

When their essences entered each other they felt the feeling they were looking for. It felt as if they were being drawn to one another. As if their essence lightning returned home. It was this same feeling that made them so sure they were the right fit.

As the feeling grew so did their power. Lexi had never felt so much power flowing inside of her. Despite this, she kept concentrating while looking Kai in the eyes. She felt no fear. Her eyes were calm as a still lake. Her blue eyes flashed with lightning.

Kai felt the surge of power flowing in his body, it was magnificent. He looked Lexi firmly in her eyes and concentrated on the growing power. His green eyes sparkled as the lightning swam around his body. He was as calm as a summer's breeze.

Both of them were in their own world. Everything else faded away as the power continued to grow inside them. As their powers grew it created a field charged with electromagnetic energy with a radius of 10cm. Everything inside was being magnetised. Both Lexi and Kai's hair started flowing upwards. Their clothes also started fluttering.

Kai and Lexi perceived these changes much more than the bystanders as to them everything had slowed down. They were in a state of lightning hyperdrive. They could see each other's hair fluttering up and down in slow motion. It was as if they were underwater.

Seeing that they were still in control they steadily increased the power. As they did minuscule sparks of lightning flashed within the 10 cm radius circle. The lightning was only 1-2 cm in length but made loud noises as the thunder crackled and boomed through the air.

All the bystanders were in awe as they watched Lexi and Kai holding hands. The laws of physics were bending as they were holding hands. It was a beautiful sight to see. It was as if as long as they were together nothing could stop them. It was as if lightning itself was proclaiming it's new King and Queen.

Both Kai's and Lexi's eyes flashed once more and then a loud boom was heard. When this happened they stopped what they were doing. Any further and they could possibly endanger the passers present. As the power died down, Lexi and Kai's hair stopped flowing upwards and their clothes stopped fluttering. After stopping a residual electromagnetic force was present but it wasn't strong enough to affect anything.

Kai let go of her hand, "I knew I made the right choice."

"How sure are you now?" Lexi said raising one eyebrow.

With no doubt in his mind, he said, "100%."

Lexi smiled, "Good... And if you were wondering, I'm still 100%."

Kai grinned, "So I assume we are going to the private airstrip?"

"Yes, I just need to send my dad our marriage ID number so that he can add you to the family roster."

So Lexi tapped her Genome watch and found the papers her and Kai had just signed. Those papers were not ordinary pieces of paper. They were called online papers. Whatever is written on the paper is uploaded online too. So you have a hard copy and a soft copy. She saw the marriage number and then sent it to her father.

Then she said, "My dad is adding you now."

Kai nodded his head and then everyone left home affairs and went to the private airstrip. Kai, Carmen, Lexi and Quinton drove in Kai's car and Kai's parents in theirs.

Once they got there Kai unloaded all his cargo into the private plan. Then he walked to Quinton and Carmen who were standing away from his parents, "Well it looks like this bird is the first to leave the coop... I'm going to miss you both. But just remember this isn't a goodbye more of a see you later. I still owe you guys burger and fries." He said laughing.

"Again you diffused an emotional moment with humour." Carmen said laughing, "You are an incorrigible character you know that. That's one of the things I've liked about you. You always the same so I know when we meet again you will be." She said and then gave Kai a hug.

After Kai and Carmen hugged Quinton said, "18 and cuffed for life. I wanted to tease you for it but after seeing the chemistry I decided against it. You two have enough chemistry to power a whole damn city. Don't let it go to waste," He said and then punched Kai on the arm." Gonna miss you, man. Who can I talk to about the wonders of toast now...? Carmen always gets mad when I do... Just putting it out there, if anything goes wrong. You will always have a home here." He said giving a pursed-lip smile.

"Thanks, bro, I appreciate it. And on the Lexi thing... At first, I didn't want anything to do with romance because I was afraid that if we broke up that could be the end of our partnership. I thought, 'Just because we are good partners doesn't mean we will be good partners...' However, after what happened today, I feel I at least need to try... I'm still not going to go full force. I'm going to let fate take its course. If it happens it happens but I'm also not going to let opportunities go to waste. I'll keep you in the loop though."

Then they bro-hugged followed by their secret handshake.

After saying goodbye to his friends Kai said goodbye to his parents. He looked at both of his parents, "It's time for the boy to become a man. Thank you for raising me the way you did. I appreciate all the time and effort you have placed in me. It's because of that that you guys shouldn't worry. I've been raised right so I will raise right." He said and then they hugged each other.

After that Kai and Lexi walked up to the stairs of the aeroplane. As they did they waved to the people waving down below until they were in the plane. Once they were in the plane the stairs moved away and the door shut, airtight.

Kai looked through the mini window. He saw the people down below and waved one last time. That's when the plane started moving and they got further and further away until they ascended into the sky.

Kai and Lexi were flying in a private plane. At most, it could hold 15 people. On the other side there was a bedroom with a king-sized bed should someone need to sleep. There was a bathroom inside the room and one out of it. After the room was the communal space. There was brown leather seats lined up against the walls. It also had a fully stocked bar with a bartender.

After glancing with his eye Kai returned the focus to Lexi who was sitting on the opposite side of him, "So what can you tell me... What am I walking into? Is it family members who disagree with us partnering up? Or maybe a jealous ex that won't leave you alone. I don't know, anything."

Lexi thought for a while, "Well, I had an ex who has a girlfriend but still has a tendency to make his feelings known. So you could possibly face resistance there. Uhm... My family don't dislike you but neither do they like you. So it's up to us to convince them." She said smiling.

Kai released a sigh of relief, he was sure she would have a lot more skeletons in the closest. Like a list of exes who wouldn't back down but according to her it was just one. Kai wasn't bothered with one. That was a controllable matter.

Then Lexi asked him, "What about you?"

"Me, Nah. Besides most of my exes weren't surpassers and if they were they definitely not lightning wielders so it's smooth sailing on my side." He said with a smile.

Lexi nodded her and then they spoke some more until they reached the private airstrip in Ginmon. Once they were there they were picked up by one of her families chauffers. The chauffeur drove them to the Montreal Estate. The Montreal Estate was a huge mansion with vast fields of green grass. There were fountains pouring water in resplendent ways as well as beautiful flowers of all colours everywhere. Even though it was dark outside because it was 9 pm, the night lights brought the place to life in a way only possible at night. The three moons shone in all its brilliance illuminating the place even further giving this place a silvery glimmer.

"Shes' beautiful isn't she," Lexi said as a few strands of her were dyed silver by the moon.

Kai looked at Lexi, "She is." Then he walked forward towards the mansion.

Lexi soon followed and they entered the mansion together. One of the chauffeurs were going to take Kai's luggage to his room.

Once they were inside the view changed, from a silvery scene to one of gold. The walls were white but had golden patterns carved on them. The chandeliers above gave off a golden light too. It was beautiful. There were large paintings on the walls and pillars of gold as well as maroon carpets of the finest material.

Kai continued to be amazed as he walked down the passageways. Lexi was leading him somewhere. They continued to walk until they reached a 2.5-meter brown door. Lexi knocked on the door and then from the depths of the room a deep voice was heard, "Come in."

So Lexi opened the door and then walked inside. Kai followed her shortly. Once they were inside Lexi looked towards her father, "I have arrived safely and Kai is here too."

Jacques Montreal looked up from his desk that was buried in papers and saw his daughter. Half his mouth curled up as he revealed a faint smile, "Good news," Then he looked to her right and saw Kai, "So you are here now... We begin training in two days. First, you need to get yourself settled in." Then he looked at them both, "Now go, I have a lot of work to do."

They nodded their heads and then left his office. After leaving, Lexi led Kai to his room. Once they got there she said, "This right here is your room. Only for tonight but your room. If you need anything my room is right next to yours. So just knock and I'll come right out." Then she opened her door.

However, before she could go in Kai quickly asked, "Room for the night?"

Still holding the door handle in her hand she looked to the right towards Kai, "Yes, we are not going to be living here. As a married couple, we will be living by ourselves in the city. My dad owns a series of flats designed for surpassers. We will be living in one of them." Then she walked in her room but before she closed the door she said, "Good night."

"Good night."

Kai walked into his room and then layed in bed, 'So it's finally happening... My life is finally beginning.' He thought and then closed his eyes and went to bed.

In the room next to Kai's, Lexi was lying in her bed, 'I knew I was right...' Then she fell asleep.

The next morning she woke up at 8 am. She washed her face brushed her hair, put on some light make-up and then knocked on Kai's door, "Kai wake up it's time for breakfast."

However, even after two minutes, there was no response. So she knocked on the door again. As she was about to knock again the door opened.

Once the door was opened Lexi could see Kai. He had a white towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hand which he was using to dry off his exposed top half.

At first, Lexi was startled because she didn't expect Kai to open the door. Then when she saw how he was half naked she gulped. She saw his defined muscular physique. His deep and chiseled 6 pack. And even though he wore a towel around the waist it couldn't hide his v-line.

Lexi gulped one more time and then put her hands on his shoulders, turned him around and pushed him into his room, "Get dressed! You can't eat breakfast looking like that." Once he was in his room she heaved a sigh of relief.

Kai was confused as to why she was so grumpy in the morning. He didn't see anything wrong with showing his body. It was just his top half and they were going to be living together so it was bound to happen sooner or later. So he shrugged it off and then changed into his normal clothes.

Lexi was still in her nightclothes, she would change after they had breakfast. After a while, Kai's door opened and he was now fully clothed. Lexi then led him to the dining hall. Once they got there-there were already people seated. It was Lexi's father and guests that stayed over the night.

They both found empty seats. Lexi sat next to her father and Kai next to her. Once they were seated a maid of the Montreal family asked Kai and Lexi what they wanted for breakfast. They both asked for an omelette. Kai left the fillings up to them per Lexi's advisement.

As they were waiting for the food Kai noticed that all the guests were staring at him. He revealed a slight frown and then one of them spoke. It was a female, she looked to be about 24-26 years of age. She said in a sweet tone, "So miss indecisive whose the boy?"

Kai creased his eyebrows, 'Who is this miss indecisive?'

To his surprise, Lexi replied, "This is Kai, my partner and my husband."

The girl jeered, "Oh my... Lexi finally has a partner."Then she looked at Kai, "You better hope she doesn't dump you like she did Alex." Then she returned to her conversation with her friend next to her.

At this stage of the conversation, Kai put two and two together. He understood that Lexi was miss indecisive. She had told him she had rejected many before him and in the plane, she told him about Alex Seemore so he wasn't in the dark.

Lexi shrugged it off like her words meant nothing to her. Then she looked at Kai and smiled.

At this time the food came in and everyone began eating. After breakfast, the guests left and Lexi and Kai went to their rooms to finish up.

Once they were done each one of them held all their luggage in their hands. They were about to move into their new house together. They loaded all their cargo into the boot of the car then they climbed in and drove off. Along the way, Lexi and Kai didn't speak. Kai was to busy looking at the city. It was far bigger than Agritura. The technology was far better too. In this city, they even had flying cars and paths as well as traffic lights for these flying cars. It was as if he was stepping into a new age. He knew Strera was more advanced than Drauton but knowing and seeing are two different things.

Eventually, they got to their building. It was a 20 story building with houses on each floor. Each house had a balcony where the front door was. Their apartment was on the 20th floor. They took the elevator up with all of their luggage. Once they were at the top, Lexi walked towards there door and then opened it up with a retina scan. She told Kai she would configure it so he could open the door too without Lexi being present.

Once the door was opened they walked inside. The apartment was in the shape of an L. Walking in there was a kitchen on your left. The kitchen had a double door fridge lots of cupboards and a stove etc. To the right was the tv room. It was not separated by a wall. The tv room had a 60 inch 4D tv as well as a 3 seater couch. Just a bit down was a communal place with a fireplace. It also had a few pictures of Lexi when she was younger.

To the left of the communal place was a passageway that led to two bedrooms and a bathroom. The first room was Kai's and right next to his was Lexi's. Further down the passageway was the only shower and bath in the house. In their rooms were toilets and a basin but that was all.

After showing Kai the place they would call home, Lexi took her luggage and placed it in her room. She began unpacking all her stuff and put them where they belonged.

Kai went into his room and did the same thing. After they were done, Kai walked out his room and then towards the door. He walked past Lexi who was sitting on the couch watching tv. He was going out to go find a job. He would have to travel by public transport because his car was still in Drauton. His parents gave him 2000 guros for food and transport and were sending his car to him via plane. This was the last thing they would do for him. This was his wedding gift.

Before Kai could leave, Lexi asked him where he was going. He explained to her what he was going to do and so she got up and then walked with him outside. Then she told him to scan his eye on the retina scanner. Once he did she added him to the sign in list. Once that was done she went inside again after wishing him good luck.

Kai took a deep breath and then went down the elevator and into the bus and into the city.

When the bus stopped in the city, Kai climbed off. Then he walked around the city. His Genome watch was leading him to a company that had a job vacancy. There were other job vacancies but this one paid the most.

When he got to Retsam, he saw the line was extremely long. Many other people were applying for this job as well which wasn't surprising given that the job paid the most. It paid the most because this job wasn't without its danger. The job entailed physical labour such as mining and carrying metals. The deeper you went the more you got paid but also the more pressure on your body. There was also the risk of the ceiling collapsing on you as well as harmful gases.

However, as a surpasser, these dangers meant nothing for Kai so he would get paid danger pay for something that doesn't endanger him. Seemed like a win to him. Kai stood in the line and then signed himself in. He ticked the box that said surpasser on the tab-like device. He then also forwarded his proof that he was a surpasser. Once that was done he stood in the long line.

He looked at the line and surmised he would be standing for the next three hours before he could go in. However, to his surprise, an employee wearing a suit came to him personally and called him from the back of the line and into the office. When the others saw this they were furious and rightfully so. They had waited for hours but Kai just arrived and was invited in...

Kai walked inside the office and then sat down. As he sat down a woman who sat behind the office looked at him, "Why do you want to work here?"

"Because I need the money and your company offers the most." He said honestly.

"You are aware of the risks?"

"I am aware."

Then she handed him a piece of paper, "Then please sign here and here."

So Kai read over everything then signed the papers.

The lady grinned and then extended a hand, "Welcome to Retsam. If you would like to you can begin right away. Or you can start tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock?"

Kai shook her hand and said, "I can start now."

The lady smiled and then called her assistant, "Please take this young man to the mining grounds. Get him engaged with team leader S."

"Yes, ma'am."

So Kai and the assistant left the office and then walked past all the glaring people who were waiting in line. They kept walking until they reach an elevator. They took this elevator down and they kept going down for what felt like forever. Then they stopped at floor S. The floors below S were S-, S+, SS, SS-, SS+ and so forth. The assistant told Kai he should walk straight and then he would find the team leader. She could not help him find her because her body could not withstand the atmospheric pressure. This elevator was alleviating the pressure but as soon as she walked outside she would be crushed.

Kai understood and so he walked outside. Immediately he felt the pressure she was talking about. It wasn'tt a lot of pressure for him but it couldn't be ignored either. Once he walked out, he saw he was in a cave-like structure. There were lights above that lit the place up. He continued to walk until he found a cafeteria where cooks were cooking food. There were seats and people were eating. They were all wearing mining uniforms so they all noticed Kai because he wasn't wearing anything.

That's when the team leader stood up and walked towards Kai. She had received a message from the manager that there would be a new recruit. The team leader walked towards Kai and said, "Welcome, you must be Kai. Right now we are having a quick break then I'll show you the ropes. So long go to the room on the right and get changed. Your measurements were given to us prior so it should fit perfectly."

Kai did just that, he went to the room and changed. Once he was done, they were done and then she led him into the mine. The team leader showed him what he should do and what he shouldn't. Once he got the hang of it she left him alone and Kai began to mine away. Kai mined from 11 am all the way to 6 pm. Mining was easy yet tough in it's own way. It also helped him with training. As he would try and coat the pickaxe with lightning aura every time he would swing at the rocks.

This job was great because Kai could choose his own hours. As long as he worked 30 hours a week he could leave whenever he wanted to. Anything over 30 hours was seen as overtime. He also got bonuses if he found large amounts of precious minerals or gems.

After work Kai took a shower in the shower room this was on floor A. After showering he put on his clothes went to the convenience store to buy food and then went home. He scanned his eye and then the door opened. When he walked in he saw Lexi still seated on the couch watching tv.

She turned around when she heard Kai come in but then returned focus to the tv while eating her takeout.

Kai walked into the kitchen and put his stuff in the fridge and cupboards. Then he took out the pots and pans and began cooking food. Once he took the meat out of their holders he put the wrappings in the dustbin. To his surprise, the dustbin had a lot of junk in. Filled with papers from different fast food restaurants, clearly Lexi had been eating.

After he disposed of his junk he began cooking his meal. Once he was done he sat on the same couch as Lexi and watched tv. They were sitting one seat away from each other. So there was an empty space in the middle of them. Kai watched what she was watching while eating his food. This was The Royals.

After he was finished eating he was about to stand up so he could wash his dishes but Lexi said, "One day that will be us."

Kai sat down again and looked at the tv, "Definitely, I wonder how it feels to watch yourself on reality tv."

"I know hey, I've wondered that myself." She said excitedly. Then she looked at Kai's hands, "I take it you got the job?"

Kai nodded his head as both sides of his mouth curled up slightly.

Lexi smiled in return, "See I told you-you would get it. Those type of companies loves surpassers because they can venture deeper below than passers can. I would know my dad owns a similar company." Then she paused for a while, "So do you wanna do it again?"

Confused Kai asked, "Do what?"

"That thing we did at home affairs."

A light finally went on in Kai's mind. Then he thought about all the lights in this house.

"Don't worry this place was made for lightning wielding surpassers so it's insulated properly."

Kai nodded his head, "Then I don't see why not." He extended his hand towards hers.

Lexi did the same and until they were holding hands. Once they did they began cycling their essence into their natural lightning and then cycled it into one another. When they did an electromagnetic field was created again. Their hair began fluttering. They continued to cycle their essence lightning into one another. As they did the world got slower and slower. Until they reached the max. The world was as slow as it could get as well as the amount of power they could muster reached a summit. The power was just about more than two times the power they could form alone.

With their hands still together Lexi said, "Let me try something."

She then closed her eyes for a while. Even though her eyes were closed you could see her extreme focus.

While she was focusing Kai could feel the shift in the lightning. Then she opened her eyes and as she did a small stream of lightning left her hand. It was about 5cm in length and looked like a snake. It swam through the air and then dissipated.

Lexi let go of Kai's hand and exclaimed in joy as she bounced up and down on the coach, "Finally I've been trying to do that since forever." Then she looked at Kai, "Somehow I knew I could do it with you."

Once there experiment was done Kai stood up and took his dishes to the dishwasher. Then he said goodnight to Lexi and went into his room and went to sleep.

Lexi continued to watch tv. She surfed between the channels. From the news, to reality tv as well as series and movie channels. That's when she got a message from her father telling her to watch Surpasser News 5. Lexi changed to Surpasser News 5. When she did she saw them talking about her and Kai. The title was, "Miss Indecisive Finally Chose."

The reporters discussed what they knew about such as his results. His PI etc. They complemented and critiqued whether Lexi made the right choice. Yet, no one could say she made the right choice and no one could say she didn't.

After they were done evaluating her decision the news switched to the how the teams who were battling the Zolma in no man's land were doing. When that happened Lexi switched the tv off and then opened her bedroom door. Climbed in bed and went to sleep.

It's been a while, I know. I deeply apologize for the wait. However, I am back this time. Thank you for reading.

Lazarethcreators' thoughts
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