his parents are thrilled to finally have a chance to ' force ' their child to socialise with others his age, on the inside.

They leave the house and head towards the train station by car. Once they arrive, the first thing Louis notices is how out of place the family looks compared to others.

" Mom, dad does ever it occur to you, that we are carrying trunks to a train station, minus my suitcase, while others are carrying suitcases? We stick out like sore thumbs. How can it be that these people not find it weird? " He questions his parents.

Knowing he would most likely do an investigation on it, his they quickly chime in their thoughts on the situation to steer him away, " Well Louis, don't you think that maybe the ministry of magic had a spell cast to make it look like it's normal? "

Natalia informs her child, Justin quick to step in adds, " Yes my boy, the ministry of magic does have its ways on how the Muggle world interacts with the wizarding world after all.

" Reaching the pillar between platform nine and ten, Louis and his parents are met with a family of red heads and a boy with raven black messy hair.

The boy with black hair goes first, seeming hesitant at first but still runs up to the barrier and passes through.

After which the large family of red heads follows, the youngest of the boys, followed by two boys Louis assumed to be twins, then followed by the oldest of the boys, and lastly by the two parents and only girl present.

' I got to say, just by looking, that is a family I do not want to be in. Way to many people, too little privacy. ' Louis looks to his parents and speaks.

" Mother, father, under no circumstances do I want any siblings, and if you so happen to give me one, I want to name it. " Following so, the small family heads off towards the pillar where platform 9 3/4 hid.

Reaching the other side where platform nine and three quarters, puffs of smoke could be seen exiting the trains chimney, evident that it was to be leaving soon.

" Just so we are clear, I am to go to Hogwarts, study there for seven years and come back home. You forced me to do this knowing I hate people in general, but you still managed to convince me to go since Richy and Ann are going too.

I'll come back home during the holidays when there is no trouble. But I still hate you - not really - but you get what I mean. " Processing what Louis has just said and finding everything to be about right, they nod their heads and give their son a peck on the forehead and shove him towards the train station.

" Bye Louis! Your cousins are already in the train waiting for you! If you can't find them, just sit in a random compartment okay? " ' Feeling the love right about now ' Louis sarcastically remarks as he walks off towards the train, with his parents waving him off in the distance with smiles on their faces.

With the blaring of the horns signalling the trains departure. Louis has now resigned to his fate, ' Not resigning to my fate here, just hungry for I have not had lunch yet. ' And he trudges off towards a cabin in hopes of finding his cousins, invisible.

After five minutes of painfully searching and failing to locate his cousins, and at last opting to finding a mostly empty cabin which led to handling many awkward stares from students, who would look out the open door and face nothing but air due to Louis being invisible.

Finally finding a semi-empty cabin. In the cabin was the youngest boy of the family of redheads and the messy raven haired boy seen earlier. Satisfied with his find, the boy takes a seat while the two boys are in the middle of their introduction, not noticing his entrance.

" I'm Ron, Ron Weasley " ' Ahh, that explains the red hair and freckles. ' " nice to meet you..? " The raven haired boy is brought out of his thoughts and introduces himself. " I'm Harry, Harry potter. "

Hearing the boy's name, Ron's eyes bulge at the realisation of who he is with, " Are you really him?! Do you have the...You know,.." he asks pointing to his forehead. Knowing what he means Harry nods his head and lifts up his bangs to fully show his lightning scar for proof. " Wicked! " Ron exclaims looking at the scar.

Louis on the other hand, lost interest on the topic of conversation after their introduction, thus proceeds to retrieve a book from his suitcase to read for the rest of the way there.

A lady with a trolley came by their cabin selling sweets. Knowing his family was poor and already had a sandwich pre-made, Ron declined the offer and showed his ' freshly ' yet appetizing looking sandwich with sadness.

Harry who noticed his sadness decided to buy one of everything, taking out a bunch of coins from his pockets. " Woah! " Was all the red head said in surprise.

Halfway through their sweets and snacks, Ron decides to show a spell he got from his brothers for his rat to Harry. Halfway through enchanting, a girl with bushy brown hair and bunny like teeth appeared

" Have you seen a toad nearby? Neville's lost it " ' Do I look like I know a boy named Neville? ' Louis remarks in his mind " Oh? Your doing a spell? Let's see then " She says in a matter of fact tone sitting down opposite Ron - with Louis who still has not been noticed - to her right.

The spell failed long story short. ' What kind of spell is that? I'm pretty sure the boys, twins are the cause of it, but it is worth it to see that ridiculous look on his face ' Louis silently States with a subtle snigger.

With the sniggers follows his loss of concentration leading to Louis becoming visible to the eye again.

" Who in the bloody hell are you?! " Ron exclaims as the trio at last notices the boy who has lost his concentration. Hermione, the girl who had introduced herself as, had her mouth agape. While Harry stared bug eyed at him.

' Ah. schist. I'm caught. Though not really if I think about it. I was here for most of the train ride after I gave up hope of looking for Ann and Richie.

In fact, it is sort of their fault I'm lost though if i want to live another day, I should probably keep what i think to myself. ' And while Louis was having a conversation with himself, Annie and Richard appeared seemingly out of nowhere and managed to save the young Princeton.

" There you are! we've been looking all over for you! Really now, you can't just disappear as you like and reappear every time you can't find us! It's rude and frankly, very annoying! " Richard and Annie state at the same time whilst literally pulling Louis away from the cabin.

Silence filled the cabin for a few seconds after they left ".....Well that was something. Anyways, I suggest you two go change into your robes, we're reaching Hogwarts by now. " Hermione says after shaking off her stupor and leaves the cabin.

"....Are we not going to talk about what just happened? " asks Ron toward Harry who shrugs his shoulders in response, " I cant say, although he does look familiar, but i can't place a finger on where I've seen him before. " He responds back to Ron.

" I cannot thank you enough, Ann, Richie. You both saved me from total awkwardness. " Louis speaks his thanks from the bottom of his heart.

" No need for thanks Louie, after all we are family. And it wouldn't be the first that we saved you from a similar situation " Annie indicates " More than once might I add " Richard adds in as well.

Putting a hand over his heart he gasps in exaggeration, " I thought we were family! How could you say such things it will certainly be the last thanks you here from me anytime soon then! " The two laugh at his dramatic display of hurt at the two's words.

" Besides, that is not our only problem, we still have the sorting ceremony of our houses, which I am not too fond of, and I'm pretty sure includes our last name being said, out loud might I add. " Louis states after they both stopped laughing, turning the mood slightly sour.

The two proceed to then stare at him for an uncomfortably long time before speaking, " Well aren't you just a rainbow of sunshine and unicorns, being able to turn the mood a full 180 is a gift you have you know. "

Richard speaks, while Louis smiles like a child receiving money for the new years, " I know. To bad I have yet to master the art of annoying people to perfection. I guess you'll have to be stuck with mood changing little old me until then! " changing his smile into a smirk.

Those words changes Annie's facial expression from one of sourness into one of anger, " So help me Louis Princeton, if you get on my nerves I'll skewer you with my sword multiple times over. "

Sensing and noticing the very fast mood change both boys are quick to fill the air with nervous laughter " I'm sure what Louie said was a joke! After all, you can't really stab him, your father will take away your training rights if you do. "

Knowing that its true Lukas would and will take away her training rights if she harmed someone with ill intentions, she reluctantly mutters an apology for threatening to stab Louis and heads off to change into her robes once Hogwarts was in sight.

Alighting the train along with the first years and other students, " Firs' ears' 'ere! Firs' eres' don' be shy! Ello arry! Ow' Was yer trip? " A giant man with messy hair and beard asked a particular raven haired boy in front, who nods his head in response. " Woah! " the red head next to him exclaims.

" Remind me to stay away from people easy to recognise in public, that and if you need me and can't find me, I'll be in the forest next to the school. " Louis says to his cousins. " You know what Louie? I think i'll join you too. " Richard adds.

" Oh for the love of Merlin and swords! You two are ridiculous! Seriously? Going invisible just to avoid conversations with people and leaving me defenceless is by no means nice alright? " Annie whisper yells her frustration at the two, seeming crazy to others

' Right, forgot Ann's not a male Princeton, she's a female Princeton, the powers we have are different. ' " I have a spell that can make you invisible if you want. " A smile forms on her face at the words ' spells ' and ' make you invisible. '

" What are you waiting for? Do it! i want to be invisible to! " " Okay....Invisibillis tempus " Louis chants with a flick of his wand, turning Annie invisible. " It'll last until you will it to go away, makes life easier for my friends back at home to prank with illegal hunters most of the time.

What? Don't look at me like that, animals need to have their fun too okay? " Which in turn leads to the two cousins shaking their heads' at their mostly hopeless case of a cousin.

Making their way to the school, they had to cross an unnecessary long river surrounding the school, that had creatures lurking in the waters waiting to feast on intruders, from what Louis got from his conversations with them on the boat still invisible.

Entering the school grounds, the giant, who introduced himself as Hagrid the gameskeeper of Hogwarts, parted with the students instructing them to follow the hallway as they went on.

Ascending some flight of stairs, they met a with woman with a pointy hat that covered her tight bun. " Welcome students!

I'm professor McGonagall. Here at Hogwarts, there are rules set in place that we expect you follow, before you go in and sit, you will be sorted into houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

At the end of the year there will be a cup given to the house with the most points. How you are awarded points is simple follow the rules you earn. break the rules and yo- " Trevor!! "

A boy exclaims randomly, running towards a toad at Professor McGonagall's foot near the stairs proceeding to pick it up and run back to his spot.

' Thank you random boy I assume to be Neville for interrupting a Very slow and long winded talk ' Louis silently sends his thanks in his thoughts. The professor resumes her speech " You will wait here while I return from the dining hall to check on things. " And with that,she sets off.

Silent chatter fills the hallway as they await for professor McGonnagal until a certain blond boy speaks up that attracts everyone's attention, " So the rumours are true, Harry Potter has come to attend Hogwarts! "

Sudden chatter fills the hall as only one thing fills Louis' mind ' I wonder if they have any Jelllo? '

Hello there people and wizards!

I have come to notice, that i have a slight problem...my chapter word counts have been growing a tad bit every new chapter or so, on an average. 4 chapters and i'm over 8000 words, yeahhhh not a bad thing, but still quite concerning to me at least.

So I'm giving myself a maximum number of words per chapter 1900-2200/2400 at most 2500.

So yahhhhh do enjoy the upcoming chapters though!

tree_sayscreators' thoughts
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