
What's the use of the world without them?

Respect for David increased immensely in Sky's heart. He didn't marry again even though he was scared to lose her. He never cared about having another child and was willing to live alone.

"Help me!" Sky said after taking a few files in her hands.

Sam took the remaining files, Arlo took the files which she was holding. They left Harley corporation.

Arlo rushed to Sigma as he had many things pending. He spent half of the night in his office before going to the Smith mansion to sleep.

Sky reached the Harley mansion and had dinner with David and clung on to him all the time.

"Lass! go and sleep. Aren't you tired?" David asked looking at his daughter who was following him all evening.

"I am thinking to sleep in your room today." Sky said as she watched the news channel.

"Why? Is there any problem with your room?"

"Nope. Since you never coaxed me to sleep, I thought to grant a wish." Sky said gave a cheeky smile.

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