
The untold story of how he decided to attend hogwarts

The beginning of 1980, the month of August the 2nd on a slightly warm summer's day. Where in a certain house on a particular Street in London, a baby boy is born into the world.

As the baby boy takes in his first breath of life, the child's mother and father look on their newest member of the family with love in their eyes, while the mother cuddles him close for warmth.

" What shall you name him my friends? " The lifelong friend of the two parents asks. " Well, we were discussing on what name should be given to him, considering our families background and history. " The woman said, followed by her husband finishing of the sentence, " And after some discussion we've finally come up with a name, Alfred my dear friend, allow me to introduce to you, Louis Princeton, son of Mr and Mrs Princeton."

Finishing off his son's introduction to the world with a grin on his face that showcased his happiness.

As the days turns into months, the house of Princeton's is as lively since the day Louis Princeton was born. Justin Princeton and Natalia Princeton have had little sleep since the new addition came around.

And though they sometimes question their life decisions on how they ended up with wanting to start a family in their middle to late 20's, they can never get mad at the sight of their currently 2 months old baby boy, with that adorable smile on his face every time he sees them.

The Princeton couple, in some cases are different from some - if not many - couples. For instance, they are wizards who come from a long line of powerful and widely known intelligent wizards, capable of many feats impressive yet terrifying to most. The two went to Hogwarts like many young wizards and witches eager to learn new and interestingly strange things they never saw before.

And like many cases where witches and wizards fall in love with each other, they did too. Only it was a tad bit different from romance stories where they fell in love at first sight, both Princeton's ignored each other at first sight until the end of their first year where Justin accidentally blew up the gryffindor dorm room and flew into Natalia did they truly fall in love.

And one reason why it was like that was simple, All Princeton's in Justin's family especially the males, possess the ability to become invisible due to the aura they obtain at birth, which is not by magic but through the genetics of the family.

Throughout wizarding and Muggle history the Princeton family have always been recognised as a noble, almost royal family for their deeds and discoveries as time went on.

The one and only reason as to why they are not recognised as royals, is due to the fact that they declined the offer stating that it would be to much of a hassle from paper work and the likes, as Princeton's are also known for their laziness, it was not really a surprise to the royals, nobles and commoners to see them turn the offer down.

Back to the Princeton family house, months has passed into a year, and Louis Princeton would be turning a year old in just a few days. For the past year, Louis has shown signs of being a bright young youth more interested in books than toys.

Justin and Natalia weren't as concerned as their closest friends were when they found that Louis preferred books over toys. After all, all Princeton's preferred books over toys since a young age, it was a strange thing to others. In the living room of the house, Justin is playing with Louis on the couch, while Natalia cooks dinner for the family.

Halfway cooking, Justin remembers a recent event that had the wizarding world on their toes, hence, he wanted to get Natalia's opinion on it since she was working for the ministry of magic after all.

" Hey Nat, was there a recent news article on how that dark wizard what's his name or you-know-who went to the Potter's house to attempt to destroy the baby boy and the couple and almost succeeded by killing the couple, but was apparently killed by the boy in the end? "

Humming in response to his question, she answers " Yes you are right, which surprises me seeing as to how you always behave, going on mini adventures, travelling the world and exploring new things whenever possible with our son in hand, uncaring of what new and potentially horrible things are happening out in the world, might I add? But you are right on you-know-who being stopped in his tracks by that baby boy called Harry potter, but you do have to remember that he is a child and a baby who has become an orphan due to the attack. "

Comprehending what Natalia is saying, he nods his head in understanding a short time later with baby Louis in his arms looking at him questionably. Seeing his sons face, Justin can't help but laugh out loud noticing his son trying to make out what was discussed between his parents but was soon forgotten due to his mother's cry of ''Dinner is ready" From the kitchen.

• • •

Eight years have gone by in a flash for the Princeton family and Louis has recently turned nine two days ago. You would be able to spot the young boy if you looked hard enough for him, with his blue to purple hair which all Princeton's have at birth, caramel coloured eyes which came from his mother's side of the family, and his near feminine build inherited from his mother as well.

But you would still be able to notice hints of masculinity on the shoulders, back, neck and legs if one looked closer. The boy's love of books did not stop nor did it waver over the years, it had instead grew stronger.

His other interests also started appearing after some time, he'd go out into the woods by himself with his parents permission, and play with the forests animals that lived there. Art also became a small hobby of his, where he would spend a small amount of time sketching his woodland friends or painting a scenery he found magically breathtaking in it's own way.

The small boys love of knowledge was something that his parents found amusing in a comical way every time he found out something by himself along with the way his eyes lit up like stars as well.

Currently, Louis can be seen sitting on a beanbag with a book in hand enjoying it's contents, while Justin and Natalia are discussing about a certain topic, related to their son and his possible future.

" Do we really have to do That? You know as much as I do that he will love us no matter what, but don't you think sending him to Hogwarts is a bit, how do I say this, awkward..for him?

I mean our son doesn't really like people that much, and we should know that considering the fact that he flat out rejected the idea of going to the park to ' socialize ' with kids his age saying that they are monsters!

He even said that he prefers his animal friends in the forest than kids who don't know how to read a book without pictures in it. Do you Really and I stress this word, Really want to send him to Hogwarts? " Justin questions his wife with concern spelled out loud on his face.

" Yes Justin, I want to send our child to a school to socialize with kids his age and not animals in a forest. And so help me if he refuses to go, I swear on Merlin's beard I'll drag him there if I have to!

He is nine, has the mentality of a teenager, and is also way beyond his years in studies for both muggles and wizards alike. What may I ask, is in your right mind to think that him not socialising with people is going to be Good for him?

The only people he actually communicates with is Alfred, Lyra, Corren, Georgia, Lukas, Kyle's, Randy, Marrian, Richard and Annie who, I might add are our close friend, siblings, step siblings, grandparents and his cousins!"

She ends off her response to her husband with her hands in the waved in the air to make the ending a tad bit more dramatic to get her point across better.

With no valid points to make in this argument with his wife, Justin could only sigh in defeat and reluctantly agree with her. With that couple calls for their son to meet them in the living room area to discuss what he will be doing for the next two years before turning 11.

• • •

" Okay, stop right there, mother, father. " Louis interrupts his parents raising his right hand in the air before continuing, " With all due respect, why must I communicate with children my age in a magical school far away from my parents and safety of my home? I would rather go to a school that is closer than in the middle of nowhere with the company of my parents and woodland friends.

But let's face it, you two know I don't even like going to a school. So may I kindly ask why you are forcing me to leave the comfort of my home and library, and attend a school with - mind my language - snot nosed brats who's egos are as big as their heads? "

The two parents can only hang their head in defeat at what their child said, for it is true that most who go to Hogwarts are snot nosed and ego inflated kids due to their family and how they were raised.

However, Natalia not wanting to give in to her child's stuborness and is determined to send him to Hogwarts one way or another, remembers what her siblings had said in a letter they had recently sent through the owl stating that their own children would be attending Hogwarts as well in the coming two years.

Finding a new bargaining chip to use on her son, a evil almost horror inducing smirk appears on her face " Really? So you really don't want to go to Hogwarts? Even if your two Favourite cousins are attending the same year you are as well? *sigh* Oh well, if you truly insist then I shall inform your cousin's of the sad news that you do not wish to attend Hogwarts under any circumstances. "

Louis stops his dramatic acting and stares at his mother in disbelief, ' If Richie and Ann are attending Hogwarts at the same time as me, it will certainly be a blast if they accompanied me throughout classes as well ' As these thoughts crosses his mind, Justin could only shake his head in response to his son's and wife's arrangement with each other.

For this was after all, the beginning of what Louis would like to call, the start of an adventure.

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