
2! 3!

Instead of going to eat, all of them returned to their practice hall. They didn't have any mood to eat after meeting Steve. All of them sit together, but none of them speaking. Lost in their thoughts. Thinking what Steve is up to. They got the feeling something bad will happen in the future. Whatever it is, they need to start preparing for the worst situation. This is their 7 years. It's important and meaningful to all of them. They didn't want to ruin this comeback. This time they really need to unite and support each other. They cannot be like before, often had fought within the group and didn't trust each other. This is not a competition like in Run! BTS that they can betray each other for fun. This is a serious issue. There shouldn't be any secret between them.

Now, just looking at how Steve came here out of blue, Steve really seemed like going to fight with them head to head. It's obvious both sides already knew everything going on in BTS. Nothing to hide and pretend anymore.

Jimin observed everyone. They looked very depressed. Looking at them affecting his mood. Jimin tired with all this ugly situation. He tired of being mad. He hates being in a bad environment for so long. He really feels like want to stop everything and go back hotel. Or much better, go back to Seoul or Busan. The stress level here is irritating. Back then someone threatened to kill him. Now, not only Seokjin hyung issue, but other members also facing with scandals and controversies. He stressed. Why can't everyone just live peacefully? But...this is the reality of being an idol. Thank God he is not a solo artist, but a group. They can fight this together and not feeling alone. But still...fighting this kind of things really drained a lot of their energy. He wondered how many energy left if they combine every member remained energy. This is really exhausting. With just one strong sighed from Jimin, all their minds back to reality.

Taehyung asked Jimin in his deep voice, "Are you okay?".

Jimin raised his shoulder, he didn't know he's okay or not. But he sure everyone in the room feels the same. He looked at Seokjin who spacing out. Seokjin may be looked stronger and sharp, but deep down he tired of this never-ending drama. He wanted to get rid of this as soon as possible. They need to help Seokjin in settling this problem. Because although this was started from Seokjin, it's now related to them. Trying to bring down not only Seokjin but the whole group.

Jimin asked Seokjin who played with his tumbler, "Hyung, let's not thinking too much about this. Let us wait for the news from the manager". Jimin tried to comfort Seokjin.

"Correct, hyung. Let's stay positive as you always be. Who knows the manager finally found a long-awaited solution to this problem. Maybe they make a deal or something. Let's not get this affecting our work here", Yoongi tried to look this issue in a bigger picture.

Seokjin relieved a deep sighed, "I know I got carried away just now with Steve and all this issue. I don't want to get all sensitive like this too. But I still don't understand why he did this to me. That Steve partner too, Hyunjae or Jaejae, who the hell is he? It was me he targeted at first, but why now all of BTS members? Why? I just want to know why. I don't get it why he hated us so much, especially me. I just want to know the reason". Seokjin expressed his thoughts on this issue.

Jungkook didn't know what to say in this problem. Even a cheerful person like Hoseok hyung became so quiet because he got pissed off. He looked at Namjoon hyung hoping that Namjoon hyung can say something as a leader to get rid the dark clouds filling this room.

Namjoon made eye contact with Jungkook. Without even speaking, he can understand what Jungkook was expecting from him. He stood and asked, "Guys, I know we have a huge performance to do. But I don't think any of us can practice in this environment. If you guys agree, let's cancel this practice today. You guys can take your own time to heal yourself and get some rest. We will meet again tomorrow morning or maybe tonight if I got any update from the manager. So, anyone disagrees to cancel the practice today?"

None of them gave any replies. Namjoon assumed everyone agreed to cancel the practice. Namjoon immediately texted the manager to inform and let a few Big Hit staff and dancers who waited outside know that they cannot practice for the remaining half day due to several internal issues. They understood and left although they were curious and roaming around asking what was going on since the air was so tense among the members.

Hoseok was the first member who walked out of the room without talking to anyone. He was too quiet and wanted to be alone. Yoongi followed behind Hoseok to watch him because he worried about Hoseok being all quiet. Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung patted Seokjin shoulder who now a bit calm and leave together. Jimin and Seokjin were the last ones left the room. Jimin wanted to accompany Seokjin and comfort him.

Hoseok and Yoongi went back to their hotel room. The shared the same van heading to the hotel. They were quiet on their way to the hotel. Hoseok put his earbud on, which a clear sign that he didn't want anyone to disturb him. Yoongi can tell by reading Hoseok's body language that he wanted to be alone. So, he gave some space to him to deal with his emotion. After they reached their hotel, he quickly pressed the elevator button. Yoongi just followed him quietly. Pretending he didn't exist. Yoongi also can't wait to greet his bed because he wanted to leave this harsh reality so bad and stay quietly in his dreamland.

Right before he parted with Hoseok, he talked to Hoseok for the first time since they left the practice hall, "Hoseok-a, if you want to eat, let me know. If you want to drink also, let me know".

Hoseok didn't want to be rude by not replying to Yoongi. He can feel Yoongi cares for him. Without making any eye-contact with Yoongi, Hoseok just nodded slowly and entered his room.

Yoongi glimpsed at him and smiled seeing him nodded but refused to make eye-contact with him when he mad. He knew Yoongi can read people through eyes. What a cute dongsaeng.

Jungkook, Taehyung and Namjoon all went to a private restaurant to eat. It is so unfortunate that all 7 of them can't eat together today. As they eat together, they avoid talking about the incident, but rather lift up the mood so that they can affect the other members to back to their usual self. Although just 3 of them eat, they are planning to take out some foods for the other members. They cannot let them with empty stomach right before a performance.

Seokjin went straight to the toilet to wash his face and exchange his clothes. Jimin followed him and did the same. He can see Seokjin emotion was unstable. He looked fine 1 minute, another minute lost in his thought.

Seokjin initially wanted to go back hotel straight away, along with Hoseok and Yoongi. But he's uncomfortable in his sweaty clothes and wanted to wash away his stress by cleansed his face. Right before they leave, Jimin suddenly told Seokjin that he wanted to dry his hair. Seokjin sighed. Jimin is always like this. Late, late, late. So both of them returned to the practice hall to find their dancers just in case if they still didn't go back and could borrow him hairdryer since many of them usually took a shower first before going back.

As they arrived, the hall room was dark and empty. All of them already went back. Probably too happy the training was cancelled and hangout or eat together before went back. Jimin noticed the air-conditioner was not off. He told Seokjin to wait for him. He entered to find the switch to turn it off. The hall was big, so Jimin running quickly to search it and leave Seokjin.

Seokjin walked in, sat at the floor and laid his back at the wall while waiting for Jimin. His eyes stared at the empty space. He spacing out again while waiting for Jimin. The hall room that earlier was so bright and beating their songs out loud through the speaker, is now dark and empty. The dark empty quiet space made his heavy head shifted his heart condition. He can sense the loneliness of this empty hall without anyone fill it. The loneliness hit Seokjin right away. Without he realised, the darkness touched his emotion and embracing his soul. The emptiness pulled the sensitivity in Seokjin's heart into the darkness. Seokjin lost as he let the emotion dragged his mind into the dark place. Seokjin let his heart hugged the gloomy sight and let it take away his tears.

Jimin circling around to find the switch or remote control in the dark to turn the air-conditioner off. He thought it was a quick one. He mumbling alone while searching it. His messy steps stopped as he heard someone whimpering in a very slow voice, afraid other people will hear the cry. Jimin turned around and saw Seokjin shedding his tears in the dark alone. Jimin was taken aback. Although he already saw Seokjin cried so many times before, this is the first time he saw Seokjin crying alone in the dark.

Jimin walked slowly and carefully towards Seokjin. He looked at Seokjin closely. Seokjin's face got very red and filled with tears. It was the rarest sight of Seokjin he ever has seen. Every time Seokjin cried, he always looked like trying to control his emotion. But now, Seokjin looked very hurt. Like all hidden pain and wounds in his heart scrambled to go out from his heart all at once. The tear was slow at first, but as he locked his eyes with Jimin who looking at him worrying, he cannot hold his tears anymore. All the tears came out without stopping. He burst into tears as his emotion overpowered him. Jimin hugged Seokjin tightly. He brushed his hand upon Seokjin's hair and pushed Seokjin's head into his shoulder.

Seeing Seokjin crying this hard make Jimin started shedding tears as well. It must be really hard beyond their imagination for Seokjin to bear until he tears up like this. Seokjin may be looked really strong and unbeatable while facing Steve, but deep down this is the real feeling he felt. Maybe they didn't know that this had turned into trauma and anxiety to Seokjin. The anger, the frustration, the sadness, the guilty and all unpleasant emotions that Seokjin's felt never really cured before. It just became a forgotten event as they got busy with their packed schedule. They never once really paid attention to cure Seokjin's fears. So many bad days he went through together without knowing Seokjin carrying these huge wounds and emotions deep down in his heart for so long.

Jimin felt sorry to Seokjin. He held Seokjin in his arm tighter as he finally understands Seokjin's feelings even without Seokjin say anything. Jimin slowly whispered to Seokjin, "Let it all go, hyung. Make peace with your heart now. It's okay. Let's erase all sad memories now".

Jimin paused and wiped his own tears without breaking the hug. He didn't want to release Seokjin from his arm. This hyung really went through a lot in his career. Jimin wants Seokjin to free himself from bearing all of this alone. Jimin cried as he remembered all Seokjin's sacrifices and contribution to this group. Seokjin deserved happiness. Jimin continued by singing their 2! 3! song to comfort Seokjin,

"It's okay come on when I say one two three forget it,

Erase all sad memories,

Hold my hand and smile,

It's okay come on when I say one two three forget it,

Erase all sad memories,

Smile holding onto each other's hands

Hoping for more good days

If you believe what I say then one, two, three

If you believe then one, two, three".

The moment Seokjin heard Jimin's angelic voice singing in his tears, it made Seokjin cried uncontrollably. The song fits perfectly to his emotion right now. Jimin healing his heart with their own song. Only they knew what it feels when they singing this song.

Seokjin buried his face on Jimin's shoulder. He grabbed Jimin's shoulder as he vents his frustration through tears. For some reason, that small shoulder of Jimin felt like a safe place for him to open up his insecurity. Seokjin and Jimin cried together in the darkness.

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