
Day 24

This day could have been better. It seems those monsters left my belongings alone with me in my cage. I'll start from the beginning.

In the morning, Harry and I tried to make the best of our situation. Stranded on a deserted island with absolutely zero help coming. Our first major attempt at survival. We tried breaking coconuts, making fires, and even spearfishing with a stick. At least we were able to set up a small hut using leaves and sticks. The skies were clear and the temperature was quite warm. Not too hot, but not cold either. No sign of rain, but that can change in an instant. If there is rain or wind, I hope our little hut can handle it.

Harry and I chatted about what we should do and we both agreed that a raft would be the best course of action. We both knew even if we made a raft out of the palm trees, we wouldn't be able to handle the violent storms. But neither of us had any better ideas.

It was around sunset when these things came.

We were about to fall asleep from working on the raft, but Harry and I heard leaves rustling behind the hut. Then, a stick broke. We both ran out of the hut picking up the first large stick I could find. As soon as we got outside, we looked back towards the hut and slowly walked backwards.

Two. Three. Four creatures came out from behind the hut and bushes.

They were like people, but not exactly people. I can't explain it. They wore masks to hide their faces. Purple robes and hood along with slight armor padding on their arms and knees. No armor on their chest or back. But I saw their back had spikes growing out of them. Sharp, purple, bone-like spikes grew out of their backs that tore holes through their robes. The skin that showed on their hands were rotten and had holes filled in with maggots. They each held a spear with their long, disgusting hands. Their nails grew out. Their fingers and toes were webbed as though used for swimming. Their masks veiled their faces, but I know it had to be some monstrosity. These things couldn't possibly exist.

I was afraid for my life, but Harry stead firm. Or so I thought. His legs were shaking. I tried my best, as well, but I started to tear up from fear.

The four creatures slowly moved forward towards us pointing their spears.

They made growling noises, but nothing articulate.

Two of the monsters charged right at us. At that moment, I flinched. One monster stopped directly in front of me and hit me with the blunt end of their spear. I can only imagine that the same happened to Harry.

I woke up in this cage. As I write this, there are those monsters right outside. Harry is with me in the cage, but he's still knocked out. If this is how I die, killed by some savage monsters, then I have so many regrets. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so-

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