
Brother Jai is in danger

Sky was texting Sam and others to be on stand by and she would reach in eleven hours but it excluded Peter. "Mrs.Harley! your acting is too bad. About Punishment?... I don't think you want to be a saint so soon." She ran away after finishing it.

Arlo informed his people to check on Anne Lawrence before turning off the mobile. He knew well why Sky went back to Thomson. After hearing her say, 'We will be on toes to help you.', he wanted to be prepared if in case Thomson decides to break up. He wasn't the one to poke his nose in other's troubles, if Sky wants to help, he would do his all to help her.

Both drafted out all the mails and checked all the digital files before falling asleep. Sky was optimistic until she reached the capital of Country A and switched on the mobile to call Jai. She again heard it was switched off.

They sent their luggage to Harley mansion and took the helicopter to town A from the airport. Sam and Peter joined them.

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