
The dark ones return.

Saturday Deja slept in till lunch then left in the afternoon Deja left for the mountains to clear her head. She had to walk through the forest to get to the mountains. As she approached the edge of the forest she saw a little girl run in the forest. She felt her stomach drop, she wouldn't last a minute in that forest.

"HEY STOP YOU CAN'T GO IN THERE!" The little girl kept running. Deja ran after her. "How is she this fast?" Deja couldn't catch up to her she always seemed so far ahead of her. "STOP!" Deja yelled. The trees seemed like they were getting thicker but she kept chasing the little girl then a small opening in the trees the little girl disappeared. Deja stopped she looked all around her she heard the little girls' laughter but couldn't tell where it was coming from. Then she realized she was lost somewhere deep in the forest. "What the heck are you?"

She looked all around her the laughing stopped. The little girl emerged from the bushes she looked like Deja when she was little.

Deja gasped. Her eyes were completely black she had a big grin on her face. Deja stepped back.

"Why are you afraid of me." The girl's voice started to change it started getting lower and lower. " I just want to play." Deja felt fear but why she was never afraid before. Deja turned around and ran into the forest she didn't know where she was going then the voice of the little girl rang in the forest behind her.

"You can't run from me." Deja glanced behind her, three dragons were chacing her but they were not normal they looked dark as night and glowing red eyes. "Only one creature had those features.....Die Dunklen.

(The dark ones)

Deja could see an opening in the trees ahead she had to get to the light. She tripped and fell into the snow they were on her before she could stand up. one bit her on the back of the neck. Her eyes started to glow she throw it off her and ran into the clearing. She slipped on some ice she looked back the Dunkle stopped at the edge of the forest they growled at her and turned around they disappeared into the darkness.

Deja was relieved but she was in pain. She felt something in her neck she pulled it out it was a black tooth. She shivered. (Die Dunklen are dragons consumed by darkness but are supposed to be extinct killed off by the first Queen, Dragons can get infected by them only if they get consumed by the darkness that's released by them.)

Deja grinned and laughed.

"I fell for that dumb trick, I'm pitiful but how did it look like me?" Deja stood up. "Well this isn't the trip I had in mind but if they still exist then I need to tell the others." Deja realized she was standing in snow. "I'm at the mountain?" Deja looked around her there wasn't a sound.

After a while Deja found some tracks in the snow it was boot prints, she followed them up the mountain. She was walking for a while before she saw someone ahead of her she stopped the person was standing in front of a cave entrance she was downwind.


Soren decided to go visit his father who lived on the mountain beyond the forest. (The same mountain that Deja was going to.) While he was walking through the forest it was abnormally quiet he did hear someone running through the forest but didn't pay attention to it.

Soren stood in front of a Huge snow-covered cave, he hesitated before entering. A dim blue light glowed from within he stopped halfway in the cave, a pure white dragon emerged from the darkness.

"Why are you here Soren?" The dragon towered over Soren. "I need your help....you see theirs this girl....and well.....I think she likes someone but I don't know how to get her to like me....can ya help me?" The dragon mentally slapped himself. "So you're telling me.... you came up here....into the mountains....for dating advise?" Soren nodded. The dragon shook his head "And I call you my son."

"I didn't come just for that I came to visit you." The dragon transformed back to human form. The old man looked to be in his 50s he had silver-white hair and green eyes.

"Let's take a walk I have something to discuss with you." They left the cave and followed a path hewn in the stone leading up the mountain. Soren heard something behind him he turned around but there wasn't anything just trees.

"You're sure jumpy there isn't anyone on this mountain except us I would have smelled them." Soren turned back around and followed his dad.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Die Dunklen have returned." Soren looked worried.

"But there extinct aren't they?"

"Well, there not and there's three in the forest and they've already killed 10 as far as I know but it could be more they kill anyone or anything I've watched them lure humans into the forest by looking like a little girl." Soren's dad looked troubled.

"Did you tell the Royals or the counsel?"

"No, not yet, will you go with me?" They were at the outcropping.

"Yeah, I'll go with you."

"Well, let's leave now the earlier we tell them the better." Soren's dad transformed.


Deja watched the man walk into the cave, she walked closer and saw in the cave a dragon but couldn't hear what they were saying she hid behind a tree when they walked out of the cave. Deja peeked from behind the tree and saw it was Soren. "What is he doing here and with a dragondrein? could he be?" She stepped on a branch, she heard them stop and thought she had been found out but they walked away. She looked from behind the tree they were walking up the path. She followed them. They walked up to a flat outcropping of rock. The old man walked on it and transformed. He flew away in the direction of royals mountains. Soren stepped on the stone and transformed just as he did the direction of the wind changed and he smelled someone, his head whirled around and he looked Deja in the eyes, they stared at each other for a second (both looked surprised) before Deja booked it out of there as fast as she could. She ran down the path Soren chased after her. "This is bad, this is bad, I have to explain."

"Deja stop." Deja stopped and looked at him. She was right beside the forest where the cave was. it was already beginning to be night.

Right before Soren could say a word a claw grabbed Deja's arm she was pulled into the night....

To be continued....

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